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The Flipping 50 Show

by Debra Atkinson

The podcast for women in menopause and beyond who want to change the way they age. Fitness, wellness, and health research put into practical tips you can use today. You still got it, girl!

Copyright: @2023 Voice for Fitness, LLC. All Rights Reserved


Your Glucose Levels in Menopause with the Glucose Goddess

45m · Published 28 May 09:00

Your glucose levels in menopause could be responsible for your mood swings, brain fog, hot flashes, and if you’re lucky enough not to have those, but haven’t escaped the weight or belly fat gain, then stay tuned.

Your Glucose Levels in Menopause with the Glucose Goddess

On this episode I talk with the Glucose Goddess herself about exactly what you can do. Spoiler alert, you have something on your kitchen or pantry shelf right now that could reduce your blood sugar levels right now.


My Guest:

Jessie Inchauspé is a French biochemist and New York Times bestselling author. She is on a mission to translate cutting-edge science into easy tips to help people improve their physical and mental health. In her books Glucose Revolution and The Glucose Goddess Method, which sold over 1 million copies worldwide in 40 languages, she shares her startling discovery about the essential role of blood sugar in every aspect of our lives, and the surprising hacks to optimize it. Jessie is the founder of the popular Instagram account @GlucoseGoddess, where she teaches over 3 million people about transformative food habits. She holds a BSc in mathematics from King’s College, London, and an MSc in biochemistry from Georgetown University.

Questions We Answer in This Episode:

  • When did you realize blood sugar was going to be your focus?
  • What’s the importance of glucose levels, or blood sugar, for our listeners?
  • For women in midlife who become more sensitive to carbohydrates and less insulin sensitive with hormonal changes, what does that mean?
  • Can you tie inflammation to glucose, since it is “unseen” and hard to sometimes grasp the impact of inflammation?
  • Since doing the research for your book, in what ways have your own habits changed?
  • What are 3 things you really want this book to do?
  • What are some bad recommendations that you hear regarding blood sugar levels?
  • [You’ve made it so simple] Why do you think we find it so hard to change even when we learn what to do?
  • What is your method for studying science? What is considered a “good study” – something that makes it to the book, or to your flourishing Instagram channel?
  • We know that beyond food other things impact our blood sugar, have you studied certain stressors or exercise in combination with food?
  • Can you share any studies regarding sweet taste, even if it isn’t sugar, and the effects of blood sugar? [Say use of stevia, or a piece of sugar-free gum]
  • What are three things a listener could do today as she goes about her routine that wouldn’t turn their world upside down, but could have a significant impact on improving blood sugar [and inflammation]?

Connect with Jessie Inchauspé:


On Social:





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  • You Want to Balance Blood Sugar for Belly Fat Reduction -
  • Walking Off Weight in Menopause | Controlling Blood Sugar -
  • 4 Ways Blood Sugar Could Halt Your Fat Burning & Weight Loss -


Dietary supplement:

Recipe Club:

Mastering Midlife Metabolism: The Key to Fat Loss After 45

24m · Published 24 May 09:00

If I had the key to fat loss after 45… and I could get every woman to use it, we could change history.

Struggling with weight gain during menopause? You're not alone. Tune in to learn about the unique challenges and effective strategies for fat loss specifically tailored for women over 45. We're unpacking how to adapt your exercise routines to fuel fat loss and boost your metabolism in midlife.

In this episode of Flipping 50, we explore the intricacies of fat loss during menopause, focusing on how changes in hormones affect your body and what you can do to rev up your metabolism. Discover exercise strategies and lifestyle tweaks that are effective for women navigating the shifts that come with menopause.

Questions We Answer In This Episode:

  1. How does menopause impact metabolism and weight? [00:03:15]

  2. What types of exercise help with fat loss in menopausal women? [00:05:15]

  3. Can exercise influence appetite and food cravings during menopause? [00:05:45]

  4. What role does sleep play in weight management during menopause? [00:03:55]

  5. How can stress affect your weight during menopause, and what can you do about it? [00:13:05]

  6. What are practical tips for integrating effective fat loss workouts into a busy schedule? [00:18:05]

In a study titled "The Effects of Exercise Training on Body Composition in Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" provides a thorough analysis of how different forms of exercise influence body composition, particularly fat mass, in postmenopausal women. The research synthesizes results from various studies to conclude that while all forms of exercise are beneficial, resistance training and aerobic exercises stand out for their significant impact.

