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Off The Gram

by Off The Gram

Welcome to Off The Gram! We’re your hosts Jamie and Heidi. We're wellness junkies, mompreneurs, and best friends who share our lives on social media with a combined half of a million followers each day - and now we’re jumping off the ‘gram to get even real-er! We’re here to help you live your best life, channel your inner girlboss, and navigate the ever changing landscapes of wellness & social media. Each week we're joined by a special guest to take a deep dive into a hot topic. From celebs to CEOs, fashion designers to star trainers, top docs to trendsetters, our guests are bad-ass humans on a mission to achieve wellness, balance, and happiness... just like you!

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Copyright: Off The Gram


Is My Awful Period Pain NORMAL? (...and Other Burning Qs!) with Dr. Taz

1h 17m · Published 22 May 07:00

Are you on the "struggle bus" when it comes to your period? Our co-host Jamie recently shared her experience with awful periods on Instagram, and to her surprise, she received an overwhelming response receiving 100s of DMs from women who could relate. But here's the thing: so many women go through similar experiences but suffer in silence, wondering if it's normal.

Tune in today for the 411 (and hopefully some help!) as we go deep with Dr. Taz.

As a favorite of Gweneth Paltrow and featured on GOOP, Dr. Taz brings her expertise in integrative medicine and holistic approaches to help us shed light on these hormonal changes, what's considered normal, and what's fixable.  


  • You're navigating perimenopause or experiencing hormonal changes after having kids and want practical tips and holistic approaches to manage your symptoms.
  • You've had crazy stories of heavy bleeding, pain, cold sweating, or other menstrual issues, and you're seeking answers and validation that you're not alone.
  • You're a fan of Gweneth Paltrow's GOOP and want to hear from Dr. Taz as she shares empowering insights on women's health and wellness during this phase of life.

To learn more about Dr. Taz visit or on Instagram @drtazmd.

Additionally, we speak to Juraj Kočar, the CEO of Somavedic, a device both co-hosts of OTG have begun using in our homes to neutralize the harmful effects of indoor wireless and 5G pollution.

Are you worried about things like EMFs, cancer clusters, and other unseen harmful dangers that could be beaming into your home and making you sick? Somavedic may be your answer.

To learn more about Somavedic visit, and use code OTG10 for 10% off.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Why Do I Feel So Tired & Foggy All the Time?? with Dr. Daniel Pompa

59m · Published 15 May 07:00

What if your condition of “just feeling crappy” wasn’t just a slight case of “the mommy blues” but was actually being caused by toxins in your environment? On today’s episode, Dr. Daniel Pompa will open your eyes to some scary truths… and what you can do about them.

Dr. Pompa is a functional health expert and the author of the books *Cellular Healing Diet* and Beyond Fasting, and host of the Cellular Healing TV podcast and YouTube show. He regularly educates the likes of Dr. Will Cole, Dr. Josh Axe, and a bevy of other doctors the world sees in mainstream media every day. Dr. Pompa’s protocols have been used by thousands to successfully manage hard-to-treat conditions ranging from autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, hormone resistance, thyroid conditions, diabetes, fibromyalgia, SIBO, gut health, hair loss, brain fog, autism, MS, sensory integration disorders, and other neurotoxic conditions.

Also in this episode, we'll also be acknowledging Melanoma Awareness Month by chatting with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Rina Weimann (Allawh). Have you ever looked at a freckle or mole and thought: “I have no idea if I should be worried about that or not!” Us too… Dr. Rina gives us the 411 on what to keep our eyes open for so we can catch skin cancer before it catches us.


  • You continually experience brain fog and fatigue but don’t know why
  • You keep hearing about the effect scary chemicals & toxins can have on us… but don’t know what to look out for to keep you and your family safe
  • You are interested in a cellular detox


  • If you're curious about what to look for during a personal skin check and want expert advice from a dermatologist!!

For more information about Dr. Daniel Pompa and his natural detox solutions, visit , as well as @drpompa.

To learn more about Dr. Rina Weimann you can find her at, as well as her podcast @skin_thesurface.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Road to TEDx: Jamie’s Date with the Red Dot

26m · Published 08 May 07:00

Do you have a bucket list item that you would like to bring to life? For our co-host, Jamie, it was getting herself on that coveted “red dot” to give a TEDx talk. Only problem was she had basically no idea how to do it.

