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Post Purchase PRO - Profitable Email Marketing For Amazon Sellers

by Post Purchase PRO - Seth Stevens & Shawn Hart

Post purchase marketing is the fastest way to gain an advantage when selling on Amazon. While most sellers ignore this channel the founders of Post Purchase PRO have fast tracked their Amazon success by creating a real relationship with customers. "Instead of treating our Amazon customers like a transaction, we develop an insanely profitable ongoing relationship with them by continuing to deliver value for them all while generating repeat purchases for our business." It's through email marketing that we've been able to add an additional 66% of revenue to our business. Email is just the beginning though, we use SMS text, direct mail, retargeting, and other channels outside of Amazon to further our growth. In this podcast, the founders Seth Stevens and Shawn Hart discuss many of the secrets to their ongoing success. 

Copyright: © 2024 Post Purchase PRO - Profitable Email Marketing For Amazon Sellers


Post Purchase PRO Podcast - Episode Thirteen - Transform your business into a CASH COW by using Amazon as a profitable customer acquisition channel

18m · Published 20 Sep 18:00

This is the post purchase Pro podcast, episode 13, when I realized that Amazon could be used as a profitable lead generation source, everything changed.

Welcome guys to post Purchase Pro podcast, episode 13.

Super excited to be here, as always, Shawn, say hello to our wonderful audience and people that are excited, as we are to be here, hanging out today, talking about profitable lead generation using your Amazon business. I'm stoked.

Happy to be here.

..., going to be a fun episode, I'm super stoked about today's topic, about shifting your thinking, by using Amazon does a profitable customer acquisition channel, This is a complete, what you call a paradigm shift, isn't it?

And if you can get older, the message that we're going to be talking to share with you today, it's going to completely change the perspective that you have on your entire business, and the future of your customer relationship.

Yeah, I mean, so, most sellers that we run into are thinking about Amazon in the wrong way.

They're thinking about Amazon, as a complete business, wrapped up into one platform, and that's, that's just not the best way to approach it.

And fortunately, Shawn, we, we didn't come into the Amazon Business, Um, with that, in our minds, because, where we came from, we had to build a business around our product, and around our different sales channels. And, so, when we entered this space, it was just very natural for, for us to say, OK, we have Amazon generating customers for us, but that's just the beginning.

So, what we see is most customer, or most sellers, stop there, they stop with Amazon's my business, instead of Amazon generates leads or some customers that I need to nurture and make more profitable. John.

Of course.

Yeah, and, you know, whenever we talk about this internally set, like you said, we put a huge amount of weight and value into creating an ongoing relationship with customers.

And every time that we've been able to sell any of our businesses, the buyer on the other end gives us a higher multiple, and a lot better valuation, a lot more attention when they know And understand that. Not only do we have a list of customers, everyone has a list of transactions, right? But we have a list of customers, who know and love us, to enjoy doing more business with our brand. So, I'm gonna ask you an important question to kind of reframe the way you think about your business. Because, honestly, said that you can change the way you think about your business. Then you can open up real growth. And I'll ask this question again later.

But, let me start out with asking you this.

Ask yourself, do I make sales to create customers?

Do I create customers to make sales? That's an important question when I first heard that from Alex Mosey on his podcast.

I thought, Wow, what an awesome way to approach your business.

Because, most folks, if you ask yourself that question, you're probably thinking, Well, of course, make sales to create customers.

But, in reality, you can create customers to make sales, and it all starts with developing that relationship. A relationship that you can tap into. It's like having a good friend.

Like, you can measure your, your position in life, a lot of times, by those folks who are willing to pick up the phone when you call.

That's a relationship, so, if your customer, you know what I mean. If your customers willing to open your e-mail and take action on the Baye, will content that you're sharing, now you have a real business and not just an expensive hobby, sir.

Yeah, and, I think a good way to think about Amazon is just a way to capture customers

Post Purchase PRO Podcast - Episode Twelve - Pricing Your Amazon Products For Maximum Profitability

25m · Published 14 Sep 00:00

This is the post Purchase Pro Podcast, episode 12.

I found out that we were leaving over $50 per customer cur month on the table, and for our business, that meant that we were missing out on $105,000 every single month.

Alright, guys, the Episode 12 is the one I've been looking for.

