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Eat, Girl, Eat


The Eat, Girl, Eat Podcast is the place where we share the real behind the scenes of what it takes to unlearn everything the diet industry has taught us about being “healthy” and where we share what it means to listen to our bodies. We normalize food as food, ditching the concept of “healthy” vs. “bad” foods, and discuss our personal journeys to reconnecting to our internal wisdom. Founder, Maria Brigantino and her guests share their experiences candidly and authentically. A combination of funny, raw and insightful information, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone seeking Food FREEDOM in their own life.


Zooming Out - Part Two

22m · Published 11 Jul 10:00

In this episode, we’re resuming the discussion from the last episode about zooming out. As we go through life, we feel like we need to control all of our circumstances. Yes, as humans, we have agency—but we also need to step back and realize life is happening, and so are things that are beyond our control.

It’s easy to take our life experiences as exclusively personal, even when they aren’t. You are equipped with everything you need naturally, and the reality is there is nothing to control. If stepping back feels difficult, start small. Try to observe in a meaningful way where you can, and over time this ability will continue to grow.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • The challenge Maria had recently and what it reminded her of.
  • Signs you’ve been able to shift your perspective successfully.
  • What is actually driving the world and why it makes us feel uncomfortable.
  • Signs you are too zoomed in and what to consider when you are.
  • Why each life experience isn’t necessarily personal.
  • What you lose out on when you take on full responsibility for control.
  • How some of our choices aren’t actually choices at all.
  • What you can do instead of automatically following your thinking patterns.
  • The way zooming out can help you naturally bring change in big and small ways.
  • What to keep in mind when you’re making decisions around food.
  • How change is not a straight line and why that’s okay.
  • How zooming out helps change feel easier.
  • A reminder that there’s more than what you see in front of you right now.


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Zooming Out - Part One

25m · Published 04 Jul 10:00

Every once in a while, you’ll be reminded by some experience or event about what’s really important in life. This event may make you step back and realize that a lot of the struggles we have in our own lives aren’t as important as they sometimes feel. When we separate ourselves out, we remember we are a drop in the ocean.

This doesn’t mean our experiences aren’t significant, but it does soften the perspective on them somehow. Zooming out opens you up to truly connecting with others, building compassion, and seeing your own struggles differently. As your attention shifts, your thoughts and feelings will naturally shift too.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Why today’s subject is close to Maria’s heart.
  • What happens when we consider the broader concerns of humanity.
  • How zooming out helps you build compassion for others.
  • Why we feel like we need fixing (and why that’s not true).
  • How it’s in our design as humans to struggle sometimes.
  • The importance of connection in navigating struggle and why it matters.
  • What zooming out looks like and feels like in practice.
  • How being in the moment is actually a learned skill.
  • The difference between stepping back versus avoidance.
  • What happens with your emotions when you begin focusing on the now.
  • Common struggles with zooming out and tips that can help.
  • How shifting your attention welcomes a shift in experience organically.
  • The role observing plays in zooming out and why it takes intention and action.


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Our Desire to Truly Be Seen

23m · Published 20 Jun 10:00

Today we are discussing a topic that we as humans can all relate to, and that is our innate human desire to truly be seen. In order to be truly seen, we must release the labels we have come to identify with, and the labels society has placed on us. If we are constantly wearing a figurative mask, we will always feel removed from any respect and admiration we are gifted from others, believing those are attributed to our false self and the front we put on.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What it means to love our true, authentic selves.
  • How our desires drive our behaviors and habits.
  • The human pursuit of love and acceptance.
  • The longing to feel emotionally safe with another person.
  • How to let go of your pseudo-identity.
  • What to do when our created identities no longer serve us.
  • Contending with the fear of revealing our true selves.
  • How peeling back labels can be a form of self-discovery.
  • The joy you can find in not “fitting in.”
  • Tips for discovering and exploring your inner strength.
  • Why you should try to broaden your personal perspective.
  • The tug of war between wanting to be seen and not wanting to be seen.
  • What it looks like to celebrate your humanness.
  • The importance of reflecting on your own amazing qualities.
  • How you can break free of the narratives that you feel stuck in (and why it matters).


