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The Unshakable Company™ Podcast

by Kathryn Binkley

The Unshakable Company™ Podcast is where you discover what really works to sustainably scale and lead your small business. From marketing and sales to hiring, management, mindset and more, you’ll learn the essential elements for generating predictable profit and unmatched freedom. You’ll hear from Kathryn Binkley, Business Coach for multi 6 and 7-figure business owners. Learn more at

Copyright: © Alyght, LLC


Episode 120: Unplugged

10m · Published 27 Jun 08:00

When was the last time you took an unplugged vacation?

As business owners, it can be hard to get away, to completely unplug from our business, but it’s definitely necessary.

When this episode airs, I’ll be prepping for a week away to completely unplug, knowing my team will be able to run the business without me.

This didn’t happen overnight and I didn’t always have a team to run things when I was away. But I still made sure to unplug from time to time. It’s so important for us as business owners to rest and rejuvenate.

In fact, we’re taking a 2 month break from this podcast while we unplug for a bit to come back with some exciting new stuff in the fall just for you!

If you haven’t taken some time off recently, plan some time right now using the steps I teach you in this episode.


In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The difference between unplugged and on hold
  • How it’s possible for me to step away while my team runs the business for me
  • What I do before, during and after time off


Featured on the Show:

Scale to Seven® Mastermind


Let’s Connect

  • Glean from our library of CEO resources at
  • Connect with Kathryn on Instagram!


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Episode 119: CEO Action

9m · Published 16 Jun 18:19

What Happens After You Free Up Your Time?

After working with my clients, there always comes a time when I get asked, “So, what am I supposed to do now?”.  This happens after they’ve streamlined their business and team and it often leaves them feeling confused about what to spend their time on.

As a CEO, there are two buckets you should be spending your time on that you may be ignoring completely right now.


In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What CEO Action is and why many business owners avoid it
  • 2 categories to spend your time on as a CEO
  • 5 core CEO responsibilities
  • The benefits of CEO Action


Featured on the Show:

Episode 73

Scale to Seven® Mastermind


Let’s Connect

  • Glean from our library of CEO resources at
  • Connect with Kathryn on Instagram!


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Episode 118: Transitioning Online with Carrie Pagliano

33m · Published 13 Jun 08:00

Transitioning Into Unchartered Territory

In this episode, we chat with Dr. Carrie Pagliano, a physical therapist for postpartum women about her transition from working solely in a brick and mortar 1:1 setting to incorporating a business model that can scale online.

Carrie always knew she wanted to have a positive impact on women and when she realized she could reach more people and have an even greater impact in the online space, she was all for it.

She just wasn’t prepared for everything that went with owning your own online business, even after successfully running a private practice.


In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What helped Carrie the most when scaling her online business
  • Why she chose her business model
  • How the coaching she gets inside Scale to Seven® has helped her


Featured on the Show:

Dr. Carrie Pagliano has been a dynamic leader in clinical care and education in the areas of women’s/pelvic health and orthopedics for nearly 20 years. Dr. Pagliano received her Masters in Physical Therapy from the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia in 1999 and Doctor of Physical Therapy from the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences in 2007. Dr. Pagliano is a double Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopaedics and Women’s Health and holds Manual Therapy Certification from the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. Dr. Pagliano is the founder of Carrie Pagliano PT, LLC. For over 10 years she was the program lead/founder for the Pelvic Physical Therapy clinical program/physical therapy residency at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC.

You can find her at:


Active Mom Podcast

Scale to Seven®


Let’s Connect

  • Glean from our library of CEO resources at
  • Connect with Kathryn on Instagram!


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Episode 117: Attached

15m · Published 06 Jun 08:00

What Are You Attached To and What Do You Need To Let Go Of?

I have a different type of analogy for you today, but hear me out. 

As we were shopping for a leash for our new puppy (Oakley, who is the cutest thing ever), it made me think about how this leash will keep him attached to us so we can keep him safe. Which is a good thing when you’re a puppy. But not a business owner.

We teather ourselves to things, ideas, feelings, that keep us from growing.

We say we want freedom but we end up attaching ourselves to things that make us feel safe (and ultimately keep us from getting what we really want). 

Today I want you to ask yourself, “what do I need to let go of in order to scale my business?”. 