The Post Purchase Pro podcast, we're going to be talking about: testing prices, why it's so critical, and how most of the time you can get away with charging a lot more for your products and your services.

And doing a better job of providing an amazing product experience for your customers.

So, everybody wins, you make more money, and your customer actually has a better experience. Shawn, let's jump into this.

Yeah, for sure, Welcome to Episode 12, Pricing Your Product for Success. Now, the reason I say price your product for success, doesn't necessarily mean that you're not already successful.

All I want to do is kind of tikal that area of your brain, that makes you believe that you possibly priced your product correctly right out of the gate.

We often make this mistake, because what happens is, we fall into the trap Seth of, where we think that we are, our own customer, We think that in my area, my corner of the world, in my opinion, this widget should be priced for X based on the value that I put in that product.

But Seth, we always like to fall back on the whole scenario. It's not your job to answer. The question, says, it's your job to ask the question. So it is imperative to the success and long term growth of your business, to make sure that your pricing, then we'll call that sweet spot.

So I said, what Emma said, Seth having to know how to price the product, and Seth said, Dan Kennedy said it best.

How to price your product.

Maximum price that you can say out loud without cracking a smile like I just did there. So, how does that ring true in your experience?

I mean, we find out Later on that you're selling a product You've been selling for years and Leaving over $50 per customer per month on the table.

How does that make you feel as a business person instead?

at the average Joe?

you're a brilliant marketer, a brilliant businessman.

You've had years of success both on Amazon and off How do you feel when you look back and say, my god, I left over $100,000 per month on the table by not having an optimized price Well, first of all, Shawn don't don't go so far as to love me and with those brilliant people.


I don't think I would classify myself in that way, so, but thank you for saying. You know, you really were, Yeah, Hey.


Serve me up some humble pie or hey, so shall I think that the big problem is, especially when you can launch a product so easily on Amazon or e-commerce, you can jump into a price, so easily just based on what you see in the marketplace, or what you think in your mind, something worse worth. And that's the worst thing to do. So you become biased to what's working.


So this happened to me, and I had this vivid memory that you're recalling shot of when we discovered that we were charging $50 too little for a product. And I'll tell you why. We knew it was too little in a second.


But basically, w

Who doesn't love a Summer Friday?
What happens when we reimagine business, culture, and life? Start by asking the questions.

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Post Purchase PRO Podcast - Episode Twelve - Pricing Your Amazon Products For Maximum Profitability

24m · Published 14 Sep 00:00

This is the post Purchase Pro Podcast, episode 12.

I found out that we were leaving over $50 per customer cur month on the table, and for our business, that meant that we were missing out on $105,000 every single month.

Alright, guys, the Episode 12 is the one I've been looking for.

The Post Purchase Pro podcast, we're going to be talking about: testing prices, why it's so critical, and how most of the time you can get away with charging a lot more for your products and your services.

And doing a better job of providing an amazing product experience for your customers.

So, everybody wins, you make more money, and your customer actually has a better experience. Shawn, let's jump into this.

Yeah, for sure, Welcome to Episode 12, Pricing Your Product for Success. Now, the reason I say price your product for success, doesn't necessarily mean that you're not already successful.

All I want to do is kind of tikal that area of your brain, that makes you believe that you possibly priced your product correctly right out of the gate.

We often make this mistake, because what happens is, we fall into the trap Seth of, where we think that we are, our own customer, We think that in my area, my corner of the world, in my opinion, this widget should be priced for X based on the value that I put in that product.

But Seth, we always like to fall back on the whole scenario. It's not your job to answer. The question, says, it's your job to ask the question. So it is imperative to the success and long term growth of your business, to make sure that your pricing, then we'll call that sweet spot.

So I said, what Emma said, Seth having to know how to price the product, and Seth said, Dan Kennedy said it best.

How to price your product.

Maximum price that you can say out loud without cracking a smile like I just did there. So, how does that ring true in your experience?

I mean, we find out Later on that you're selling a product You've been selling for years and Leaving over $50 per customer per month on the table.

How does that make you feel as a business person instead?

at the average Joe?

you're a brilliant marketer, a brilliant businessman.

You've had years of success both on Amazon and off How do you feel when you look back and say, my god, I left over $100,000 per month on the table by not having an optimized price Well, first of all, Shawn don't don't go so far as to love me and with those brilliant people.


