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180 Nutrition -The Health Sessions.

by 180 Nutrition

180 Nutrition presents The Health Sessions. Each week we talk about everything health with real people with real results in a fun laid back manner.

Copyright: 2018 180 Nutrition Pty Ltd


Max Casa - The Benefits of Floating

55m · Published 10 Oct 00:05

This week, I'm excited to welcome Max Casa to the podcast. Max is the founder of Max Vitality, a company centered around the practice of sensory deprivation or float therapy. Floating is designed to optimize recovery after exercise and can be beneficial for anyone interested in bringing their physical, mental, and spiritual health to the next level. In this episode, we discussed the principles behind floating, what to expect from your first session, and also the importance of minerals.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • What is sensory deprivation and how can it be of benefit to our health?
  • What should we expect from our first float session?
  • How important is the solution (magnesium) when floating?



Okay, back to the show. This week I'm excited to welcome Maxto the podcast. Max is the founder of Max Vitality, a company centered around the practice of sensory deprivation or float therapy. Floating is designed to optimize recovery after exercise and can be beneficial for anyone interested in bringing their physical, mental, and spiritual health to the next level. In this episode, we discussed the principles behind floating, what to expect from your first session, and also the importance of minerals during the experience, over to Max. Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Max Casa, to the podcast. Max, how are you mate?



Doing well, brother. Pleasure to be here.



Fantastic. No, look, thanks for your time. Much appreciate it, I know you're probably, a busy guy. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



Sure. Yeah. So I'm a lifelong martial artist. I guess, a good place to start. My parents actually got me involved in the martial arts when I was just four years old, which was the biggest blessing for me. They're originally getting me involved in martial arts with the hope to help the neuromuscular disease, I was born with called Charcot-Marie-Tooth or CMT, for short. And they're trying different therapies and stumbled upon the martial arts, pretty early on. And thankfully, it was the martial arts and thankfully I stuck with it because it's become a huge part of my life, man, these past 20 plus years now. Yeah. And just as I got older and started teaching and competing in the martial arts more, I was just constantly looking for ways to optimize my mind and body. So try just about every therapy in the book from high quality western technology to South American bruise and eastern medicine and everything in between.



But one day, about probably eight, nine years back now, I stumbled upon float therapy and my life totally changed, man. And I remember, so I went out... I was living in Massachusetts at the time and ended up going to a float center in Massachusetts, getting into tank and coming out of the tanks to... And I was literally, just buzzing with this sensation of relaxation and inner peace that I had never experienced before in my entire life. So ultimately, I ended up floating more the evidence into the research deeper and deeper and ultimately, became so inspired that I ended up starting my company Max Vitality, where we manufacture, customize, and install flow therapy chambers, all over the globe.

For full interview and transcript:


Dr David Prologo - Discover Why Most Diets Fail in the Long Term

55m · Published 20 Sep 03:30

This week, I'm excited to welcome Dr David Prologo to the podcast. He is an obesity medicine physician who has spent a large part of his career researching new solutions for weight loss and is most well known for a pioneering procedure to block hunger. In this episode, we discussed the research, principles, and strategies outlined in his book, The Catching Point Transformation: A Twelve-Week Weight Loss Strategy Based in Reality.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • What strategies does an obesity medicine specialist use?
  • What has your research uncovered as to why diets fail?
  • Why are the ‘always lean population’, always lean?


This week, I'm excited to welcome Dr. David Prologo to the podcast. Dr. Prologo is an obesity medicine physician who has spent a large part of his career researching new solutions for weight loss and is most well known for a pioneering procedure to block hunger. In this episode, we discussed the research, principles, and strategies outlined in his book, The Catching Point Transformation: A Twelve-Week Weight Loss Strategy Based in Reality. Over to Dr. Prologo.



Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Dr. David Prologo to the podcast. Dr. Prologo, how are you?

Dr. Prologo


Hello. Hi. I'm doing very well. Thank you for having me, Stuart.