She took on the task as a personal challenge, and on September 15th last year, Jamie’s TEDx dreams came true.

Curious about what it takes to get to the red dot? Or maybe just want to hear a story about Jamie being so nervous she almost peed in her Rent the Runway dress? Either way, tune it!



- You’ve always loved watching TED talks for a lil inspo on YouTube, and want to learn more about it

- You love hearing cool, behind-the-scenes stories of how people made their dreams come true

- You’ve secretly always wanted to share YOUR truth from the red dot, but you didn’t know where to start

To watch Jamie’s TEDx talk, please visit:

To see Jamie in action as a keynote speaker, check out:

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

All This Healing Is Killing You with Dr. Gabrielle Pelicci

45m · Published 01 May 07:00

Is all of your healing killing you?! This week, we are speaking with Dr. Gabrielle Pelicci, aka Dr. Gabby, who specializes in creating wellbeing at the intersection of Integrative Health, Spirituality and Storytelling.  A PH.D., University Professor of Integrative and Holistic Medicine, and coach, Dr. Gabby spent decades experiencing and learning different healing modalities.  She completed her doctoral work with a dissertation on women healers, and studied plant medicine with indigenous healers in New Mexico and Guatemala- don’t worry, she gives us the 411 on psychedelics. Her first book, “All This Healing Is Killing Me”, a memoir, speaks to mental illness, loss and grief, complex PTSD, and the long journey to healing and trauma recovery.  We get into it ALL.


- You want to learn why we are only as sick as our secrets.

- You’d like to hear about how childhood trauma impacts our physical and mental health — as well as our adult relationships.

- You want to learn how to take control of your own narrative, and write yourself a happy ending.

For more information, please head to Gabby's website / Instagram / Facebook / Twitter.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Motivate Your Money Mindset with Jason Duncan

38m · Published 24 Apr 07:00

Today we're joined by the incredible Jason Duncan, author of the book "Exit Without Exiting," and an expert in money mindset. We dive into the world of money and how our thoughts and beliefs shape our financial reality. Jason shares with us practical tips on how to identify and overcome limiting beliefs that hold us back from achieving financial success. We explore how having a positive money mindset can help entrepreneurs prioritize their time and create a healthy balance between work and personal life. Get ready to take notes and transform your relationship with money on this exciting episode of our podcast!



  • You're looking to shift your money mindset and break free from financial limitations
  • You’re entrepreneur or small business owner who wants to take control of your business and create more balance in your life, while also achieving financial abundance
  • You're interested in learning how your mindset impacts your approach to financial 

opportunities and risks, and how to develop a healthy balance of both

 To learn more about Jason visit or @therealjasonduncan on Instagram, Youtube, and Linkedin.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Give Two Weeks Notice & Become a Business Badass(!!) with Online Marketing Guru Amy Porterfield

47m · Published 17 Apr 07:00

Amy Porterfield is an absolute ICON in the online marketing realm, teaching hundreds of thousands of people each year how to build their online businesses and thrive… so it’s no surprise that her recently released book - “Two Weeks Notice: Find the Courage to Quit Your Job, Make More Money, Work Where You Want, and Change the World” - it became an instant best-seller. Amy’s here to spill the

Join us as we dive into Amy's personal strategies for avoiding burnout, overcoming self-sabotage, and staying mentally strong and resilient on her entrepreneurial journey. We'll also explore how her background in the corporate world has influenced her approach to entrepreneurship and the valuable lessons and skills she's gained along the way. Plus, Amy will spill the tea on how she avoids trading time for money in her business, maintains a positive mindset, and defines success in terms of wellness. Get ready for a fun, empowering, and informative conversation with the one and only Amy Porterfield, because this episode is all about embracing the boss babe mindset and rocking the world of entrepreneurship!


  • You’re a boss babe who could use some insight on managing burnout, gaining professional confidence, and conquering self-sabatouging fear
  • You're looking for practical tips and mindset shifts on creating financial freedom, flexibility, and impact
  • You’d like tips & tricks on how to grow your business online from the master herself

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

CNN’s Chloe Melas on Generational Storytelling, WWII, and her Grandfather’s Legacy

38m · Published 10 Apr 07:00

We’ve had CNN’s beautiful and talented Entertainment Reporter, Chloe Melas, on the show before… but when we found out that she had an incredible new - super unexpected! - project launching, we had to invite her back! 