I don't think I would classify myself in that way, so, but thank you for saying. You know, you really were, Yeah, Hey.


Serve me up some humble pie or hey, so shall I think that the big problem is, especially when you can launch a product so easily on Amazon or e-commerce, you can jump into a price, so easily just based on what you see in the marketplace, or what you think in your mind, something worse worth. And that's the worst thing to do. So you become biased to what's working.


So this happened to me, and I had this vivid memory that you're recalling shot of when we discovered that we were charging $50 too little for a product. And I'll tell you why. We knew it was too little in a second.


But basically, when you set a price on Amazon and it starts to sell, then what happens? What you think, well, maybe that was the perfect price. It's working. I am making sales, I better not touch it. And you can fall into that for a long time.


So this product that we were selling, We were actually selling it for about $20.


So 1999 was our price, and we sold it OK. It was an OK product. But it was an electronic product. It was actually a hearing a

Post Purchase PRO Podcast - Episode Eleven - How to obtain massive Amazon success using long term thinking

21m · Published 06 Sep 15:00

This is the post Purchase Pro Podcast, episode 11.

It was like a virtual brain dump.

I actually forgot not only how to do this task but I forgot even creating the system for it. It's so liberating to have the ability to successfully hand off important daily tasks.

Welcome to the Post Purchase Pro podcast.

Everyone, today, we're going to be talking about creating huge success with long term thinking, but before we begin, Seth, we have to talk about minds

When you enter this correct mindset, and I'm talking about a mindset that's set for growth, we like to use the phrase, act as if.

So, when you begin your business, acting as, if you've already achieved the Goal, Act as if you are, have a business wildly successful and profitable Amazon business.

Then you're in the right mindset.

And, you know, one of the things said that we see folks make a mistake more often than they should, is it, they'll treat their business.

Like it's a hobby, almost like it's a second seat to what they're really doing, instead of treating it like a real business.

And what I've seen, and I'm sure you can relate Seth, is that if you don't treat your business like a real business, then no one else will either.

So it all begins with mindset.

Think about why you got into this game, about what you hope to accomplish by having a successful Amazon business and think long term.

Forget about the obstacles directly in front of you each week, each day, each hour.

Think more long term. Where do you want to be? At the end of this year, we're going to be leaders and tell you.

When you can like C L, There are results.

If you don't, then you're going to fall into the trap that we see way too often, and that is putting out fires every single day to try to make it through the day or the week or the month. And that's just not the right mindset, Seth.

Yeah, Shawn, so you change the way that you approach your day, and you approach your business when you think long term, and you plan for growth.


If you are thinking short-term and you don't act as if, then you make different decisions, like you would make a decision to shortcut.


You'd make a decision to skip a step, when you're not acting as if your business is going to be successful, long term.


We gotta think years in advance and not just what can I do today, make a difference today, we're talking about acting as if we're going to be successful in a year, two years, five years down the road.


So it changes your perspective.


And the first thing I want to talk about Shawn, is if you can take a mindset for growth and act as if your business is going to be successful and it's going to be this big business, then you obviously need systems in place.


And and when I'm talking about systems, I'm talking about processes for getting things done. It is not about, like you said, Shawn getting a fire in front of you and going and getting a watering can and putting it out.


It's not about answering your customer service ticket. It's not about finding a product, It's about building a system to do all of those things.


The system is what's going to allow you to scale.


And, and Shawn, when, when I say the word system, like, what comes to mind, like, what are we talking about when we say system, it's a step by step approach to accomplishing an exact task or an exact outcome.


By throwing mud on the wall, you're shucking and jiving trying to get through the day systematic approach, accomplishing any task like, step one, step two, step three, and so on, Then, you know exactly where to start, whenever you try to accomplish something. For example, Seth, let's talk about creating a listing.


Sure, we all

Post Purchase PRO Podcast - Episode Eleven - How to obtain massive Amazon success using long term thinking

21m · Published 06 Sep 15:00

This is the post Purchase Pro Podcast, episode 11.

It was like a virtual brain dump.

I actually forgot not only how to do this task but I forgot even creating the system for it. It's so liberating to have the ability to successfully hand off important daily tasks.

Welcome to the Post Purchase Pro podcast.

Everyone, today, we're going to be talking about creating huge success with long term thinking, but before we begin, Seth, we have to talk about minds

When you enter this correct mindset, and I'm talking about a mindset that's set for growth, we like to use the phrase, act as if.

