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180 Nutrition -The Health Sessions.

by 180 Nutrition

180 Nutrition presents The Health Sessions. Each week we talk about everything health with real people with real results in a fun laid back manner.

Copyright: 2018 180 Nutrition Pty Ltd


Chris Kresser - The Importance of Nutrient Density

58m · Published 13 Feb 05:23

This week I'm excited to welcome Chris Kresser to the podcast. He’s a globally recognised leader in the fields of ancestral health, paleo nutrition, and functional / integrative medicine. He is the creator of ChrisKresser.com, one of the top 25 natural health sites in the world, and the author of the New York Times best seller, Your Personal Paleo Code (published in paperback in December 2014 as The Paleo Cure). Chris has been studying, practicing, and teaching alternative medicine for more than fifteen years.

Chris’s work is informed by his own experience recovering from a chronic, complex illness which began while he was traveling in Southeast Asia in his early 20’s. After seeing more than twenty doctors around the world and spending thousands of dollars in an effort to diagnose and treat his condition, Chris decided to take his health into his own hands.

Through extensive study and research, continual self-experimentation, and formal training in integrative medicine, he recovered from this debilitating illness and went on to share what he learned with others through his popular blog, podcast, and private practice.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • Is nutrient deficiency common these days if following a ‘healthy diet’?
  • What is the most accurate method to measure our nutrient profile?
  • What are the most common deficiencies?




    This week, I'm excited to welcome Chris Kresser back to the podcast. Chris is a leader in functional medicine and ancestral health.


    He's a New York Times bestselling author and the creator of one of the world's most respected natural health websites. In this episode, we discuss the importance of nutrient density, including deficiencies, accurate ways to measure, and supplementation. Over to Chris.


    Hey guys. This is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and I am delighted to welcome back Chris Kresser to the podcast. Chris, how are you?



    I'm great, Stu. It's a pleasure to be back with you.



    Oh. Look, I really, I'm really looking forward to this conversation, because you are one of the big players, the heavy hitters in this industry with a voice, I think, that people respect, and you've had a whole heap of conversations that have been extremely thought-provoking. But for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, and there won't be many, but I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit more about yourself, please.



    Sure. I'll give you the very short version. I was in my early 20s, traveling in Indonesia, not too far from you and doing some surfing, and I got really sick with a classic kind of tropical illness. It was actually near death in a little village in [inaudible 00:01:48] for a few days and, fortunately, an Aussie who was staying in that village had some antibiotics that helped bring me back from the brink, and that started what became a 10-plus year journey back to health. Along the way, I discovered functional medicine and a paleo type of diet, both of which were instrumental in my recovery.


    As I made progress in my own journey, people began to ask questions. They saw what was happening with me, and they saw how sick I was, and how I was recovering, and they got curious. I shared what I had learned along the way, and at some point a lo in that process, I decided to go back to school to study medicine, functional medicine, in order to translate that experience into something that could help other people. And so about 12, 13 years ago, I started my functional medicine practice, treated thousands of patients since then, and then in 2016 started a training program for other functional medicine doctors to train them in functional medicine, and then launched a health coach program and wrote some books.

    For full interview and transcript:

Ashoka Houlahan - Cellular Rejuvenation Techniques

1h 0m · Published 30 Jan 13:47

This week I'm excited to welcome Ashoka Houlahan to the podcast. Ashoka is the founder of Quantum Uplift, which is the next generation in wellness centers that incorporates leading edge research with advanced equipment and technology. In this episode, we discuss cellular health, the everyday practices that could negatively impact ourselves, and the strategies and technology on offer that can help. Over to Ashoka.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  •  What everyday practices could be negatively impacting our cellular health?
  • How does the technology you offer support cellular health?
  • What is the quantum field?


I'm excited to welcome Ashoka Houlahan to the podcast. Ashoka is the founder of Quantum Uplift, which is the next generation in wellness centers that incorporates leading edge research with advanced equipment and technology. In this episode, we discuss cellular health, the everyday practices that could negatively impact ourselves, and the strategies and technology on offer that can help. Over to Ashoka.