And thank you so much for your time. I know you must be a busy man, and I've got a whole heap of questions that I'd love to dig in and ask you this morning. But before I do that, I would love it, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, if you could just tell us a little bit more about yourself, please.

Dr. Prologo


Sure. I'm a dual board certified physician doctor. What that means is, I have a specialty in obesity medicine and I have a specialty in something else called interventional radiology. Basically, what that means is we use image guidance like CAT scans and MRIs and so on, to guide needles into the body. During our day job, we guide those needles in for things like treating cancer or managing trauma. In combination with the obesity medicine specialty, we've done some things like block the hunger nerve, for example, or block some other nerves that manage blood sugar and things like that.

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Elise Museles - Healing Your Relationship With Food

47m · Published 23 Aug 05:57

This week, I'm excited to welcome Elise Museles to the podcast.  She is formerly known as Kale & Chocolate, an attorney turned certified eating psychology & nutrition expert. She helps thousands of women change their food stories.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • How did you come up with the concept of food Story?
  • What is “Food Noise” and why is it so harmful?
  • What is “The Chocolate Meditation” and its significance?


This week, I'm excited to welcome Elise to the podcast. Elise is an attorney turned certified eating psychology and nutrition expert. She's the creator of the Food Story platform with a mission to empower women to create healthier relationship with their food and their bodies by changing what's on their plate and what's in their minds. In this episode, we discuss the concept of Food Story. Discover why food noise can throw us off track and uncover the significance of the chocolate meditation. Over to Elise.

Hey, guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Elise to the podcast. Elise, how are you?



I am good. Thank you so much for having me on and being open to sharing Food Story with your listeners.



Look, I cannot wait to dig in to the story and all of your wisdom that you have to share as well this morning. But first up for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



Okay, sure. Well, I always start with that. I grew up in Los Angeles. That kind of says it all, maybe we can finish. But I grew up in LA, always interested in health, wellness, and it bordered on obsession at a younger age. But then I pivoted though. I had a career in law and I was an immigration lawyer before I got into health and wellness. I am a mom; a dog mom, and a boy mom. I am certified in holistic nutrition and eating psychology. And really, the eating psychology is like where I spend most of my time trying to support people, because it is about helping people with their mindset around food.

There's so much information on what to eat. At first I started with people on what to eat, but I realized really quickly that that's only half the story with nutrition. Really, how we eat and why we eat, and all those other factors really play a role. So I got certified in eating psychology. This was in 2012. Ever since then, I've never looked back. I always say that I help people with what's on their plate and what's in their mind.

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Karlie Causey - How to Get Started with Exercise After Pregnancy

40m · Published 08 Aug 03:34

This week, I'm excited to welcome Karlie Causey to the podcast.  She is a sports chiropractor, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, pregnancy and postpartum athleticism coach, and a level 2 Crossfit coach. More importantly, I am a new mom who is ridiculously passionate about helping moms and moms-to-be restore their bodies and continue exercising after their babes are born.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • In terms of exercise, what can you do during pregnancy?
  • Can new mums jump straight back into their pre-pregnancy exercise routine?
  • What strategies do you recommend for pelvic floor dysfunction?


This week, I’m excited to welcome Karlie Causey to the podcast. Karlie is a sports chiropractor, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, pregnancy and postpartum athleticism coach, who is passionate about helping mums and mums-to-be restore their bodies and continue exercising after their babies are born. In this episode, we explore the types of exercise you can safely perform during pregnancy, discuss strategies for pelvic floor dysfunction, and dig into her postpartum restoration plan. Over to Karlie. Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and I am delighted to welcome Karlie Causey to the podcast. Karlie, how are you?



I’m great. Thank you so much for having me.



Look, thanks for your time. I know that we’re on different sides of the planet, so I have no idea what time it is over there for you, but it’s early morning for me. Apologies, if I’m a bit dusty.



Sounds great.