Chloe was inspired to republish her late grandfather's memoir, “Luck of the Draw: My Story of the Air War in Europe”, in order to honor his legacy and ensure that his story of heroism and courage is never forgotten. 

And even if WWII doesn’t immediately pique your interest, you may be surprised…  never underestimate the lessons we can learn today from the hardships of our ancestors. If you struggle with finding gratitude, courage, or acceptance… this one may be for you.

Not to mention… the upcoming Apple TV+ series "Masters of the Air” - produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, and starring Austin Butler - features her grandfather's story! So, grab your headphones and get ready for a fascinating journey through history and inspiration with Chloe!



  • You're a history buff who loves to hear about real-life experiences from the past
  • You're interested in how stories our ancestors stories can help us gain perspective and resilience in the face of present-day challenges and adversity
  • You're a fan of Austin Butler… and want to be on the leading edge of the water cooler convo about this cool upcoming series!

To learn more about Chloe visit her on Instagram @chloemelas and make sure to check out her grandfather's book “Luck of the Draw.”

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Model to Mentor, with @NikkiSharp

54m · Published 03 Apr 07:00

When Nikki Sharp “made it” as a model, she thought she’d reached her end goal. Turns out, she was really at the beginning of her journey. After navigating her own twists and turns with wellness, body image, and mindset, Nikki started sharing about it all online, becoming one of the first healthy living bloggers on the internet. What followed… two best-selling books, over half a million followers, and an awareness about her true calling: to help others face their shadow selves.

Fun Fact: Nikki will be a workshop practitioner at our very own co-host, Jamie’s, upcoming RESET Retreat in Orlando FL April 20-23. Tune in to today’s show to hear about it all!



  • You're interested in personal transformation
  • You're ready to make a real and lasting change in your life
  • You're ready to drop old narratives and get real about moving forward


To learn more about Nikki visit  or Instagram @NikkiSharp

To learn more about the RESET Retreat, visit

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Getting Personal with Passion

35m · Published 27 Mar 07:00

This is the first of the up close and personal episodes we promised to deliver this season, and the topic is reigniting PASSIONS. When Cheryl Kemeny, founder of Crystal Theatre, the theater company Heidi grew up in, reached out soon after Heidi moved back to CT, to see if she’d participate in a 35th anniversary benefit performance, Heidi had no idea how it would go.  But, as three-time Off The Gram Podcast guest, Dr. Darria Long Gillespie, told her in their CrossFlow Yoga x Trueve Labs collaboration, doing something that you have mastery in - for Heidi that was singing- brings back your sense of accomplishment, confidence, and that feeling of “I’ve got this”, which is a total recharge.  In this episode, we get personal, vulnerable, and REAL.  And, hopefully: inspire you to get reacquainted with a former passion that you may have let fizzle.



- You want to learn about a fun, quick way to experience a complete recharge.

- Life, kids, and years have gotten in the way of you doing something that was once your greatest passion.

- You look back on your self from decades ago, and wish you still had that same spark and joie de vivre.

For tickets to the benefit performance, please visit:

To learn more about the Trueve Labs / CrossFlowRx collaboration, visit:

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Workplace Wellness: Can Those Two Words Co-Exist? With Laura Putnam

39m · Published 20 Mar 07:00

Sunday scaries. Overwhelm. Quiet quitting. Layoffs. Sometimes it feels like being happy at work - whether you’re an employee or the one in charge - is just plain impossible these days. With all the uncertainty, how can we move towards a better, more aligned, HAPPIER professional environment? What can YOU do to ensure job security while still protecting your peace? What can employers do to boost morale and help their teams thrive?

Today, we interview Laura Putnam, speaker, author, and CEO of Motion Infusion, specializing in workplace wellness.

She dishes insights on the hottest workplace trends. Want to know if the hybrid work model is here to stay? Wondering how employee activism will affect the workplace? Curious about how to prioritize mental well-being at work? How companies can keep remote workers feeling connected? Laura's got all the answers.



  • Your an employee or employer who wants to gain a deeper understanding of workplace wellness and how it can benefit you
  • You're interested in learning about the latest trends and developments in the world of work, and how they might affect your career
  • You want to explore practical strategies for promoting mental health and well-being in the workplace, and how to create a supportive environment for all employees

 To learn more about Laura visit,, or Instagram @lauraputnamauthor.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Off The Gram has 186 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 141:51:16. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 13th, 2024 11:10.

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