Hey, guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition. And I am delighted to welcome Ashoka Houlahan to the podcast. Ashoka, how are you, mate?



Well, thanks, Stuart. Thanks for having me on the program.



No, thank you so much for sharing some of your time, and we've got some very interesting questions that I want to put to you today because I know that we've got many people out there that have lots of different thoughts and perspectives on some of the things that we're going to speak to you about a little bit later on. So before we dive into those, and for all of those that may not be familiar with you or your work or your company, et cetera, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



Yeah, okay, thank you. Okay, so I'll try and keep this super brief but relevant for the future conversation. So I guess my original background was as a chemical engineer. And so as part of a chemical engineer, when I came out of school, I went to university, studied physics, chemistry, maths. And I had a trainee shift, which meant I worked as a chemical engineer by day and studied at night and did a hard slog for many, many years, but had a science and analytical background. That went well for a number of years, I was full of ambition and drive. I would best describe myself back then as I was young, egotistical, intellectual, and a little bit arrogant, so as I reflect back on myself. And that got me through life to a certain point, but due to my heavy workload and uni load, I quickly drove myself into the ground, found myself with a near midlife crisis around the age of 22.

To view full interview and transcript:

Rafaele Joudry - Discover The Benefits of Sound Therapy

46m · Published 16 Jan 09:00

This week I'm excited to welcome Rafaele Joudry to the podcast. She has dedicated her life to helping people overcome auditory problems and enhance their lives through better ear and brain health. She pioneered the first portable Sound Therapy program after discovering how the program could benefit her mother’s hearing difficulties.

As world leaders in self help Sound Therapy, the Joudrys have enabled individuals from all walks of life to benefit from unique discoveries about the ear and brain. Based on research by specialists in hearing and the development of our nervous system, Sound Therapy can improve ear function and brain integration, relieve tinnitus and hyperacusis, and has a profound effect on the way the nervous system responds to stress. Since founding Sound Therapy International in 1989, Rafaele has toured Australia, Europe & the USA to educate about the impact of sound upon our health.

Rafaele holds a Masters of Psychology specializing in Sound Therapy. She has authored dozens of articles plus three best-selling books: Sound Therapy: Music to Recharge Your Brain, Triumph Over Tinnitus and Why Aren’t I Learning?

Some questions asked during this episode:

  •  What is sound therapy and how did you get started in this area?
  • What is sound therapy and how did you get started in this area?
  • What could I expect during a sound therapy session?




    This week I'm excited to welcome Rafaele Galtry to the podcast. Rafaele has dedicated her life to helping people overcome auditory problems and enhance their lives through better ear and brain health. She pioneered the first portable sound therapy program after discovering how the program could benefit her mother's hearing difficulties. In this episode, we discuss the principles of sound therapy, including the most commonly supported health conditions, and dig into brain plasticity through sensory stimulation. Over to Rafaele.



    Hey guys, this is Stu from one 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Rafaele Joudry to the podcast. Rafaele, how are you?



    Great. Lovely to meet you.



    No. Thank you so much for sharing your time. I very, very interested and intrigued to dig into your specialist topic today, which is sound therapy. But before we get into that, and first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



    About me. Well, really, I'm sound therapy. I've been doing this for 30 years. Prior to that, for a few years, I was working as a community developer and I started out in social work and community development. I grew up in England originally and then lived in Canada for eight years and came to Australia over 30 years ago. Absolutely love it. So I've been living here enjoying the beautiful East Australian coastline and this great country for 30 years and running my business, which has been a very rewarding process. I'm also very committed to the environment and environmental health generally, being healthy in this beautiful world.