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How and Why We Lose Connection With Our Bodies

29m · Published 13 Jun 10:00

Today’s episode is our opportunity to unpack how and why we lose connection with our bodies. In our society, it’s common to use words and phrases like “body intuition” and “your body will tell you.” But when there is a loss of oneness with our bodies, these ideas don’t automatically apply to your individual experience.

While our body does know what it needs, the mind can cloud the communication. Our minds are time travelers, and they like to live in the past or the future. Our bodies can only exist in the present, and it's important to stop and live in the present moment with the body. Our bodies deserve care and compassion, and connecting is treating yourself as you would a loved one.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • How to stop focusing on false narratives that you create.
  • What it means to enjoy and accept the present moment.
  • What happens when we bury our feelings.
  • Why it’s important to give yourself permission and patience.
  • The power of remembering who you are.
  • Why we should all avoid identifying with the stories our brains tell us.
  • Acknowledging health issues that impact the connection between body and mind.
  • Using your values as a guidepost.
  • Identifying what’s important in the here and now.
  • What it means to connect to whatever is guiding you in life.
  • Accepting experiences as part of the journey.
  • When and why having a coach is beneficial.
  • Why setting realistic expectations for growth matters.
  • Having the courage to step into the unknown.
  • Remembering that we as humans are nature.


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Learning to Allow Your Own Suffering

25m · Published 06 Jun 05:00

What are you carrying forward from the past, and how can you let it go? That’s the topic on this episode of Eat Girl Eat. As humans, we all have a story—or stories—-and it’s common for these to creep into the present in a way that impacts our behaviors, relationships, and more.

We have a habitual urge to change our feelings, especially when it comes to negative feelings. They don’t get easier, but we can learn to deal with them better. When we learn to allow our suffering without having to change it, we can loosen the grip our unhelpful habits have on us.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • How our stories can influence our lives in the present.
  • The innocent way we don’t see our own stories.
  • Sitting with unpleasant stories that feel all too real.
  • What feelings seem like versus what they actually are.
  • How to approach habits that don’t serve you.
  • Where our emotions come from and the different ways we try to deal with them.
  • What allowing yourself to be human looks like.
  • Why accepting life as it changes on its own can be difficult at times.
  • The stories we carry forward from within our minds.
  • The urge all humans innately have to feel like we’re in control.
  • How it’s okay (and perfectly normal) to let your levels of curiosity shift.
  • Ways you can bring yourself out of an autonomic nervous system state.
  • What to imagine as a takeaway from this episode.


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Overcoming the Complexities in Times of Difficulty

19m · Published 16 May 10:00

On this episode of Eat Girl Eat, we’re taking time to consider the complexity that comes up in times of difficulty. When you’re stuck in your own struggle, you come to know the ins-and-outs of it very well. As a result, it’s easy to get distracted by anything your brain says might help you in the moment—and even easier to get caught up in it.

You may not be able to get out of your struggle on your terms, but you can get through it one bite at a time. You may want to do it all at once, but just try to focus on the step in front of you. Showing yourself compassion and grace is crucial to the process.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • How our thoughts during struggle can be overwhelming.
  • What you think your biggest objective is during struggle (but isn’t).
  • How it feels to want the struggle to end on your terms.
  • The importance of showing yourself compassion and grace.
  • How you can work on feeling safe with what is.
  • Reframing the way you make a recipe depending on your approach.
  • Why our minds have a tendency to compare.
  • Focusing your attention on what you have versus what others have.
  • How to ground yourself when life feels complex.
  • What might happen if we look at one part of our process at a time.
  • How the journey might not go like you expect and why that’s okay.
  • What to do if you don’t know where to start.
  • Why it’s okay to go quickly if you feel like you need to.


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Understanding That Another Person’s Criticism is Not Your Business

27m · Published 09 May 10:00

Maria recently went on a trip to Mexico, so in this episode, she’s sharing some of her reflections during that time. Most notably, she heard a lot of talk about dieting, weight, and working out—sometimes to who they were with, but other times to complete strangers. It occurred to her that a lot of people were looking for permission to just be human.