First up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I’d love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



Sure. I am a sports chiropractor, a certified strength and conditioning coach, a postpartum athleticism coach. I speak on a lot of postpartum and pregnancy fitness-related topics. And I have a chiropractic clinic, a sports chiropractic clinic, here in Seattle called Seattle Sports Chiropractic. And I also am the co-owner of a company called Jen and Keri, which is an athletic wear company, a postpartum athletic wear company for new moms. And I guess it’s probably my most important job is I have two boys, also a mother of two boys, almost three and 14 weeks.

For full interview and transcript:
https://180nutrition.com.au/180-tv/karlie-causey-interview/ ‎

Sonia Hunt - NUT JOB: How I Crushed My Food Allergies To Thrive

51m · Published 04 Jul 13:42

This week, I'm excited to welcome Sonia Hunt to the podcast. Sonia Hunt is a food allergy activist, TEDx speaker with over 1M views, best-selling author, and advisor + coach. She is a mentor to global organizations focused on social impact, and a proud first-generation Indian-American living in San Francisco, CA. Sonia is the creator of the Three to Be™ program, a holistic health and well-being program that guides people on how to Be Healthy, Be Safe + Be Well™ (her mantra), to thrive in life. A life-long sufferer of food allergies, environmental allergies, and asthma, Sonia created and utilized the Three to Be™ program to transform her health and well-being holistically. Her life’s work is at the intersection of humans, health, and technology, creating products and services that drive impact for people and the planet. Some questions asked during this episode: Why do you think food allergies are on the rise today? What strategies do you utilise to manage your allergies?  How can the right mindset help when tackling food allergies?

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • Why do you think food allergies are on the rise today?
  • What strategies do you utilise to manage your allergies?
  •  How can the right mindset help when tackling food allergies?


    This week, I'm excited to welcome Sonia Hunt to the podcast. Sonia is a food allergy activist, TEDx speaker, bestselling author advisor, and coach. In this episode, we discuss food allergies in detail. What happens when we react to certain trigger foods, why food allergies are on the rise and then dig into strategies to transform our health and wellbeing holistically. Over to Sonia.
    Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Sonia Hunt to the podcast, Sonia, how are you?



    I'm amazing. Thank you. Thanks for having me.



    No, and thank you for sharing your time. Again, very, very intrigued and interested to dive into what you have to say this morning, but first up for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work. I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



    Yes. So I am an author. I wrote my first book about food allergies, came out just in August. So not too long ago, I'm a Ted speaker, a food allergy activist, and I'm actually an integrative health and wellbeing coach as well.

    For full transcript and interview:

Alan Graves - Longevity Strategies for Your Daily Life

41m · Published 24 Jun 07:15

This week, I’m excited to welcome Alan Graves to the podcast. Alan is the CEO of DoNotAge.org., a health research organization on a mission to extend the healthy lifespan for as many people as possible. In this episode, we discover why we age, everyday practices that could be accelerating our aging, and strategies to slow down the clock. Over to Alan.

Some questions asked during this episode:

What is the difference between biological age and calendar age and how can we test for this?
What are the most common practices you see the public doing that accelerates ageing?
How do sirtuins play a role in longevity?

Martin Silva - Quick Wins With Nutrition, Movement, Mindset & Sleep

45m · Published 30 May 10:49

This week, I'm excited to welcome Martin Silva to the podcast. Martin is a transformation coach, award-winning fitness model, public speaker, podcaster. The list goes on. He’s a rare breed in the fitness industry and his focus is geared towards a holistic approach with long-term health as his main goal. In this episode, we talk about how the pandemic has affected the health and fitness industry and how he’s managing to get amazing results with his online clients using minimum equipment. Over to Martin …

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • How should we eat for optimal health?
  • Is resistance training favoured over cardio?
  • What sleep tips always deliver the results


This week, I'm excited to welcome Martin Silva back to the podcast. Martin is a transformation coach, award-winning fitness model, public speaker, and podcaster. His focus and commitment with a holistic approach to long-term health sets him apart from his peers. In this episode, we talk about the low hanging fruit or quick wins that we can all consider when wanting to improve our health and wellness. Over to Martin. Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Martin Silva back to the podcast. Martin mate, good morning. How are you?