Resistance training is especially effective at maintaining and increasing muscle mass, which in turn helps with more efficient fat burning and metabolic rate enhancement. Aerobic exercise, on the other hand, contributes significantly to overall fat loss, improving cardiovascular health and reducing fat percentages across the body.

The research paper discusses different forms of cardiovascular training (often referred to simply as "cardio") for postmenopausal women, emphasizing both aerobic training and resistance training. The study specifically mentions aerobic training (AT) as beneficial for reducing fat mass and improving pulmonary function. This form of training is characterized by activities that increase the heart rate and respiratory rate, typically including exercises like walking, running, cycling, or swimming.

Aerobic training was found to be effective not just for reducing fat mass, particularly visceral fat, but also for improving muscle function and potentially contributing to skeletal muscle hypertrophy, which are critical for combating sarcopenia in the elderly. This type of exercise is generally performed at moderate intensity, where the individual can still talk but might be too breathless to sing.

Strength Key to Fat Loss After 45

In terms of resistance training (RT), the research highlights its role in improving muscle strength and mass. Resistance training involves exercises that cause the muscles to contract against an external resistance with the expectation of increases in strength, tone, mass, and/or endurance. This could include lifting weights, using resistance bands, or doing body-weight exercises like push-ups and squats.

The intensity of these exercises was not specifically quantified in the abstract, but resistance training often involves varying intensities depending on the load and the number of repetitions performed, typically structured in sets.

Overall, the study underlines that both aerobic and resistance exercises are integral for managing health outcomes in postmenopausal women, with specific benefits attributed to each type depending on the targeted health outcome.


**10 Day Challenge:**

**STRONGER 12 Week program:**

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Khalafi Mousa , Habibi Maleki Aref , Sakhaei Mohammad Hossein , Rosenkranz Sara K. , Pourvaghar Mohammad Javad , Ehsanifar Mahsa , Bayat Hadis , Korivi Mallikarjuna , Liu Yubo. The effects of exercise training on body composition in postmenopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Endocrinology VOLUME 14, 2023


Muscle and Body Composition in Menopause with Brad Schoenfeld

43m · Published 21 May 09:00

How can you focus on muscle and body composition in menopause, specifically gaining muscle and losing fat? How many sets, repetitions, and how much rest should you take? How much can you follow research featuring young athletic men and how should you advocate for yourself when trainers aren’t using science based on women?

We cover this all today with my guest who is a well-respected and prolific researcher and published author in the field of human performance.

Optimizing muscle and body composition in menopause, that is gaining muscle and losing fat is the focus of this episode. A researcher I met personally a decade ago, whose name has become nearly synonymous with any new study on muscle, hypertrophy, and protocols, joins me.

Want Stronger Muscles? Let’s Talk Muscle and Body Composition in Menopause!

Women in midlife are often more susceptible to negative effects of stress. We have a frequent occurrence in our membership of women who are “pushing through” and not actually getting stronger or more fit, because of adrenal insufficiency or a combination of things, we find that less is more, if we can get adequate stimulus during a session and balance that with adequate recovery, we have a better opportunity to improve quality of life for women who need muscle mass and bone density but not at the cost of exhaustion and injury.

My Guest:


Brad Schoenfeld, PhD, CSCS, CSPS, FNSCA, is a professor of exercise science at Lehman College in the Bronx, New York, where he serves as the graduate director of the Human Performance and Fitness program. He also formerly served as the Sports Nutritionist for the New Jersey Devils hockey organization. Dr. Schoenfeld has published more than 300 peer-reviewed scientific papers on various exercise- and sports nutrition-related topics, and authored the seminal textbook, "Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy." He was the recipient of the 2016 Dwight D. Eisenhower Fitness Award, presented by the United States Sports Academy for outstanding achievement in fitness and contributions to the growth and development of sport fitness through outstanding leadership activity, as well as earning the 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association Young Investigator of the Year Award.