    For full transcript and interview:

Ashleigh Feltham - Tips on Staying Healthy Over The Festive Period

50m · Published 13 Dec 08:34

This week, I'm excited to welcome Ashleigh Feltham to the show. She is a credited Practicing Dietitian and the owner of Feed Your Future Dietetics. She believe everyone deserves to live a life of health and wellness. She is a qualified personal trainer and group fitness instructor and have been working in the fitness industry for over 15 years. In this episode, we discuss the strategies that we can all implement when wanting to stay social but healthy over the festive period. Over to Ashleigh.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • How might you navigate the festive period when wanting to stay social but healthy?
  • Do you have a stance on alcohol as it’s common to overindulge at this time of year?
  • How do you keep stress levels low during the festive period?




    Hey, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and welcome to another episode of The Health Sessions. It's here that we connect with the world's best experts in health, wellness, and human performance in an attempt to cut through the confusion around what it actually takes to achieve long-lasting health. Now, I'm sure that's something that we all strive to have. I certainly do. Before we get into the show today, you might not know that we make products too. That's right. We're into whole food nutrition and have a range of super foods and natural supplements to help support your day. If you are curious, want to find out more, just jump over to our website. That is 180nutrition.com.au and take a look. Okay, back to the show.


    This week, I'm excited to welcome Ashleigh Feltham to the podcast, Ashleigh is a practicing dietician and owner of Feed Your Future Dietetics. She is passionate about helping people achieve their highest quality of life through nutrition, mental health, and exercise. In this episode, we discuss the strategies that we can all implement when wanting to stay social but healthy over the festive period. Over to Ashleigh.


    Hey, guys. This is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and I am delighted to welcome Ashleigh Feltham to the podcast. Ashleigh, good morning. How are you?



    I'm great, thanks. How are you?



    Yeah, really good. So, thank you, thank you again for sharing some of your time. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



    Yeah, sure. Um, well, my name's Ashleigh, and I am the owner of Feed Your Future Dietetics which is just come up to six years. Um, it's my little baby, I guess you could call it.






    Um, I'm a bach- I've got a bachelor of human nutrition and a master of Dietetics. Um, as well as that, I've also got a background, um, as an athlete. I was representing Australia for about five years, um, in rock climbing, which kind of gave me a good base to, I guess, see the world from a different perspective. I'm very thankful for. Um, from there, I went on to be a qualified personal training group fitness instructor. So, been doing that for about 15 years. And yeah, ultimately, through my life experience, my perspective on what really matters changed. So, I was mainly focusing on, you know, being an elite athlete and it's very, I guess... It has to be very selfish to be an elite.

    For full transcript and interview:

Sandie Gascon - Heal Yourself, Mind, Body & Spirit

50m · Published 29 Nov 07:04

This week, I'm excited to welcome Sandie Gascon. She is certified integrative healing practitioner. She has spent 10 years researching every aspect of natural healing. Due to her past conditions of lupus, migraines, interstitial cystitis and a whole host of other symptoms, she made it a lifelong quest to learn how to overcome her health conditions.

Questions asked in the episode

- How do your treatment protocols differ from mainstream conventional medicine?
- How can functional lab tests fast-track actionable results?
- If I came to you overweight and fatigued with digestive issues, where would you start?


If you are curious, want to find out more, just jump over to our website, that is 180nutrition.com.au and take a look. Okay, back to the show. This week, I'm excited to welcome Sandie Gascon to the podcast. Sandie is a certified functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner and whole-body healing coach who helps people heal from illness.


In this episode, we discuss the differences of functional versus mainstream medicine, and dig deep into lab tests that provide actionable results. Over to Sandie. Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and I'm delighted to welcome Sandie Gascon to the podcast. Sandie, how are you?



Good. How are you doing?



Very well. Very well. Thank you so much for sharing some of your time. Very, very intrigued to dig into your knowledge, and listen to some of the stories and information that you've gleaned over the years. But first up, for a lot of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



Yeah. So, I am an integrative healing practitioner. I am the founder of the Integrative Healing Academy. I'm the author of Heal Yourself. And my journey through natural healing has been going on for quite a while. It's been really spurred along through my own health issues. That's really what pushed me onto this path.