Good morning. I'm very good, Stu. Thanks for having me on, man.



Oh, cannot wait to chat. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, haven't listened to the previous conversations that we've had, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself please.



Sure. Yeah. So obviously, name is Martin Silva. I'm from Wales in the UK and I live in Australia now and that's kind of how Stu and I crossed paths. So I moved to Sydney five years ago, but yeah, long story short, really I live, breathe, and eat health and fitness. I started off as a personal trainer at the age of 19. I'm almost 35 now and two, three years ago, I built an online transformation program, coaching transformation program.



I've competed as a bodybuilder at a high level. And yeah, basically, I just live, breathe, and eat this stuff. And nowadays, I'm in a place where I'm just very much like Stu, just dialed into just living my life and just really living my life to the maximum in terms of feeling good, optimizing my health, and just having good balance as well in my life.



But yeah, now I'm in a position where I'm helping. I'm changing lives with what I do and the reason I'm able to do that is because of my own experience. Obviously I mentioned before, with body building, I used to struggle with binge eating and stuff for a couple of years and all these struggles and kind of things that I experienced and not to mention all the hundreds of people I've coached has now enabled me to have a much bigger impact on people's lives. But yeah, that's just a little bit more about me anyway, mate. So yeah. By the way, I've been there for five years. Got my permanent residency for Aus last year, which I'm over the moon with.

For full interview and transcript:

Brian Keane - Transforming Your Body & Mindset For The Long-Term

51m · Published 13 May 12:18

This week, I'm excited to welcome Brian Keane of Brian Keane Fitness online. He is a Reps qualified Level 3 Personal Trainer, certified Strength and Conditioning Coach and Sports Nutritionist. Over the past seven years, Brian has become one of the most recognised faces in the Irish health and fitness industry. He has spoken at major wellness events such as Wellfest and was a Keynote speaker at Google HQ in Dublin for their 2018 wellness event.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • What does healthy living look like to you?
  • What are your thoughts on weights vs cardio for both males & females?
  • Do you recommend any specific type of diet for long-lasting health?


This week, I'm excited to welcome Brian to the podcast. Brian is an entrepreneur, personal trainer, nutritionist, bestselling author, and host of the Brian podcast. He's currently one of Ireland's most influential thought leaders on all things health, fitness, and nutrition. In this episode, we discussed the key areas to address when wanting to transform your body and mindset for the long-term, including nutrition, movement, sleep, and so much more. Over to Brian.

Hey, guys. This is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and I am delighted to welcome Brian to the podcast. Brian, how are you, mate?


I am fantastic, Stu. Really looking forward to chatting.


Yeah. No, look, this is awesome. So I'm in Australia, you're in Ireland. Morning for you, evening for me, but we're both super pumped. But first up, so for all of our listeners there that may not be familiar with you or your work ... and I've had a look online, and you're doing some big stuff and reaching a lot of people. So for all of those guys that may not be familiar, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.


Yeah, so kind of elevator pitch. I'm an online fitness coach nutritionist that helps people online in terms of, normally, body composition or sports performance are kind of my two areas of focus. But I'm a former elementary school, primary school teacher. That's what I did 10 years ago. And for two of those years, I basically worked as a teacher during the day, personal trainer in the gym at nighttime. And over the space of the last nine to 10 years, I made the transition out to full-time one-on-one personal trainer, and then into the online space in 2016. And I've been doing that ever since. And since then, I've had a podcast, which has done very well in terms of the amount of downloads. Very similar to you, Stu, and trying to serve people. We're very similar. We have a lot of overlap with guests.

