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Savage Marketer Podcast

by Jeff J Hunter | Savage Marketer

The Savage Marketer Podcast hosted by Jeff J Hunter brings together the world's best marketers to share THEIR most SAVAGE Marketing strategies.

You'll learn how they get attention, make massive sales, and build raving fans of customers.

This is a NO BS, NO FLUFF podcast that gets right down to actionable knowledge you can use to get results.

Copyright: 2020 Savage Marketer | Jeff J Hunter


How To Become A Contributor To (And Why)

13m · Published 20 Jul 15:00

Savages, this week marks a major milestone in my career. I’m officially a contributor to! Seven years of consistently showing up have brought me here and I still have a lot more work to do but first let me share some tips with you. I will discuss the difference between being featured and being a contributor, the benefits it has for your reputation and why starting with small publications is the path to take to get there. This episode will be straight to the point but this know-how will definitely separate the savage from the average. 

Value Bombs:

“One of the biggest ways of marketing yourself is by becoming a recognized expert”

“Everyone is seeking an audience. And that's why it's so important that you build one.”

“Remember, all you need to do is 1% more than everyone else, and you will show up 99% of the time, okay.”


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Segment Timestamps/ Episode Highlights:

[01:02] Celebrating career milestones

[03:50] Difference between being featured and being a contributor

[06.16] People view you differently as a contributor

[08:52] Do some homework on your audience

[11:40] Set yourself apart by consistently showing up for your audience.

Resources Mentioned:

The Large Publications Masterclass

Check out more savage marketer podcasts Here!

The 7-Figure Webinar Strategy For Consultants with Tom Poland

36m · Published 13 Jul 15:00

Are you one of those people who flop at webinar marketing? You try over and over and still fail to successfully hone in on your target audience or turn over potential clients? Today’s conversation will help you with that, I talk to a man who has written many great books on marketing and is a wiz at webinars! His name is Tom Poland. Hailing all the way from Australia, his expertise is so fine-tuned that when his instructions are followed to the T, it’s fail-safe. This is the Seven-Figure Webinar Strategy, buckle up for some marketing savagery!


  • How to use free consultations to lock in potential clients via undeniable webinars.
  • Get your target audience ready to rock and roll with fail-proof funnel marketing.
  • What you need to do to give your clients a vision that puts them in a beneficial position.

Value Bombs:

“The thing is if you don't get the cover, right, and you don't get the title, right, you're not going to sell anything.” Tom

“You have to give clients a vision, you have to make them think and see themselves in that position that you're creating.” Jeff

“If people cannot get in your shoes or if they can't visualize themselves where you're at and where you've been, then you've lost.” Jeff


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Segment Timestamps/ Episode Highlights:

[01:04] Jeff introduces Tom Poland

[04:59] The biggest reason why people don't do webinars.

[11:08] The eight objectives you want to achieve when people attend your webinar.

[16:50] How to avoid the B.S. and give your target audience what they need to hear and see to become clients.

[24:38] How to only meet with people who are well educated on your business before they become clients. 

[30:13] The absolute worst thing you can do to a client! 

[34:04] The incredible belief will continue to make you lose money.

Savage Marketer Resources

  • Follow our guest Tom Poland on Linkedin!
  • Join our Community for updates.

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How to make $3,000 a month hijacking the news in 90 mins ft Damon Burton

28m · Published 06 Jul 15:00

We’ve had the pleasure of snagging another savage conversation today, gang!  Forbes contributor and SEO author, Damon Burton has graced us with his presence. Ever wondered how you can stay ahead of the game, and on top of trends to keep your business relevant? Look no further, this episode is going to wow you. Damon Burton does just that by helping folks show up higher on Google without paying for ads. 

Damon Burton knew he was onto something when he beat a billion-dollar company by outranking them on Google. He has built an international search engine marketing company that has seen the likes of NBA teams, Inc5000, and Shark Tank featured businesses. Here are some savage takeaways from this jaw-dropping conversation:

  • Finding ways to be relevant by stealing traffic from popular topics.
  • Research two market trends that will benefit your business.

  • Become a subject matter expert on your platform to build your publicity and SEO.

Value Bombs:

“Start and don't stop. SEO takes time and you got to give it time to prove itself.”

“There are two ways you can relate newsjacking to your business, look at what's trending or look at historical data.”

“People overcomplicate Google and SEO. Just think of this simple concept: People go to Google to ask questions, and you provide them with the best answer.”


Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher 

Segment Timestamps/ Episode Highlights:

[01:26] Jeff introduces Damon 

[05:30] Damon’s light bulb idea that launched him into SEO.