So, when you begin your business, acting as, if you've already achieved the Goal, Act as if you are, have a business wildly successful and profitable Amazon business.

Then you're in the right mindset.

And, you know, one of the things said that we see folks make a mistake more often than they should, is it, they'll treat their business.

Like it's a hobby, almost like it's a second seat to what they're really doing, instead of treating it like a real business.

And what I've seen, and I'm sure you can relate Seth, is that if you don't treat your business like a real business, then no one else will either.

So it all begins with mindset.

Think about why you got into this game, about what you hope to accomplish by having a successful Amazon business and think long term.

Forget about the obstacles directly in front of you each week, each day, each hour.

Think more long term. Where do you want to be? At the end of this year, we're going to be leaders and tell you.

When you can like C L, There are results.

If you don't, then you're going to fall into the trap that we see way too often, and that is putting out fires every single day to try to make it through the day or the week or the month. And that's just not the right mindset, Seth.

Yeah, Shawn, so you change the way that you approach your day, and you approach your business when you think long term, and you plan for growth.


If you are thinking short-term and you don't act as if, then you make different decisions, like you would make a decision to shortcut.


You'd make a decision to skip a step, when you're not acting as if your business is going to be successful, long term.


We gotta think years in advance and not just what can I do today, make a difference today, we're talking about acting as if we're going to be successful in a year, two years, five years down the road.


So it changes your perspective.


And the first thing I want to talk about Shawn, is if you can take a mindset for growth and act as if your business is going to be successful and it's going to be this big business, then you obviously need systems in place.


And and when I'm talking about systems, I'm talking about processes for getting things done. It is not about, like you said, Shawn getting a fire in front of you and going and getting a watering can and putting it out.


It's not about answering your customer service ticket. It's not about finding a product, It's about building a system to do all of those things.


The system is what's going to allow you to scale.


And, and Shawn, when, when I say the word system, like, what comes to mind, like, what are we talking about when we say system, it's a step by step approach to accomplishing an exact task or an exact outcome.


By throwing mud on the wall, you're shucking and jiving trying to get through the day systematic approach, accomplishing any task like, step one, step two, step three, and so on, Then, you know exactly where to start, whenever you try to accomplish something. For example, Seth, let's talk about creating a listing.


Sure, we all

Post Purchase PRO Podcast - Episode Ten - Using email marketing to grow you Amazon business to more profits

24m · Published 30 Aug 15:00

This is the post purchase pro podcast, episode 10, how to beat competitors with e-mail marketing for both wholesale and private label.
And this works just as well for wholesale as it does for private label sellers.
Welcome, folks. Today's episode is all about using e-mail marketing to grow your Amazon business.
I know, it's something that you might not be comfortable with, but e-mail marketing has been instrumental in the growth of not only our Amazon businesses, but in dozens of other sellers that we interact with, all over the world.
So, pay attention today, We're gonna give you some in-depth insight about how to use e-mail marketing, how to get started, and what it can mean for your business, when it comes to growing your revenue, Increasing your conversions and forcing Amazon to rank your products.
Just a little higher on the page, which, as you know, Seth means more sales and more revenue, it's like repeating cycle, right.
Yeah, it's become self reinforcing, doesn't it shot?
I think the biggest problem is, if you step into the Amazon world and you're excited to go to an Amazon business, or if you've been building and business for awhile, you know that all the sellers out there are doing the exact same things. A lot of sellers have taken the same courses.
You know, whether that's a private label course or a wholesale course, or just been to mastermind or whatever, but all the sellers are pretty much doing the same thing, they're pulling the same levers and they're getting, you know, similar results.
But the problem is that when you have so many people doing the exact same things in the same system, on the same platform, selling similar products, it kinda becomes hard to stand out.
And it's hard to show Amazon that you should get more attention, then the guy sitting next to you in the search results and what you were just talking about there. Shawn, is so true.
It's, if you can go just a little bit above and beyond what your competition is doing. In this case, we're going to talk about using e-mail marketing to do that.
Then, over time, Amazon says, hey, wait a second here. This particular seller, this particular listing, they get a little bit more repeat sales. They get a little bit higher conversion rate.
So, which which listings are they going to reward at the end of the day.
That rewarding of your listing with better ranking equals way more sales. Way more profits, and we're gonna get into why all of that happens.
Yeah, of course, We love courses setup, and there are several, great, similar courses out there that will put you in the game.
Obviously, it's a great opportunity, but just being in the game is not good enough.
Once you have a good game plan, and you're doing consistent, daily, profitable sales, you're always kinda looking for your next, when you're looking for that strategy, that's going to take your business to the next level. Now, I know what you're thinking, you're, oh great, this episode's all about e-mail marketing. Amazon doesn't give me my customer's e-mail address, Amazon.
It doesn't allow me to reach out to my customer, personally. Amazon does share that information, is against terms of service. You guys are crazy.
Well, stay with us, because we're going to show you where you're wrong.
And, in fact, when Seth and I first began our Amazon journey in late 2013, Kerley 14, we approached Amazon completely different now than Seth.