In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How to detach from your leashes and take calculated risks
  • The 5 things you might be attached to that are holding you back
  • What will happen if you can’t let go


Featured on the Show:

If you’re having trouble letting go, if your business can’t keep running if you step away, I can help. I can show you how to go from being an overwhelmed entrepreneur to an unstoppable CEO. Click HERE to learn more!


Let’s Connect

  • Glean from our library of CEO resources at
  • Connect with Kathryn on Instagram!


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Episode 116: Measuring Success

11m · Published 30 May 08:00

Is Your Business Healthy?

As a business coach for 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs, I’ve had the opportunity to diagnose whether or not a business is as healthy on the inside as it appears on the outside.

And I’m here to tell you, that isn’t always the case.

Sometimes entrepreneurs focus on the wrong numbers or don’t understand their metrics, leading them to believe their business is healthy when it’s not.

There are specific key performance metrics all business owners should measure, and it’s not all about growth, followers, or engagement.

Growth doesn’t always equal success.


In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What metrics truly matter at the end of the day
  • Why you need to focus on results first and then tasks
  • Importance of revenue vs profit
  • How to differentiate between metrics that matter and vanity metrics


Featured on the Show:

  • Scale to Seven® Mastermind
  • Want to learn more about my proven 7 figure systems and how to work less without sacrificing clients or revenue? Sign up for Overwhelmed to Unstoppable, which kicks off Jun 6, 2022. You don’t want to miss it!


Let’s Connect

  • Glean from our library of CEO resources at
  • Connect with Kathryn on Instagram!


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Episode 115: The Long Game

10m · Published 23 May 08:00

Are you willing to enjoy today at the cost of tomorrow?

In high school, I was a cross country runner and little did I know it then, but the lessons I learned have served me well in life and business.

I learned you can either be one of those people that sprints right out of the gate, or one who plays the long game by pacing yourself.

If you’re a sprinter trying to play the long game, you’ll eventually wear yourself out. Pacing allows you to stay focused on the big picture and make it to the end.


In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The impact of short vs. long-term thinking in business
  • Why long-term thinking is your best short-term strategy
  • What to do if you've been trying to scale your business with a short-term mindset


Featured on the Show:

Are you questioning if your business is sustainable and you’re ready to begin planning for the very long-term? Do you want to get to that next level of your business, but you feel so overwhelmed and in the weeds? Then my FREE 4-day workshop is just what you need. I’ll show you how to simply scale from 6 to 7 figures while working less. Sign up for Overwhelmed to Unstoppable here.


Let’s Connect

  • Glean from our library of CEO resources at
  • Connect with Kathryn on Instagram!


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Episode 114: But, Is It Sustainable? with Jennifer Campbell & Annie Brees

36m · Published 16 May 08:00

When you can’t keep solving problems the way you always have

Before working with me, my clients Jen and Annie, said they felt like they were on a sinking ship. They knew it was due to their lack of  backend systems, processes, organization, and team communication, but didn’t know how to turn it around.

But I didn’t see it as a sinking ship at all. I saw the potential. They just needed to start asking different questions. Questions like: is this sustainable, is it scalable, and is it profitable?

If you’re ready to learn how to create a sustainable, scalable, and profitable business,  join me in the Scale to Seven® Mastermind. I’ll show you how to look at your business through a different filter to reach your goals. Apply here.


In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The importance of having different skill sets on a team
  • How to ease your resistance to systems and processes
  • How to make sure every decision is in alignment with your mission and goals
  • The #1 question you should ask yourself before putting a plan into motion


Featured on the Show:

Jennifer Campbell and Annie Brees, are on a mission to free women from the diet cycle, repair their relationship with food, and help them find their ideal body weight without restriction and obsession. It's kinda personal for them! They each have their own story of overcoming diet culture to experiencing true freedom and sustainable weight loss. 

Their passion is showing women that they can achieve their health and wellness goals in a balanced way that preserves their emotional health, happiness and freedom.

  • Balance365 website
  • Follow Balance365 on Instagram
  • Balance365 Podcast
  • Scale to Seven® Mastermind


Let’s Connect

  • Glean from our library of CEO resources at
  • Connect with Kathryn on Instagram!


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113: 7-Figure Desirability

16m · Published 09 May 12:00

Do you have 7 figure desirability?

The level of your desirability to hit 7 figures will affect the level of your business growth.

Let me say that again for those of you in the back.

If you don’t have an unwavering belief that you’ll hit 7 figures in your business, you probably won’t. Usually when you want something bad enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it. When it comes to money, we sometimes have a resistance level that keeps us from fully believing we’re capable or deserving.