[08:30] How using SEO helps to validate your idea, service, or product. 

[11:45] Using SEO research to see the things that are coming out in your market.

[15:40] How to apply the newsjacking strategy to benefit your business. 

[21:25] Using trending and historical data of your market to invest in your business.

[25:34] How to get further SEO and newsjacking questions answered.

Savage Marketer Resources

  • Follow our guest Damon Burton on Linkedin!

Join our Community for updates.

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The 4 Foundational Elements That Took 15k To $1 Million A Month Ft. Daran Herrman

38m · Published 29 Jun 15:00

  Get pumped for another episode of savagery! This time we will discuss four strong lessons that shine a light on the grit that we all need to possess to get the results we want. In this case, Daran Herrman enlightens us on his journey to be able to take an eComm brand to a million dollars a month. He was an opportunist and landed a position that started him off as an intrapreneur. He pushed the envelope with innovative ideas, built up his staff, and now he makes over a million in sales per month. If you tune in here are a few tips to take away and apply to your own savage marketing blueprint:

  • Utilize customer lists to reach audiences you haven’t explored.
  • Leverage the power of affiliates and their audience. 
  • The key to retention is a strong customer support foundation.

Value Bombs:

“Focus on customer support is key because if you dont have that foundation in place you will get bad reviews. You’re going to get real problems and make people feel like you dont care about them.” 

“Leverage the power of affiliates, leverage the power of their audience. That's the ultimate because it's a win-win. They're selling your products for you, you're giving them a cut. Whether that's product service or whatever, make sure that people know that they get rewarded when they send you business.”

“Have an optimistic and persistent mindset because you got to keep testing, If you see something that works for somebody, you test that. It doesn't mean it's gonna work for you, but keep pushing the envelope.”


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Segment Timestamps/ Episode Highlights:

[01:02] Jeff introduces Daran

[07:41] Avoid poor conversion by making sure your company’s foundation is sound with a great customer service base.

[11:31] Categorize your marketing as “free” traffic and paid traffic.

[19:35] Give your affiliates a chance to tell you which product of yours, they can easily sell. 

[24:01] Take advantage of multi-channel fulfillment.

[27:29] Make use of international ads and third-party shipping companies to widen your base.

[31:38] Persistence is key. If you see something that works for someone else, try that method.

Savage Marketer Resources

  • Follow our guest Daran Herrman on Linkedin!
  • Join our Community for updates.

Check out more savage marketer podcasts Here!

How to get 1 Million Instagram Followers That Arent Fake Ft. Nick Quintero

26m · Published 22 Jun 15:00

Creating a strong following isn’t easy in a social media world where everyone calls themselves influencers. Without the right tools and fortitude, you can fall short in your niche market. Meet Nick Quintero, the founder of Meal Prep on Fleek. He has employed some savage strategies that started from an idea in 2015 that organically drew 100,000 followers within one year. He currently has several accounts, one of which almost has half a million followers. Grab a pen and paper because this episode will equip you with a plan of action to launch your social media presence. Here are a couple of the takeaways:

  • Build relationships with your markets authorities to gain recognition
  • Use the power of your niche community

Value Bombs:

“Have flexibility to change up the brand’s messaging and personality type” - Nick

“You dont test what works, you test your hypothesis to see what gets you to the number that you want. ” - Nick

“The best way to be recognized as an expert is by leveraging the authority of other experts” - Jeff


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Segment Timestamps/ Episode Highlights:

[01:12] Introducing Nick

[04:33] Preparation meets opportunity is luck.

[7:03] How to use relationship-building principles to connect with writers and contributors in your niche.

[13:43] Evolve your brand so it can result in 100,000+ followers. 

[18:43] Test content to see what the algorithms favor for each platform. 

[21:08] The first steps to becoming an influencer include listening, replicating or commenting on niche authority’s content.

Savage Marketer Resources

  • Follow our guest Nick Quintero on Instagram!
  • Join our Community for updates.

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2 Critical Factors to Recruit The Best Talent featuring David Stephen Patterson

33m · Published 15 Jun 15:00

 Alright Savages, this week’s episode is going to level up your recruitment game. You are about to learn some practical tips on how you can bring in the best talent for your business that will result in growth and scale in your company. We are joined by DSP aka David Stephen Patterson, the man with the plan. He is amazing at picking through the bunch to find those genuine hard workers. Through working-interviews, he hires challenge-driven people who go on to be extraordinary assets to companies. Stay tuned because we are going to talk about the following take-a-ways:

  • Set proper expectations when you hire.
  • Avoid miss hires by test driving your candidates.
  • Working interviews

Value Bombs:

“Treat your recruitment like its a marketing function. So you have leads that you’ve nurtured over time. There are high-quality leads, low-quality leads, and medium-quality leads. Your talent force is much the same way.”