Who doesn't love a Summer Friday?
What happens when we reimagine business, culture, and life? Start by asking the questions.

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Post Purchase PRO Podcast - Episode Ten - Using email marketing to grow you Amazon business to more profits

23m · Published 30 Aug 15:00

This is the post purchase pro podcast, episode 10, how to beat competitors with e-mail marketing for both wholesale and private label.
And this works just as well for wholesale as it does for private label sellers.
Welcome, folks. Today's episode is all about using e-mail marketing to grow your Amazon business.
I know, it's something that you might not be comfortable with, but e-mail marketing has been instrumental in the growth of not only our Amazon businesses, but in dozens of other sellers that we interact with, all over the world.
So, pay attention today, We're gonna give you some in-depth insight about how to use e-mail marketing, how to get started, and what it can mean for your business, when it comes to growing your revenue, Increasing your conversions and forcing Amazon to rank your products.
Just a little higher on the page, which, as you know, Seth means more sales and more revenue, it's like repeating cycle, right.
Yeah, it's become self reinforcing, doesn't it shot?
I think the biggest problem is, if you step into the Amazon world and you're excited to go to an Amazon business, or if you've been building and business for awhile, you know that all the sellers out there are doing the exact same things. A lot of sellers have taken the same courses.
You know, whether that's a private label course or a wholesale course, or just been to mastermind or whatever, but all the sellers are pretty much doing the same thing, they're pulling the same levers and they're getting, you know, similar results.
But the problem is that when you have so many people doing the exact same things in the same system, on the same platform, selling similar products, it kinda becomes hard to stand out.
And it's hard to show Amazon that you should get more attention, then the guy sitting next to you in the search results and what you were just talking about there. Shawn, is so true.
It's, if you can go just a little bit above and beyond what your competition is doing. In this case, we're going to talk about using e-mail marketing to do that.
Then, over time, Amazon says, hey, wait a second here. This particular seller, this particular listing, they get a little bit more repeat sales. They get a little bit higher conversion rate.
So, which which listings are they going to reward at the end of the day.
That rewarding of your listing with better ranking equals way more sales. Way more profits, and we're gonna get into why all of that happens.
Yeah, of course, We love courses setup, and there are several, great, similar courses out there that will put you in the game.
Obviously, it's a great opportunity, but just being in the game is not good enough.
Once you have a good game plan, and you're doing consistent, daily, profitable sales, you're always kinda looking for your next, when you're looking for that strategy, that's going to take your business to the next level. Now, I know what you're thinking, you're, oh great, this episode's all about e-mail marketing. Amazon doesn't give me my customer's e-mail address, Amazon.
It doesn't allow me to reach out to my customer, personally. Amazon does share that information, is against terms of service. You guys are crazy.
Well, stay with us, because we're going to show you where you're wrong.
And, in fact, when Seth and I first began our Amazon journey in late 2013, Kerley 14, we approached Amazon completely different now than Seth.
We didn't know how different we were from our colleagues and folks, that we were meeting at the seller events until we started growing faster and more profitably, and then selling our businesses.
For higher multiples based on what we were showing our buyers.
And at the end of the day, we can attribute 41% on average of our revenue came from, what we now call post purchase marketing.

Post Purchase PRO Podcast - Bonus Episode - Amazon customer stick strategies

10m · Published 23 Aug 15:00

This is about providing obvious value to your Amazon customers, so they'll remember you and remember your brand.

Remember, you have to dig the well before you're thirsty.