For full transcript and interview:

Aaron Alexander - An Introduction To The Align Method

38m · Published 01 May 13:21

This week, I'm excited to welcome Aaron Alexander from The Align Method to the podcast. Aaron is a pioneering manual therapist and movement coach, founder and creator of the Align Method, author of the Align Method book, and host of the Align Podcast, which has ranked #1 in Nutrition on iTunes.

Questions asked in the episode
  • Do we need to spend time in the gym to build a resilient and functional body?
  • Can you recommend any key movements that we should all integrate into our day?
  • How can we mitigate spending long hours hunched at the desk?

This week, I'm excited to welcome Aaron Alexander to the podcast. Aaron is a pioneering manual therapist and movement coach, founder, and creator of The Align Method, which offers a modern movement guide for a stronger body sharper mind and stress proof life.

[00:01:00] In this episode, we discuss the core principles of The Align Method, cover key movements that we should all integrate into our day and talk about how we can use light to optimize our health. Over to Aaron. Hey guys, this is Stu from one 18 Nutrition, and I am delighted to welcome Aaron Alexander to the podcast. Aaron, how are you mate?


I'm well, I've got my little flex bar thing here. I'm twisting as we're conversating. It's not-



Well, we'll certainly get into that a little bit later for sure. But first up all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work. I would love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.


Also, my background is manual therapy predominantly and then crossed with a lot of training of various different sorts and started off with, or started a podcast about seven years ago called the Align Podcast. And was it the integration of various different experts, [00:02:00] ultimately, mainly around conversation of the mind body intersection in relationship. It's kind of a focus, wrote a book called The Align Method a few years ago, and that's essentially filling in the gaps of a healthy movement lifestyle in your daily life. So instead of movement being like a thing that you, or fitness being a thing that you do, I'm much more interested in the [00:02:30] way that you are, and making it be something that's part of the way that you interact and communicate and understanding how to get the most out of your breathing patterns and visual patterns and your human experience as a movement experience. That's really what the line method educates people on, and I'm still trying to figure it out myself, frankly.

For full transcript and interview:


Jessie Inchauspé - Discover the life-changing power of balancing your blood sugar

44m · Published 05 Apr 14:57

Jessie Inchauspé is on a mission to translate cutting-edge science into easy tips to help people improve their physical and mental health. She's the founder of the wildly popular Instagram account @GlucoseGoddess where she teaches tens of thousands of people about healthy food habits.

Questions asked in the episode
  • Why should we (the public) care about glucose?
  • What are the tell-tale signs of consuming too much glucose?
  • What strategies can we quickly use to combat spikes in glucose?

Stu (01:18):

Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Jessie Inchauspe to the podcast. Jessie, how are you? Good morning.

Jessie (01:26):

Hi Stewart. I'm so good. How are you?

Stu (01:29):

Very good. Very good. Really, really excited to talk to you today. And as we were just talking off-camera, I mentioned that you've really added some bling, some pizazz to this world of glucose, which is fantastic because it's bringing it mainstream, more mainstream than I think it has ever been. But it opens up a whole realm of hacks tips, tricks, strategies for us to start to take control of our health, which I'm super excited about talking with you today. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.

Jessie (02:10):

Of course. I'm French, trained as a mathematician, then a biochemist, and I've been spending the past three years making the science of blood sugar or glucose accessible mainstream. And as you said, bling, I like thinking that I'm making the science stylish and accessible for people to use. I'm a scientific translator if you will. I take the latest scientific Studies and I turn them into very easy tips for everybody to apply. I started on Instagram. My Instagram is Glucose Goddess, and I just finished writing a book Glucose Revolution that is going to bring the stylish science to even more people, I hope.

Stu (02:55):

Fantastic. So clearly we've had the sugar message. Maybe there's some confusion there between people that are listening as well. So glucose, tell us about glucose. What is it? Why should we the public care about it?



180 Nutrition -The Health Sessions. has 284 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 247:29:22. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 24th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 23rd, 2024 16:11.

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