His research interest is to optimize body composition (muscle hypertrophy and fat loss) . In particular, his lab studies the manipulation of resistance training variables and their effects on muscular adaptations.

QUESTIONS we Cover in this Episode:

  • Why this? What originally propelled you into this field of study and ultimately to teach and advise others?
  • What have been the most aha moments for you in conducting the research on muscle ?
  • Define Muscle hypertrophy vs Muscle strength
  • Define and elaborate on “Volume”
  • We mentioned frequency of exercise and the consideration of the volume of recovery
  • Time under tension and tempo training



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Hot, Not Bothered Challenge:

5 Day Flip:


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20 Menopause Fitness Changes You’ll Be Glad You Made

45m · Published 17 May 09:00

This is all about menopause fitness changes that you want to make, 20 of them in fact. Before any of these are truly beneficial, I’ll share this: if you’re not measuring you have no idea what is really happening. Measure and track your percent body fat and your skeletal muscle (in lbs or kgs). Other things you may want to do, take your measurements, track the waist or get nitty gritty with visceral belly fat stat from your Smart Scale.

If you’ve always said, I don’t weigh, I just pay attention to how my clothes fit, it’s time to change that thinking. By the time you may realize you lost a significant amount of muscle it could be too late.. and harder to get it back. Let’s not lose anything you have now, and work to build strong futures.

Here's 20 Menopause Fitness Changes to Try

1. Intense exercise Early

2. Exercise late? Make it light.

3. Increase recovery between challenging sessions.

4. If insomnia strikes, leave agility work for another day

5. Warm up and cool down like a boss to prevent injury

6. Bookend workouts with fuel

7. Quality movement wins over frenzied

8. Basics work better than variety for variety’s sake

9. Fuel before any intense exercise

10. Listen to your body better than you have ever before


11. Restore before more: Exhausted can’t get fit

12. Focus on muscle building

13. HIIT may hurt or help: assess for yourself

14. Activities that create positive neurotransmitters

15. Don’t underestimate walking and strength training


16. Energy is more stable: Push a little harder

17. Continue to prioritize strength

18. Frequency of HIIT can often increase from 2 to 4 times a week (45 minutes is still a threshold where injury rates seem to go up)

19. Mobility most days

20. Add Power regularly.


Hot Not Bothered Challenge:

FREE What, When & Why to Exercise for Women 40+ summit:

TEDx Talk:

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5 Menopause Fitness Questions You Want Answered: 3 Menopause Fitness Makeovers | Hormone Balancing Exercise: Do Menopause Fitness Rules Apply to Post Menopause Fitness, too? 495:

Ageless Aging: Believe it or Not?

35m · Published 14 May 09:00

Out this week, Ageless Aging is a new title on the shelves and book author and women’s aging advocate, Maddy Dychtwald is here with us on this episode. You’re going to love this episode.

We dive into why women have to advocate for themselves, the power of your mindset and why you and all your high school friends may be aging at such different paces.

The Role of Exercise in Ageless Aging

Physical activity remains a cornerstone of healthy aging. Imagine each step of a brisk walk or each rep in a strength training session not only enhancing muscle tone but also refreshing our minds and spirits. This daily commitment to physical activity is not merely about staying fit—it’s a celebration of our bodies’ capacity to thrive at any age, boosting both brain health and emotional well-being, ensuring we live not just longer, but with unstoppable vitality.

My Guest:

Maddy Dychtwald is an internationally acclaimed author, public speaker, and thought leader on longevity, aging, the new retirement, and the ascent of women. She co-founded Age Wave, the world's leader in understanding and addressing the far-reaching impacts of our aging population, and has led numerous acclaimed studies on women and money. In addition, she has been involved in more than 25 thought leadership research studies worldwide on aging, longevity, retirement, health, family, caregiving, housing, and leisure, which have cumulatively garnered more than 14 billion media impressions. Her new book, Ageless Aging: A Woman’s Guide to Increasing Healthspan, Brainspan, and Lifespan, publishes May 14th, 2024. She lives in San Francisco with her family.

Questions we answer in this episode:

  1. We are at the beginning stages of a longevity revolution. Why are women at the forefront?

  2. Why is it so important to create a new and improved experience of long life, especially designed for women?

  3. You coined the term “ageless aging,” which is the title of your new book. What does that mean exactly?

  4. You’ve created a holistic recipe for ageless aging that any woman of any age can begin. What are the most important ingredients?