The only person you ever need to give you permission is yourself. It’s your life and it’s your body, so it’s only ever your decision. If you can make decisions for yourself out of love and compassion rather than criticism, you’ll make decisions differently.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What she experienced on the beach and how it made her feel.
  • The mindset that has become normalized across cultures.
  • What giving yourself permission on vacation looks like.
  • The motivation Maria had to eat in balance and where it came from.
  • What happens when we try to tell our caveman mind that we can’t have something.
  • Where your decision making should come from.
  • Why you’re not wrong for wanting to enjoy life’s pleasures.
  • What could happen when you get rid of diet rules.
  • Why it takes a leap of faith to let go.
  • Why the fear you feel is valid and what to do about it.
  • The importance of simply opening up to a new way of managing your life.
  • Practices you can do regardless of what your mind says.
  • Why your mind doesn’t have to be in charge.


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Learning to Give Yourself Compassion

15m · Published 01 May 10:00

When you are struggling with unhealthy habits, there’s a battle that shows up in the mind. While it can feel like this is a battle that needs to be fought, there is strength to be found in simply choosing not to. The secret to accomplishing this is compassion.

You deserve to show yourself the empathy you so freely give to others. If you give compassion to others, you know how to give it. You simply need to learn how to steer that towards yourself. It might feel like a huge leap right now, but showing yourself acceptance is well within the realm of possibility for you.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • How semantics can rile up your thoughts.
  • The best tool for disengaging from the battle.
  • What can change the dynamics between you and your internal battles.
  • Common characteristics among people with food struggles.
  • What giving yourself grace looks like and why it matters.
  • The challenge people face with self-compassion.
  • Why you don’t need to love your “energy” to call a ceasefire.
  • The experience that struck Maria in her compassion journey.
  • A simple action to begin noticing your own deservingness and worth.
  • What compassion is and why it can feel difficult to give yourself.
  • Why the exact definition of compassion falls short.
  • Other empowering words and phrases that point to the same message.
  • How you can experiment to find your space within.
  • Questions to consider to help you discover compassion for yourself.
  • Where the coolest experiments usually show up.


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Moving Beyond Unhelpful Behaviors

21m · Published 25 Apr 10:00

Sometimes letting go of habits and behaviors is difficult, even when you can acknowledge the behaviors themselves are unhelpful. These habits are often adopted as a way of managing and coping with life experiences and past events, which is why it can be scary to move beyond them.

If your mind is in the past or future, it’s difficult to connect to a body that’s always in the present. But, it can help to try and stay in the moment instead of focusing on your perceived failures or pressure to forgive. Practice a gentle openness to what is. At any given moment, you’re simply doing the best you can.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • A sneak peek into Sarah’s monthly blog.
  • Where unhelpful habits often come from.
  • How letting go can sometimes feel like failure.
  • The way we perceive letting go may look like to others.
  • What the story about who you should be is driven by.
  • Why moving forward has nothing to do with failure or forgiveness.
  • Habitual brain wiring and how it influences the way we think.
  • The opportunity you have at any given moment.
  • Why not always making the right decision is part of being human.
  • Our mind’s propensity to create expectations.
  • The difference between letting go and simply not getting caught up in something.
  • The importance of noticing the rules that creep into your mind.
  • What you are invited to get curious about over the next week.
  • What could happen when you move away from unhelpful behaviors around food.


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Being Okay With the Unknowns of Spirituality

29m · Published 18 Apr 10:00

What shows up for you when you hear the word “spiritual?” The answer might be different for everyone, but relating it to the unknown may resonate with you. It might even spark curiosity. From a more scientific perspective, spirituality can even be described as energy.

In a world that is (from a spiritual perspective) hardly known, you can’t truly get anything wrong or right. Whether you call it spirituality or simply the unknown, just being in this place of being okay with not knowing is so powerful.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Why it’s important to be open to what you don’t know when experiencing life.
  • The comfort you can find in community.
  • How spirituality relates to curiosity.
  • Asking questions about why we’re here as humans.
  • The interesting idea of understanding the intangible energy that drives life.
  • What it may look like to accept not knowing.
  • What is revealed when we’re stripped down to the deepest layer of ourselves.
  • How getting outside of your own head can bring new shifts and insights.
  • Why you should try new things without a tangible end goal.
  • How spirituality is a space, and how the space can talk to you.
  • How quieting your mind can help you know yourself.
  • Why there is no right and wrong in discussing spirituality.
  • The tendency for change to arrive when you’re not looking for it.
  • The importance of putting energy into what’s important to you right now.
  • What improving our mind’s intellect actually does.


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Eat, Girl, Eat has 85 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 40:22:44. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 24th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 30th, 2024 05:11.

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