I ended up having my first migraine when I was seven, and they just kept getting worse over the years. As a teen, I was diagnosed with bipolar depression, and from there, I really, even at that age, wanted to cure migraine. So, my goal was actually to become a doctor, and I was put on a lot of medications. And over the years, I realized that becoming a doctor wasn't for me because I couldn't get off of these medications.


I wasn't told about the side effects. I wasn't told about the fact that my body would become very dependent on them. And I ended up changing my career path. After I finished my degree in biomedicine, I went and became a massage therapist. And it was in my graduating year that I ended up developing food poisoning. And from there, my health just kept spiraling.


Within a year, I was diagnosed with lupus. And a year after that, I ended up having to quit work and move home with my parents. And I ended up going through a really dark, dark year in 2012 because I really felt like I had no hope. I knew I wanted to heal naturally, but the things that I was trying wasn't working. I was mainly focused on diet, in particular, being raw vegan, and it just wasn't working for me.


So, it was actually through a podcast, and it's why I'm so passionate about doing podcasts, and reaching out to people because it was in a podcast that I actually had a really big mindset shift when I was listening to it. And I realized that I had to not focus on diet. I had to look at root causes of illnesses, and root causes of my symptoms, and really take my science background and figure out, okay, why am I having these migraines?

Dr Frank Shallenberger - Bursting With Energy

53m · Published 17 Nov 06:51

This week I'm excited to welcome Dr Frank Shallenberger to the podcast. He is a six time grandfather and four time father. He is one of the originals. He has been practicing medicine since 1973 and has been a pioneer in alternative/integrative medicine since 1978. He is one of only 16 physicians in Nevada that are licensed both in conventional medicine as well as alternative and homeopathic medicine. This allows him to integrate the best of both approaches for optimal results. He has revolutionized the practice of anti-aging and preventive medicine by developing a method to measure mitochondrial function and oxygen utilization. He has written two popular books describing this method, The Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough and Bursting With Energy, and has authored numerous papers in the international peer reviewed literature on ozone therapy and oxygen utilization. He is also the editor of Second Opinion alternative medical newsletter. He is the developer of Prolozone®, an injection technique that has been shown to regenerate damaged joints, herniated discs, and degenerated joints, tendons, and soft tissues. He has just published the first paper on Prolozone Therapy in the Journal of Prolotherapy entitled, Prolozone – Regenerating Joints and Eliminating Pain.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • Why do we have less energy as we age?
  • What everyday practices could be contributing to fatigue?
  • What strategies do you use to increase overall energy production?


This week, I'm excited to welcome Dr. Frank Shallenberger. Dr. Shallenberger is a practicing physician and has been a pioneer in integrative medicine since 1978. He revolutionized the practice of anti-aging and currently practices at the Nevada Center of Alternate Anti-Aging Medicine. In this episode, we discuss energy, why we seem to have less when we age, and how to increase overall energy and feel more energetic. Over to Dr. Shallenberger. Hey, guys. This is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome back Dr. Frank Shallenberger to the podcast. Dr. Shallenberger. How are you?



I'm great, Stuart. Good to be with you.



Yeah. Look. Much appreciated for you sharing some of your time. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



Well, okay. We'll just keep that a little bit. But basically, I graduated from medical school in 1973, so I'm an old timer. I've been around a long time. Working on 50 years coming up here. Early, I got into medicine because I wanted to help sick people. That's why I got into medicine. Didn't take me long to figure out that that shouldn't really be our primary goal. Our primary goal should be preventing people from getting sick, not waiting until they get sick. I think everybody understands that concept. But back then in the early days, I had to scratch my head and figure out, well, why do people get sick? I finally figured it out and I didn't figure it out all on my own. There's tons of science, but nobody actually put the science together to determine why it is that people get sick.