Guys, welcome to the latest episode of the Post Purchase ... podcast.

We're so excited to talk to you today about sticks Strategies for your Business. Now, when I say stick strategy Shod, what am I talking about?

Know, it's easy for us, Seth as Amazon sellers to sit back and just assume the Amazon will just continue to send us fires every day and they will for the most part.

But when you say stick strategy, this means how do I get the customer to stick with my brand to re-order my product?

to go back to my Amazon listing and allow us to engage with them to promote future products? Or promote the same product more than once.

In other words, stick strategies allows us to continue to sell more of the same product to the same list by getting them to, quote, unquote, steak after the sale. And there are a lot of ways that you, and I discovered how to do this today, specifically.

I think, we're gonna talk to talk to folks about how to use product instructional videos, product, constructional, PDF downloadable, digital content, that delivers tremendous value, that's obvious to the buyer. It's not about us, the seller. It's not about You said it's about those who purchase your product through Amazon.

And it's about you providing ongoing value to enhance my experience as a customer. That's how we'll get your customers to stick around and do more business with you.

So, Yeah.

And so I guess the first hurdle in having any customers stick is having them be satisfied enough not to return the product, not to be so upset that they leave you a negative review. Which is kind of like, you know, two huge benefits of providing them better customer experiences.

You make more money because less people will return the product. You get better ranking, because less people return the product and you get better ranking because less people give you bad reviews.


So like you said, Shawn, we're gonna be talking about Making your customers.


stick to your purchase, stick to your brand by providing more value after that when they buy from me. So I've bought products many times, where there's just no support.


And that really hurts the experience when as a seller, we can easily provide something that helps the product give the customer the experience that they were looking for. Give them the benefit that they were seeking when they bought from the drug.




This is going to be a quick episode, because the idea is simple, but the effectiveness is just amazing.


So, you know, this is about providing obvious value to your Amazon customer, so they will remember you and remember your brand.


You have to dig the well before you're thirsty.


And what I mean by that, Seth, is that it's easy for us to just sit back and assume that things are just fine and dandy put our head in the sand, and we don't have to provide customer service.


But if we do, it's taking control. We have to take control of a certain percentage of our business. And save that for a rainy day how many times. I've heard war stories of sellers who are doing an amazing job, they have remarkable products.


They provide great support, they have no bad reviews, but for some goofy reason, the so-called Amazon gods will shut off the listing, suspend the account for no reason.


Then, as a seller, we have to go in there, fight this battle that we shouldn't ever have to fight, wouldn't it, be nice?


If we had a customer list, through our stick strategy secrets, that we can tap into that customer list for more ongoing sales, Maybe a membership program, maybe upsells, cross sells,

Post Purchase PRO Podcast - Bonus Episode - Amazon customer stick strategies

10m · Published 23 Aug 15:00

This is about providing obvious value to your Amazon customers, so they'll remember you and remember your brand.

Remember, you have to dig the well before you're thirsty.

Guys, welcome to the latest episode of the Post Purchase ... podcast.

We're so excited to talk to you today about sticks Strategies for your Business. Now, when I say stick strategy Shod, what am I talking about?

Know, it's easy for us, Seth as Amazon sellers to sit back and just assume the Amazon will just continue to send us fires every day and they will for the most part.

But when you say stick strategy, this means how do I get the customer to stick with my brand to re-order my product?

to go back to my Amazon listing and allow us to engage with them to promote future products? Or promote the same product more than once.

In other words, stick strategies allows us to continue to sell more of the same product to the same list by getting them to, quote, unquote, steak after the sale. And there are a lot of ways that you, and I discovered how to do this today, specifically.

I think, we're gonna talk to talk to folks about how to use product instructional videos, product, constructional, PDF downloadable, digital content, that delivers tremendous value, that's obvious to the buyer. It's not about us, the seller. It's not about You said it's about those who purchase your product through Amazon.

And it's about you providing ongoing value to enhance my experience as a customer. That's how we'll get your customers to stick around and do more business with you.

So, Yeah.

And so I guess the first hurdle in having any customers stick is having them be satisfied enough not to return the product, not to be so upset that they leave you a negative review. Which is kind of like, you know, two huge benefits of providing them better customer experiences.

You make more money because less people will return the product. You get better ranking, because less people return the product and you get better ranking because less people give you bad reviews.