  5. You share actionable tips and steps to help women increase their healthspans, brainspans, and lifespans. Can you share a few that you practice every day?

Connect with Maddy Dychtwald**:**


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What When & Why to Exercise for Women 40+:

NEW BOOK: Ageless Aging -

Figuring Out Calories You Need in Menopause

48m · Published 10 May 09:00

Calories you need in menopause are key as your body experiences these natural changes.

Exercise nutrition in menopause is more important than ever. The intuitive response to a desire to lose menopause weight or belly fat is to eat less and or do sit ups and tons of cardo. All bad ideas. Make the calories you need in menopause, your guide to wellness.

First, let me tell you that I’m not an advocate of telling anyone how many calories they need or of tracking. I don’t measure food. I don’t use points. At Flipping 50 we focus on a simple formula and it starts with whole foods, protein, and servings instead of calories, points or exchanges.

That said, it’s sometimes necessary to really take a closer look at exercise nutrition in menopause. But I want to emphasize a few things before we begin.

Calorie counting isn't the best method if:

  • You want to change your body composition (tracking macros is a better approach for body recomposition).
  • You have a history of disordered eating and feel the urge to drastically cut calories to an unhealthy level.
  • You're not actually sure how many calories you need to eat.

If you go searching blindly online, you’ll find a lot of different answers. For example:

Take your weight x 15 for a moderately active individual to maintain, as suggested at There was no distinction between males and females.

For my 200 lb client that’s 3000. You’ll see as we continue that’s different from other numbers.

Any calorie estimator should take into account two things. Your BMR, which is your basal or resting metabolic rate, and your activity level.

So when you figure out your BMR you have an idea that if you drop below that number you’re going to risk interfering with bodily function. That’s number is just to keep you alive and functioning.

For my client that’s 1380.

Where to Start with How Many Calories You Need in Menopause

Before you count calories, we first need to determine how many we need to eat. But we also need to consider what your past has been.

So on paper, or on the internet, it’s so easy peasy. Then welcome to life.

My client weighs 200 lbs. She doesn’t want to weigh 200 lbs. She’s very active. Weight training and HIIT, some endurance exercise - not much, and a lot of activity like pickleball and golf for 3+ hours several times a week. On a “day off” exercise, she’s still very active.

Calculations on will tell her this:

2381 to maintain

2131 mild weight loss

1881 weight loss 1lb /week

1381 extreme weight loss 2 lbs/ week

This is based on her being extremely active, although not the highest level of activity.

From the Mayo Clinic calculator, I got 2100 as the average calorie needs daily. That is congruent with the numbers from

Here’s the problem: reality.

Her usual caloric intake has been 1500 - 1881 for a very long time. She isn’t kicking up her metabolism with meals or with activity. Essentially by eating that little consistently for so long (while not losing) and exercising significantly, she’s likely slowed her metabolism.

She’s putting one foot on the accelerator (exercise) and one foot on the brake (low calorie diet) constantly.

She can’t lose weight because she’s not eating enough.

What’s the Answer to Better Exercise Nutrition in Menopause or Beyond?

Cycling her higher and lower calories for her active and rest days will help.

Most importantly though is looking at the content of her meals.

If she’s not getting enough protein, shown in studies with peri and post menopausal women both, to be a key indicator of fat loss, she’ll lose a significant amount of lean muscle when she loses weight. That reduces her metabolism further.

The opposite of the desired effect.

Protein recommendations also vary significantly. But the work of Dr Donald Layman, Blake Rasmussen and Douglas Paddon-Jones, have shown that distributing protein in a minimum of 25-30 grams per meal and reaching your total protein intake daily helps avoid muscle loss.

The work shared by Dr. Bill Campbell tells us that increasing protein without changing calories at all, spurs fat loss.

Dr. Gabrielle Lyon has shared a simple way of estimating protein need - steeped in science - that is 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight as a goal. For weight loss (without muscle loss), that number increases while your total caloric intake decreases.