That's basically, I developed a system to measure what we're going to be talking about, and then I wrote the book to describe the various things I had learned. So, we can talk a little bit about those kinds of things. But that's sort of my background. I've published papers, I've written books, I've done lots of stuff. I'm president of things and all that. But the really important deal to understand is that a perfect day for me at the office is when every single person that comes in is a hundred percent healthy and sits down and I say, "Why are you here?" and they say, "I'm healthy. I want to stay that way."


That's a perfect day. That's what doctors ought to really be doing because 90% of the time, the illnesses that I'm seeing in my patients, I'm thinking to myself, that is completely preventable. You did not have to develop this cancer. You did not have to develop this diabetes or whatever it is I'm looking at. That was preventable. So, my mission has always been, well, not always, but for the last 40 years or so has been let's figure out how to do that.

Rob - aka The Grounded Athlete - Learn What It Means To Be Grounded

54m · Published 09 Nov 06:48

Rob is a professional sprinter and the founder of the Grounded Athlete and Gaia grounded sandals. The grounded athlete is a platform to spread the awareness of the electrophysiological process of grounding along with its healing properties. 

Questions asked in the episode
  • What is grounding and why should we be aware of it?
  • What are the best surfaces to ground ourselves?
  • Is there an optimal time required to properly ground ourselves?


    Stu (00:44):
    This week, I'm excited to welcome Rob from The Grounded Athlete. Rob is a professional sprinter and the founder of The Grounded Athlete and GAIA Grounding Sandals. The Grounded Athlete is a platform used to spread the awareness about the electrophysiological process of grounding along with its healing properties. In this episode, we talk about the science supporting grounding and how we can determine the tell-tale signs that we may need to reconnect to the earth. Over to Rob.

    Stu (01:14):
    Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and I am delighted to welcome Rob from The Grounded Athlete to the podcast. Rob, mate, how are you?

    Rob (01:22):
    I am fantastic, Stu. I'm happy to be here talking about grounding with you.

    Stu (01:26):
    Oh, excellent. Look, I am so excited about grounding, and we were just saying off-air, you've made grounding cool, and I think there's a lot of things that we can take out of that, perhaps, that we might not already know, but I'm kind of interested to get you take on that. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.

    Rob (01:51):
    Right. So I started The Grounded Athlete in summer of 2020, right when COVID was kind of just getting really started and all that. I wanted to do something really fulfilling with my life and what better way to do that than teach people about something that's made a big impact in my life? That's grounding. I first found out about grounding as an athlete, because as an athlete, you were always looking for ways to better yourself, and grounding was one of those things that I found that made a pretty significant impact in my life, and in my training, and in my health so I made it my mission to tell other people about this really, really cool phenomenon.

    For more transcript and interview:


Tracey Burns - Helping Teens Build Confidence, Resilience & Strength

51m · Published 07 Nov 12:12

Tracey is the founder of Unstoppable Girls which provides coaching and programs to support girls on their journey to become more confident and resilient. Tracey was inspired to create Unstoppable girls as she reflected on her own childhood and teen years. After suffering trauma as a young girl and realising the impact this made on her throughout her teen and adult life, Tracey knew the importance of having a strong sense of self and self-worth, as well as positive role models.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • What are the tell-tale signs of teenage trauma?
  • How can we manage a volatile parent-teenager relationship?
  • What are your thoughts on social media use with teenagers?



Mukti Organics - Discover The Benefits of Natural Skincare

51m · Published 07 Nov 02:54

Mukti has been actively involved in the beauty and personal care industry for over two decades. Her aim is to reconnect people to nature, creating health and happiness via toxin-free lifestyles and beauty regimes.

Questions asked in the episode
- Where are we (the public) going wrong with skincare?
- What ingredients should we be looking to avoid in our skincare products?
- Do natural ingredients really work?

This week, I'm excited to welcome Mukti from Mukti Organics. Mukti has been actively involved in the beauty and personal care industry for over two decades. Her aim is to reconnect people to nature, creating health and happiness for your toxin-free lifestyles and beauty regimes. In this episode, we talk about the ingredients we should be looking to avoid in our skincare products, we dig deep into natural ingredients, and also discuss where we could be going wrong with our own skincare regime. Over to Mukti. Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and I'm delighted to welcome Mukti from Mukti Organics to the podcast. Mukti, how are you?