“What you lack in polish, you make up in passion”

“People aren’t willing to put in that extra work but it’s the extra that goes a long way. Lead with value.”


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David Stephen Patterson is a 20-year vet in the recruitment industry. He started out at a staff day labor company that hired the homeless to work on construction sites for daily pay. Then there was a stent with Kelly Services before he started his own SAP recruitment firm. Lately, he has started to train other headhunting independent firms. 

Segment Timestamps/ Episode Highlights:

[01:07] Introduce DSP so he can discuss recruiting talent

[06:33] Discuss the new way recruit in the current economy

[08:06] Treat your recruitment like you would your marketing.

[12:30] Create a paid recruitment program that increases retention.

[20:10] Consider candidates that lead with value.

[23:53] Utilize working interviews to save yourself the headache of miss hiring

[27.01] Build champion employees by setting expectations through rigorous management

[30:22] Attract A-Player hires by laying out the results you expect in the job description

Savage Marketer Resources

  • Follow our guest David Stephen Patterson on Linkedin!
  • Join our Community for updates.

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The 7-Figure Affiliate Marketing Strategy Ft. Tim Croll

31m · Published 08 Jun 15:00

Savages, you are in for a real treat! Imagine adding seven figures to your business every month by having other people sell your stuff!! This episode features Tim Croll, the man who has done just that. He is a business strategist and has done really well in the e-commerce world. His presence was a must on the show because he shared something that was mind-blowing. Tim put together an affiliate marketing strategy for an e-commerce company that generated a seven-figure a month affiliate program! 

Hold on tight because this conversation is going to have loads of advice for every type of savage marketer. Here are three important takeaways from this episode:

  • Know your numbers so you can give away a portion of your profits to your affiliates and don't go broke.
  • Make sure you have a good customer support system and quality product/service. People are putting their reputation on the line to recommend your goods.
  • Have a strategy for connections because your services shouldn’t be just attractive to consumers but also the affiliate so they feel comfortable selling it to their audience. 

Value Bombs:

“The word affiliate (marketing) scares people but… you are just paying a referral fee.” -Tim

“The key is your message. You have to not only have a message that's going to attract a customer, but you also have to be able to attract the affiliate. And those two messages are different.”-Tim

“If you have a referral program where people get paid to send business to you, they will send it.” -Jeff

“Money doesn't always motivate, so it's not always about how much you're paying your affiliates. It's about how well you know them, and how well you connect with them and build that trust.” -Tim


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Show Notes

[01:20] Jeff Introduces Tim

[03:02] Being efficient when growing a company means hiring others to give you more time in the day.

[4:31] Understand that affiliate marketing is a referral program. 

[6:53] To leverage an e-commerce store you need to know your numbers, have a strong customer service base, and understand how to get your product in front of your target audience.

[13:46] There are different affiliate levels that each need different types of management.

[19:05] Figure out what the average affiliate payout looks like to your company so you can scale.

[25:53] If you dont build trust with your affiliates, you dont have anything.

Resources Mentioned:

Pat Flynn the Passive Income Guy

Savage Marketer Resources:

  1. Follow our guest Tim Croll on LinkedIN!
  2. Join our Community for updates.
  3. Check out more savage marketer podcasts Here!

The Most Crucial Element to Build a Successful Marketing Agency With Chris Ha

29m · Published 01 Jun 15:00

Sometimes you dont set out to create a new business within your niche, but once there is an underserved audience and you have the tools to provide...opportunity presents itself. This is what happend to Chris Ha, the Co-Leader of Keller Williams Realty of Elk Grove, Ca. At one point in his career, all he desired was to sell homes, but over time there was this growing need for realtors to establish themselves online and sadly the platforms Chris commissioned were lack-luster. During this episode, he explains his transition from one career to the next and the important component that gave him a leg up.

This conversation takes us from the beginning of his journey as a real estate agent to him co-leading this present 7 figure marketing agency focused on real estate. The old way of marketing was word of mouth but things have changed as the digital landscape has become the frontline of the new age of real estate. As Jeff picks his brain, you’ll get an earful of gems like:

  • Learning how vital building relationships are for your reputation and business.
  • How to set up credibility and authority by being relatable.
  • How to create a service by solving a problem within your niche.
  • Ways to work smarter by cutting costs and yet keeping higher profit margins. 
  • The problem with most "marketing agency" retainers.

3 Value Bombs

1. “Create your epiphany story because it is the core of your personal brand.”