Intermittent fasting can be helpful, for some, twofold. One, it reduces the eating window, almost automatically reducing caloric intake. Even if you have the license to eat, if you have increased protein intake wisely to reduce muscle loss, and you’re eating fibrous foods, your satiety level will prevent you from eating too much.

That said, cycling your intermittent fasting windows is also helpful. Any time you adopt a strict schedule or a strict calorie count, or carb count, you risk the body adapting and slowing metabolism to compensate. That’s the opposite desired effect.

You have to fuel exercise. Exercise is a muscle breakdown activity. The rebuild occurs between sessions - if you allow enough time, and enough fuel to do so.

You can play with the site. It calls this cycling a zig-zag schedule. But it’s the same … I’d have my client boost calories sometimes for one week during a build muscle focus. The next week we’d have a moderate caloric deficit and workouts that are shorter and less demanding.

Or we have higher caloric days and lower calorie days (as well as carb levels higher and lower) while protein remains high consistently.

Beyond the Calories You Need in Menopause: More or Less Fat?

Wonder about how much fat? Studies shared- again via Bill Campbell, PhD - say it matters very little and is just your preference. You can experiment. Genetically, I’m predisposed to do better with slightly higher carbs. You may be otherwise and you don’t need to do a DNA test to find out. Most of us know by now. When balancing the calories you need in menopause, remember flexibility is key; you can adjust fats and carbs while maintaining essential protein levels for a vibrant health balance.

If you want to lose weight and aren’t - but are thinking low carb works for you - you could be wrong! Be open to testing for yourself.

But the beauty of the science is that as long as protein increases within a set calorie intake, the fat or carbs can go up or down. You have room to enjoy the birthday cake or a favorite seasonal meal that might be higher in carbs, and you haven’t blown it! You’d simply reduce the amount of fat you consumed that day.


Calorie Calculator:

See How You Eat:


Mayo Clinic:

FDA FoodCentral database:

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Why Calories Burned from Exercise Don’t Get You Fit:

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How Much Magnesium - The Missing Link to Total Health

43m · Published 07 May 09:00

How much magnesium should you include in your daily regimen? Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, impacting everything from your energy levels to how well you sleep at night. But the question remains: how much do you really need to support your health during menopause?

How much magnesium do you need?

The daily recommended intake of magnesium varies, but generally, women aged 50 and above should aim for about 320 mg per day. However, needs can vary based on individual health conditions and dietary intake.

To find out how much magnesium works for you, start with a lower dose and gradually increase it. Monitor how you feel—improvements in sleep, mood stabilization, and general well-being are indicators that your magnesium intake is on point.

If you suspect you’re low on magnesium, especially during menopause, it’s a common concern. Talk to your healthcare provider about how much magnesium is right for you and explore the best ways to maintain adequate levels through diet or supplements.

My Guest:

Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, is a respected expert in holistic health, particularly known for her work in magnesium therapy. She has authored influential books, including "The Magnesium Miracle," and advocates for the use of natural remedies in achieving optimal health. Dr. Dean also develops nutritional supplements and is widely recognized for her contributions to holistic health and wellness. For detailed information, visit her official website or consult her latest publications.

Questions We Answer in This Episode:

  • What are the top twelve reasons magnesium is foundational to women’s physical and mental health? [00:07:55]
  • How many traditional diagnoses could very well be magnesium deficiency in disguise? [00:09:25]
  • The importance of magnesium as a partner/co-factor with other essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and calcium.[00:08:25]
  • How magnesium is an essential factor in mitochondrial integrity and energy production. [00:27:55]
  • How to choose the right magnesium. [00:17:25]
  • How to properly supplement with magnesium. [00:25:25]

Connect with Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND**:**


On Social:

Facebook: ****





Book: Magnesium- The Missing Link to Total Health -

5 Day Flip:

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It’s Not What You Lose, It’s the Confidence You Gain in Menopause

40m · Published 03 May 09:00

Confidence you gain in menopause could light a fire under you like never before in your life. What’s not to love? You raised kids who are good people. You like them. You survived stuff. You know real drama and you're done with mean girls who have time to leave comments on your social media platforms.

If you apply to be a guest on the Flipping 50 show here to talk about self doubt in midlife you’ll get rejected. I’d rather talk about the confidence you gain. Wouldn’t you?