Good, Stu. Lovely to see you.


No, thanks so much for sharing some of your time. Really appreciate it. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell as a little bit about yourself, please.


Sure. And so, I entered the skincare space over 22 years ago. And back then, there was not a lot available, particularly in Australia, in relation to natural and organic skincare. There wasn't actually a certification back then for skincare. So, I always had this penchant to want to create a skincare range that was as clean as it possibly could be. And I'll define clean a little bit later on in our discussion. But I wanted to use ingredients that were as pure and natural as they possibly could be, but still be stable that people could buy and that they could use them for daily treatments, just for everyday products like a cleanser and moisturizer and just do basics. So, that's pretty much how it started.

I have a background in naturopathy, and I was always in interested in particular in aromatherapy and client medicine and herbal medicine. I could see the benefits of plants on the human system, because we are so similar in our biology and our makeup. So, it kind of made sense to me. And I was using a number of different ranges. There was a lot of brands coming out of Europe in particular, so those brands that have been around forever such as Hauschka and [inaudible 00:03:18], but there wasn't really a great deal in Australia at the time. So, I recognized a bit of a niche and I thought with the background that I had that I could start experimenting and playing around with a few different ingredients and see what would happen. And I had a whole lot of little herbal remedy books and bit of witchcraft and bit of alchemy, but I really didn't know what I was doing.

Back then, you couldn't just ring up a chemist and say, "Hey, I want to create a natural product. Could you help me?" Back then, there was really no one to turn to that was interested or thought that it was viable to create products that were natural. It was very much a journey of discovery and self-learning and research and trial and error. But that then made me quite creative in my formulating because I had to figure things out. I've realized over the years that I'm very tenacious. And so, I just kept going. In spite of everything, I've just kept going and trying new things until I could work it out, because I couldn't bring up a cosmetic chemist and say, "Hey, I don't know what's happening at this phase when I do this and I do that. Can you help me?" And I did do that a couple of times, but it was basically laughed at. So, I just worked it out. Yeah.

For full interview and transcript:

Darin Olien - The Superfood Mindset

58m · Published 02 Nov 05:38

This week, I'm excited to welcome Darin Olien to the podcast. He is an American author and podcast host. With a B.A. in exercise physiology and an unaccredited M.A. in psychology, he labels himself a "wellness expert", promotes "superfoods" and co-starred as well as produced the Netflix docuseries Down to Earth with Zac Efron in 2020.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • How does the Superfood Hunter eat?
  • What can we expect from your New York Times bestselling book ‘Superlife’?
  • Tell us about Barukas and how you came to find them?



This week I'm excited to welcome Dalin Olien to the podcast. Darin is a health and wellness expert, author, podcaster, and co-host of the Emmy Award-winning Netflix docuseries, Down to Earth. He's known as the Global Superfood Hunter, and founder of Barukas, the most nutrient-dense nuts in the World. In this episode, we discuss his philosophy around nutrition, the principles from his book, Super Life, and chat about the exercises that keep him in great shape. Over to Darin.


Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and I am delighted to welcome Darin Olien to the podcast. Darin, how are you mate?



Hey, man. Stoked to be here with you. Hanging out on the deck. Ready to rip.



You look super comfortable, and I love the sunshine in the background as well. For all of our listeners that are not watching this through YouTube, Darin's sitting outside on a super comfortable reclining chair. Looks like you got a pool in the background, and the sun is shining on the hills. I would like to be where you are right now.



It's pretty great. And like we said before the recordings, very similar to Byron Bay.