So like you said, Shawn, we're gonna be talking about Making your customers.


stick to your purchase, stick to your brand by providing more value after that when they buy from me. So I've bought products many times, where there's just no support.


And that really hurts the experience when as a seller, we can easily provide something that helps the product give the customer the experience that they were looking for. Give them the benefit that they were seeking when they bought from the drug.




This is going to be a quick episode, because the idea is simple, but the effectiveness is just amazing.


So, you know, this is about providing obvious value to your Amazon customer, so they will remember you and remember your brand.


You have to dig the well before you're thirsty.


And what I mean by that, Seth, is that it's easy for us to just sit back and assume that things are just fine and dandy put our head in the sand, and we don't have to provide customer service.


But if we do, it's taking control. We have to take control of a certain percentage of our business. And save that for a rainy day how many times. I've heard war stories of sellers who are doing an amazing job, they have remarkable products.


They provide great support, they have no bad reviews, but for some goofy reason, the so-called Amazon gods will shut off the listing, suspend the account for no reason.


Then, as a seller, we have to go in there, fight this battle that we shouldn't ever have to fight, wouldn't it, be nice?


If we had a customer list, through our stick strategy secrets, that we can tap into that customer list for more ongoing sales, Maybe a membership program, maybe upsells, cross sells,

Post Purchase PRO Podcast - Episode Nine - Troy Johnston Co-Founder of Seller.Tools - The best free tool for sellers today!

25m · Published 16 Aug 16:00

This is the Post Purchase PRO podcast episode 9 - holy smokes mind blown again this is like Tim Ferriss Minimum Effective Dose meets Amazon Seller Central!!

LINK TO TROYS FREE Chrome Extension Tool:

Learn more about Troy and Seller Dot Tools at today!

[transcribed by Google...please forgive the errors]

Guys we are super excited today to have Troy Johnson co-founder of seller-dot-tools he is going to be walking you through some of the really cool things that they're working and a lot of the stuff that they work on is in parallel or in conjunction with the stuff that we do here oppose purchase Pro Nail of the after the purchase marketing and have a lot of really cool and sometimes three tools that we're going to talk to you about today Troy say hello and tell us what you've been working on over there at seller pools yeah absolutely thank you so much for having me on I appreciate you guys let me sync up with you here and talk about a lot of what we're working on and continuing to develop as you mentioned where we just released a lot of brand new and free tools that help with sellers identifying where they may be missing out on traffic and on Revenue conversions and it shows up in a number of different ways to Red Chrome extension 703 features in our platform and by virtue of a lot of time and a lot of hard work we are just offering more and more solutions to customers and you know I said you tell Sean to post-purchase strategies is another big thing that we like to focus on because it is just really how you can add that much more value engage with your customer get ahead of negative reviews the fourth all those things that we know are immensely important and how do you do it and that's really what we want to help to facilitate welcome to the show I think you for the introduction for a Troy they're safe but you know recently when we had Troy on the phone I was got most excited about the Chrome extension he was talking about that did a listing analysis now for Amazon sellers out there who listen to the show Troy I mean you're speaking their language if you can run a Chrome extension as you're looking at that you're logged into your Amazon seller account or does it work on the retail platform and get a a in depth analysis a review of your listing and how that might perform within the Amazon Marketplace to me that's nothing short of a miracle Troy if you'd like I mean let's talk about that for a moment and then in the show notes Troy will put a link where folks can get a direct download link to your tool but I want to talk about like the most important metric that your tools tracking to give us that listing analysis absolutely yeah and this is in the bucket of a free feature something we made available to every single seller that can see when you're on Amazon any SKU NES any product if you want a thoroughly analyzed it we do so over eight thousand points courts this massive start a comprehensive analysis that we do to look at a listening look at it it's keyword optimization look at its media quality which is very often overlooked Factor when you think about how media-rich Amazon's getting how much that the use of images meeting Style Guidelines various places on a listing in often very much overlooked and then conversion quality when you've earned all that traffic How likely are you to convert it to realize a sale to generate more Revenue those are important things right and then we we make sure and each one of those three buckets keyword and effectively optimization media and conversion quality we look at both of the quantity side wh

Post Purchase PRO - Profitable Email Marketing For Amazon Sellers has 257 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 104:18:15. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on October 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 12:40.

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