I recently, very recently vetoed an application for a podcast to Flipping 50 based on going from self doubt to confidence. The premise was women in midlife go through menopause with hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, weight gain and feel unsure and uncertain about themselves and their futures.

Welcoming the confidence you gain in menopause lets you charge into this exciting chapter with all the fierceness you've earned—because, let's face it, you're not just surviving, you're thriving!

Confidence You Gain in Menopause from Women You’re Around

So, I ask you, is that what you want to hear? Because it’s not what you’re going to get here. In fact, this very same afternoon, I had that proposal via email, I met a midlife woman who made me question whether I was living up to my capacity!

And you know after talking to her I was feeling inspired. Inspired to bike a little longer, hike a little higher, stretch myself (not talking about yoga here) a little more.

I saw possibilities.

In the other proposal, and by no intention on the sender’s part - of that I’m absolutely certain - I felt myself hitting a glass ceiling of sorts. I finished - well I didn’t … because I was clearly already forming this podcast in my mind… feeling like it would be enough to settle for overcoming the symptoms of menopause.

We’ve got to stop this.

Stop it right now.

OKAY, yes. I get that many of you are dealing with hot flashes night sweats and it’s not as easy as stopping the wine, sugar in other forms, reducing processed foods and simple carbs and bumping protein and the intensity of your workouts or…more walking.

[However, by the way these things help!]

But I’ve watched women in midlife who might have been worried about what people will think or unsure of what they want, and reluctant about asking for it even if they did, be pretty dam sure of themselves.

Actress Jodie Foster (and by the way she acted and directed Nyad and if you haven’t seen it and doubt what you can do at any age, watch it). It’s worth the extra subscription to Netflix to see it. I may or may not have watched it two days in a row.

I’m a study of 1, but here’s how I felt flipping 60. I spent the 10 days following that birthday completely differently than I did the approach to it.

The approach to it felt a little like wanting to rush against time and get as fit as possible, or see more muscle or less fat on the Smart Scale or do more pull ups.

And after, I became obsessed with things I’ve put off and haven’t done.

  • I registered for an Ironman. (more on that later)
  • I booked nearly a month in Colorado this summer.
  • I got tickets to what for me will be an epic concert - James Taylor at Red Rocks Amphitheater
  • I chose clearly based on core values between two things I desperately wanted and suddenly the universe gave me both by rescheduling the second to a later date.

**Can You Tell Me About the Confidence You Gained

in Menopause ?**

I want to hear from you.

I’ve heard from a few of you. You’ve decided to keep working because you love it and don’t love the idea of retiring with your spouse and being around the house together without purpose all day.

You’re not being disrespectful to your partner but you’re being more respectful to yourself and saying no, no thank you to say yes to yourself.

You’re realizing that little subtle comments from others can be harmful to your own ability to decide for yourself and you’re asking for what you need.

Menopause, midlife, a notable birthday… will do that for you.

Some of you learned through tragedy earlier. There’s wisdom in witnessing tragedy and having to step into courage you didn’t know you had because you have to.

Use it dear listener. Use it to your advantage. Don’t hide it any more.

Stop saying, “I’m sorry” for doing your job for needing to speak up.

It’s time we give ourselves permission.

I’d love to hear from you. When you see this episode posted on Facebook or Instagram, will you share what you’re shrugging off and or stepping into?

And would you share how your fitness has been a part of that?

I’ll leave you with this:

When she lifts heavy things, she can more easily weather heavy things in life.

She may ask your opinion. She’s not asking for permission.

She does not fear getting old, she’s got her eye on getting bold.

More than she wants to lose weight, she wants to lift weight.

She doesn’t look forward to retirement, she is interested in rewirement.

She doesn’t fear falls as much as she fears stalls.

She can walk with power toward things, or walk away from things.

She doesn’t feel invisible. She feels invincible.

There’s no more powerful health influencer in the world than a midlife woman.

She’s responsible for 85% of all household decisions, and has 3 generations of influence.

When a woman changes her own story, she changes history.