2. “To build credibility and authority in a space you have to establish yourself with relatively.”

3. “Utilize subscription models to create more creativity time, not survival time.”


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Show Notes: 

The Most Crucial Element to Build a Successful Marketing Agency with Chris Ha

[01:15] Take a slightly different approach within a well-established market to build a service that costs less but has a higher profit margin.

[07:49] Take the opportunity to become a service provider to an underserved industry. 

[11:49] Establish credibility in your industry by serving time in the “trenches”. 

[14:41] Being relatable and also the expert in your field brings a lot of business.

[20:35] Find a way to speak directly to your audience.

[24:15] Find a way to give consistent feedback of progression to add value to your service. 

[27:22] Utilizing the subscription business model to cut back on survival mode.

Episodes Mentioned:

10: How To Run Facebook Ads With Influencers With Dennis Yu

18: How to Find a Mentor & Build Valuable Relationships with Greg Reid

Savage Marketer Resources

  1. Follow our guest Chris Ha on LinkedIN!
  2. Join our Community for updates.
  3. Check out more savage marketer podcasts Here!

How a “lie” landed him a 25k deal with the US Marines with Andres Peguero

21m · Published 25 May 15:00

Never let inexperience stop your ingenuity! That’s exactly what Andres learned as he maneuvered his way to the top of the web development field.

During this conversation he is transparent about his naivete at the beginning of his career but because he was tapped into high-level thinking, he was able to bag some incredible opportunities despite his lack of experience. He clues the audience in on a few successful aspects of his career which included:

  • How to take risks and figure out execution later.
  • Why it’s worth working on your craft even when there isn’t a paying gig.
  • How to build a great reputation and rapport in your industry.

Value Bombs

  1. “Become really good at googling things when you don’t know something”
  2. “If you want to work with the big guys, you need to organize like the big guys”
  3.  Take advice, execute and report your progress.


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Andres is the founder of 3aces Studio. A multicultural production studio that specializes in software solutions and high-end products. After graduating from Trinity College in 2016, Andres was not new to entrepreneurship. He once worked an entire year on building a fantasy football app that flopped not long after it launched. His work ethic didn’t fail him though because he eventually found an opportunity in freelancing and grew his reputation as a person who would go above and beyond, landing him a deal with the US government.

Show Notes 

[01:14] Introducing Andres Peguero

[03:07] Becoming a global app developer with no coding experience at web design.

[06:56] Take advantage of the luck factor aka opportunity.

[09:11] When incorporating your company, buy business insurance.

[10:44] Enrich your service by giving more than what you are getting.

[13:50] Take advantage of opportunities and figure it out after you seal the deal.

[15:07] Tap into high-level thinking.

[17:43] Hire within your network first.

[19:06] How to build the trust you need for people to want to work with you in the future.

Savage Marketer Resources

  1. Follow our guest Andres Peguero on LinkedIN!
  2. Join our Community for updates.
  3. Check out more savage marketer podcasts Here!

How to Find a Mentor & Build Valuable Relationships with Greg Reid

24m · Published 18 May 15:00

Greg Reid is a best-selling author; he's been published in over 135 languages. He is also the founder of "The Secret Knock," one of the most exclusive events in the business world that brings together brilliant and successful entrepreneurs to share knowledge and life experiences. 

He is known as the millionaire mentor, and today, we're going to be talking about some savages strategies that you do not want to miss.

Value Bombs

  1. 'When you do what you love, and love what you do, you'll have success, your whole life through'
  2. Acknowledge your strengths, and then outsource your weaknesses.
  3.  Take advice, execute and report your progress.


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Filmmaker and Keynote Speaker Greg Reid is a #1 best-selling author, entrepreneur, and the CEO of several successful corporations, who has dedicated his life to helping others achieve the ultimate fulfillment of finding and living a life of purpose. In addition to that Greg is a single dad of an 8 year old superstar named - Colt.

Show Notes 

[01:35] -Introducing Greg Reid and his recipe for mentorship

[04:02] - The dangers of taking advice

[05:12] - The difference between advice and counsel and how can you spot a good mentor?

[08:42] - True mentorship and true honesty

[10:52] - Take advice, execute and report your progress

[12:22] - The power of specificity

[16:37] - The greatest event that you can not go to

[20:12] - A great way to get the best service ever

Savage Marketer Resources

  1. Follow our guest Greg Reid on LinkedIN!
  2. Join our Community for updates.
  3. Check out more savage marketer podcasts Here!

Savage Marketer Podcast has 58 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 28:41:53. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on October 28th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on March 12th, 2024 22:14.

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