It is, we are surrounded by nature, and blessed with a great climate as well, couldn't be any happier. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you, or your work, I'd love if you could tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



Oh man. Where do you begin? I think the early passions showed up when I was in sports, and going through awkward teenage times, and realized, "Oh, I have a lot I can do for myself." And started understanding that nutrition played a role in how I felt, and certainly at that time how I looked, because you're this insecure 16 year old. But really, the sports, and really trying to be the best I could in that. And that's where I really excelled, and realizing that exercise, and nutrition played a massive role. From 16 to 18, I gained 50 pounds of muscle, and was playing US football in high school, and college, and basketball, and track, and things like that. And then to cut through, playing college football is where I beat out a bunch of guys that on paper, should have beat me out, but my tenacity beat them out.


But then I got injured. Getting injured threw me into this contemplative place in college, where I was like, "Okay, what do I want to do with my life?" And these worlds collided, where I was injured, and I couldn't get better to play anymore. I turned my attention towards physiology, kinesiology, nutrition, and things like that, and realizing that this body, and this experience here was... And having a body was... Made sense to learn about it. I didn't really know what the career was going to be, but at least it started me getting excited. And then really cutting through. I learned more of... I went into rehabilitation, a little bit. And out of school. And then got into nutrition, and hooked up with some doctors. And then nutrition started becoming. And then functional food, before it was in term. I started formulating with stuff. And then the more I looked at incredible foods and compounds, the more I wanted to go and see for myself these foods, and how they were grown, and who was growing them, and where they came from. And that started what's termed as, the superfood hunting side of myself.


And then for a good 15 years, I was running everywhere. Learning from the business side of it too. From the business side of it, how do you actually take this novel thing, or this mushroom, or this adaptogen? How do I formulate with it? How do I help the business side of it? How do I work with these indigenous people? How do we make it scale? And then that came, I started formulating for some companies, and Beachbody became a big place where I could put my passion. I developed a lot of products for them. And then I think the excitement of, and also the reality of seeing the world in that way, it always became, it's not just about the food, or the supplement, it was about the environment. It was about the indigenous people. It was about the cultures. And so these worlds was coming together in all of these other passions that started. Cut to getting to do a TV show, getting to learn from experts in the environment. The world expands as you gain more knowledge, as you gain more wisdom, as you learn. Y



It's been a journey. It sounds like it's been a hell of a journey. And I think for our listeners as well, that haven't put the pieces of the puzzle together. If they've seen the Netflix docuseries, Down to Earth, they would get a better insight into you, and the shenanigans that you get up to, and all the stuff that makes your brain, or excites your brain as well. But I remember I watched that when it first came out, and I thought, "This guy looks strong, he looks vital. I want to know what he does," because I'm a child of the seventies, and the eighties. I was born in 72, so I'm 50. And a little bit like you, I'm driven to want to live my best life, because the world as we know today, it throws so many roadblocks at us. In terms of crazy Frankenfoods, and environmental pollutants, and toxins, and social media, and all this stuff that can side track us.


But we just get this one life, and we are exposed to this fantastic journey on a beautiful planet that offers so much. I love the fact that I'm talking to you, because you've done so much of the stuff that I would love to do, and find out all of the secrets from a lot of the elders around the world that have truly embraced the world in its natural state. For our listeners, you're the superfood hunter. You've written a book called, SuperLife. You've got a gazillion hours and pages of content and assets online, and they can dig deep into that. I think the one thing that I'd like to ask, and almost cut to the chase, and dive into the cliff notes is, how do you eat then, today, given the fact that you've got a myriad of experience, and you've probably tried, and tested, and experimented on yourself through a whole barrage of foods, and nutritional principles. What is your philosophy around nutrition look like right now?



Certainly, that's why I wrote SuperLife book, because it was so much of my philosophy. Even though they wanted me to write a book on super foods, I said, it's really the foundation of how you live. That's super important, and then you add things to it, or take away in the terms of, like you said, the toxins, and being aware of those things. The book has these pillars, but to summarize, on the one hand, the body is always seeking balance, and we're seeking balance. The ironic aspect of that is, are we ever? It's literally in a constant state of change.

For complete transcript and interview:

180 Nutrition -The Health Sessions. has 284 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 247:29:22. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 24th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 23rd, 2024 16:11.

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