My TEDx talk:

You Still Got It, Girl! The book: 40+:

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Pelvic Floor Health in Menopause and Exercise

42m · Published 30 Apr 09:00

There’s a good chance you have concerns about pelvic floor health in menopause or before or after and either don’t know it or don’t talk about it. If you don’t know it, it’s because you’ve never associated gas or inability to control your urge to go with pelvic floor for just one example. Most of us don’t talk about it. Not with our partner, our friends or even our doctor.

I know because for years I was a trainer who didn’t ask this question. And needed to. And it’s only recently I realized that women don’t even associate a need to tell this with the type of exercise they do or don’t do.

Embrace Pelvic Floor Health in Menopause for wellness.

If you've been ignoring or are unaware of Pelvic Floor Health in Menopause, it's time to tune in and take control. Engaging in the right types of exercise can make a significant difference, not just for pelvic health but for your overall wellbeing during menopause.

My Guest:

Kim Vopni is a self-professed kegel maven and is known as The Vagina Coach. She is a certified fitness professional who became passionate about spreading information on pelvic health after the birth of her first child over 18 years ago.

She is an author, a passionate speaker, and a women’s health educator. Her most recent book, Your Pelvic Floor, launched in March 2020 and was on the bestseller list immediately.

After experiencing the upheaval of perimenopause she began educating herself on ways to support her own body and then took a certification to become a Menopause Support Practitioner so she could help others navigate the transition with ease.

Kim offers online programs and coaching for women through all life stages but the majority of her client base is in the peri and postmenopausal phase of life. Her Buff Muff app is an ever-growing community where people from around the world find support through her 28 day challenges and monthly membership.

Kim also certifies other fitness and movement professionals to work with women with core and pelvic floor challenges through her Core Confidence Specialist Certification and Pre/Postnatal Fitness Specialist Certification.

You can find her on-line through her podcast Between Two Lips, her website at and on social media @vaginacoach

Questions We Answer in This Episode:

  • What is the pelvic floor and why is it important [00:08:40]
  • What is it about pelvic floor health in menopause that’s unique? [00:10:50]
  • What are the most common signs/symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction [00:13:50]
  • What can we do about it? [00:13:40]

Connect with Kim Vopni**:**


On Social:




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Kim’s Buff Muff App:

What When & Why to Exercise for Women 40+:

Why a Trainer May Not Get You Results in Menopause

21m · Published 26 Apr 09:00

Fitness Shifts in Menopause: When Your Trainer May Not Get You Results

Your trainer may not get you results in menopause. Rethink your trainer-led workouts.It’snot his or her fault, butit’s critical to understand that what worked for you in your 30s or 40s might not be effective now.

It wasn’t until I created Flipping 50 in 2013, and then finally created the Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist in 2018 that I knew of training in existence for trainers or health coaches of midlife women.

Some trainers, often fitness enthusiasts themselves, may venture to advise based on their own readings or experiences. However, this might not be sufficient to guide decisions on the critical aspects of aging optimally: your muscle, bone, and brain health. It's vital to recognize when your trainer may not get you results and seek tailored guidance that addresses your unique needs during menopause.

Ask these Questions to Avoid Getting a Trainer That May Not Get You Results:

  1. What specific training have you had about training women in midlife?
  2. What is unique in the way you train women in midlife vs younger women/older women or men?
  3. How do you define success?
  4. What kinds of things will you be asking me to do?
  5. What are the mostimportantcomponents of the work we’ll do together?
  6. I’ve heard it said that guidelines and quotas for exercise aren’t necessarily the best way for women to design an exercise program. What are your thoughts on programming for me?
  7. How do you measure success?

That’s a start.Andif you are a trainer or coach who works with women in midlife, I highly recommend you consider one of three programs:

  • Dr. Stacy Sims offers acourse
  • Girls Gone Strong offers a Women’s training course
  • Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist© (for building your entire business, including marketing and training strategies)

Something is better than nothingorwinging it by reading a lot and having gone through it yourself,is not science.You’re a study of one. Until you’ve coached thousands so you’re truly an expert with the time and hours and worked with the unique differences of individuals, none of us can justify our personal experience as a credible authority.


What, When & Why to Exercise for Women 40+ summit:

5 Day Flip:

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The Flipping 50 Show has 264 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 162:09:35. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on February 22nd 2023. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 29th, 2024 17:44.

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