If you don’t 100% believe you’ll hit the 7 figure mark in your business, this podcast is for you. Listen while I reveal the 3 things you need to have in place before you can hit those magical 7 figures.

It’s also imperative that you surround yourself with others that have a 7 figure vision. That’s why I created a group for like-minded people inside the Scale to Seven® Mastermind. If that’s who you want to be, I invite you to Apply Here.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • You might be someone who wants to hit 7 figures in their business, but just doesn’t know it yet
  • How 7 figures looks different for everyone
  • Why it’s important to lean into any resistance you feel towards hitting a 7 figure goal
  • The 3 things you need in order to build 7 figure desirability

Next Steps:

  • Join our mentorship for 6 to 7+ figure entrepreneurs: The Elevate Effect™
  • Sign up for The Brief HERE to be in the CEO know

Let’s Connect

  • Glean from our library of CEO Resources
  • Connect with Kathryn on Instagram!

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  • Search for the podcast in your podcast app (The Elevate Effect™)
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  • Send me a screenshot of your review (DM me on Instagram or email [email protected]) and I’ll give you free access to my CEO Scorecard. This is the same tool I use with my multiple 6 and 7 figure clients to help them uplevel their role as CEO and achieve massive results. 

Episode 113: 7-Figure Desirability

16m · Published 09 May 08:00

Do you have 7 figure desirability?

The level of your desirability to hit 7 figures will affect the level of your business growth.

Let me say that again for those of you in the back.

If you don’t have an unwavering belief that you’ll hit 7 figures in your business, you probably won’t. Usually when you want something bad enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it. When it comes to money, we sometimes have a resistance level that keeps us from fully believing we’re capable or deserving.

If you don’t 100% believe you’ll hit the 7 figure mark in your business, this podcast is for you. Listen while I reveal the 3 things you need to have in place before you can hit those magical 7 figures.

It’s also imperative that you surround yourself with others that have a 7 figure vision. That’s why I created a group for like-minded people inside the Scale to Seven® Mastermind. If that’s who you want to be, I invite you to Apply Here.


In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • You might be someone who wants to hit 7 figures in their business, but just doesn’t know it yet
  • How 7 figures looks different for everyone
  • Why it’s important to lean into any resistance you feel towards hitting a 7 figure goal
  • The 3 things you need in order to build 7 figure desirability


Featured on the Show:

  • Scale to Seven® Mastermind


Let’s Connect

  • Glean from our library of CEO resources at
  • Connect with Kathryn on Instagram!


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Episode 112: 6 Figures, Now What? with Allana Robinson

38m · Published 02 May 08:00

You got to your goal of 6-figures! So, what's next?

As a business owner, you think alot about making it to 6 figures. You may spend years striving towards that goal, dreaming about what your 6 figure business will look like and how it will change your life. But what about after you reach that goal? Then what?

My client, Allana Robinson, is on the podcast today to share stories from her experience as an entrepreneur who hit that famous 6 figure mark, and what she had to figure out next. In this episode, we discuss how she was able to overcome overwhelm and manage her business in a different, sustainable way in order to keep growing.

If you're at 6 figures and feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, there are opportunities for you to grow differently. In the Scale to Seven® Mastermind I’ll show you how you can make that leap from 6 figures to 7 figures without wondering what to do next.  Apply here


In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why what gets you to 6 figures won’t get you to 7 figures
  • The importance of having systems in place to get to the next level
  • The importance of hiring objectively rather than emotionally
  • Why CEOs need to know their numbers


Featured on the Show:

Allana Robinson is a parenting coach who teaches parents of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers how to raise well-behaved kids without yelling, shaming, or time-outs. She teaches parents that tantrum-free shopping trips, peaceful bedtimes, and happy mealtimes are all within reach. It’s never too late, or too early, to stop the downward spiral and start enjoying your children again, with her proven tools and techniques.

  • Allana’s website
  • Follow Allana on Instagram
  • The Mud Room Podcast
  • Scale to Seven® Mastermind


Let’s Connect

  • Glean from our library of CEO resources at
  • Connect with Kathryn on Instagram!


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  • Search for the podcast in your podcast app (Scale to Seven®)
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The Unshakable Company™ Podcast has 173 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 44:19:48. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 23rd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 3rd, 2024 02:41.

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