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Eat, Girl, Eat


The Eat, Girl, Eat Podcast is the place where we share the real behind the scenes of what it takes to unlearn everything the diet industry has taught us about being “healthy” and where we share what it means to listen to our bodies. We normalize food as food, ditching the concept of “healthy” vs. “bad” foods, and discuss our personal journeys to reconnecting to our internal wisdom. Founder, Maria Brigantino and her guests share their experiences candidly and authentically. A combination of funny, raw and insightful information, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone seeking Food FREEDOM in their own life.


Why We Feel the Need to Push the Storm Away

23m · Published 11 Apr 10:00

Let’s talk about the “stressy-stressies”—the moment when you’re feeling the storm energy moving through you. This is where shame likes to rear its ugly head, particularly in times where there’s a lot going on. A sprinkle can feel like a storm when you’re having a difficult time.

Our minds are beautiful, complicated machines that love to bring up stories. These stories can keep you from dropping anchor, being present in your life, and discovering what your purpose is. When you start to drop into yourself, you’ll find you have the freedom to show up differently.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What might keep you from being able to drop anchor for yourself.
  • How your mind can create a storm out of a shower.
  • The coping mechanism that is innately within us all.
  • Why we feel the need to push the storm away and the ways we go about that.
  • Why it’s important to identify the most important values to you.
  • What happens when you start to learn more about yourself.
  • Choosing what’s important to you in your life.
  • How changing your relationship with your body could change your relationship with others.
  • Why your mind wants to live in the past.
  • How becoming wiser can make it difficult to return to old behaviors.
  • The ways your choices and decisions can change as you do.
  • Why you’re not stuck even when you feel like you are.
  • The conversation shift you can expect in upcoming episodes.


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Learning to Accept Yourself Without Judgment

25m · Published 04 Apr 10:00

Do you struggle with seeing yourself as flawed? It can be difficult to let go of the shame that’s associated with this story. The key to moving past this shame is in how you relate to yourself and how you show yourself compassion. Imagine bringing all that you value in your other relationships and showing yourself the same love and care.

You can learn to accept yourself just like you appreciate anything else as it exists in nature: without judgment. Storms and tough stories are going to show up, but it’s not because you’re flawed—it’s because you’re only human. You don’t need to change anything. You’re perfectly designed as you are.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What you believe is important to bring to a relationship, and why it matters.
  • The messages we get from society about who we are.
  • Where a person’s value truly lies.
  • What you’re encouraged to bring to your relationship with your body.
  • The importance of learning that you don’t need to change the storm.
  • The ways in which our mind innocently tries to protect you.
  • How body ideals shift across cultures and through history.
  • How dropping our expectations can help you through the storm.
  • Finding the magic in simply being here today.
  • Where the stories you carry actually come from.
  • A challenge for the week you can begin applying right away.
  • The power of saying and acknowledging your value out loud.
  • The fact that you are perfectly designed (whether you believe it or not).


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Why Doing Nothing Doesn’t Mean You’re Not Trying

20m · Published 28 Mar 10:00

It isn’t easy to take a step back and feel like you’re doing “nothing,” especially when you’re struggling in your relationship with food. But the truth is, doing nothing doesn’t mean you’re not trying—it simply means you’re not spending your energy on things you can’t control.

The best thing you can do when your thoughts overwhelm you and you feel like you’re in the midst of a storm is to drop an anchor. Hold that space. Practice acknowledging the storm without interacting with it. Take care of yourself and allow the storm to pass.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Why you don’t need to battle during an emotional storm.
  • Recent feedback from a client and how it influenced this episode.
  • The difference between doing nothing and doing nothing in the storm.
  • What dropping an anchor in the storm means and how it can help.
  • Why you don’t need to accept all your thinking as personal and true.
  • How engaging in your true self will help you weather the storm.
  • What reflecting on your own inner dialogue can do for you.
  • The best place to put your energy and focus in times of difficulty.
  • Why it’s important to acknowledge the storm even if you don’t react to it.
  • How needing to practice being with the storm only makes you human.
  • The importance of learning to ground in your own human experience.
  • Remembering we do things everyday despite resistance.
  • Homework on what to be curious about this week as you navigate your own storms.


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Why Doing Nothing Doesn’t Mean You’re Not Trying

20m · Published 28 Mar 10:00

It isn’t easy to take a step back and feel like you’re doing “nothing,” especially when you’re struggling in your relationship with food. But the truth is, doing nothing doesn’t mean you’re not trying—it simply means you’re not spending your energy on things you can’t control.

The best thing you can do when your thoughts overwhelm you and you feel like you’re in the midst of a storm is to drop an anchor. Hold that space. Practice acknowledging the storm without interacting with it. Take care of yourself and allow the storm to pass.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Why you don’t need to battle during an emotional storm.
  • Recent feedback from a client and how it influenced this episode.
  • The difference between doing nothing and doing nothing in the storm.
  • What dropping an anchor in the storm means and how it can help.
  • Why you don’t need to accept all your thinking as personal and true.
  • How engaging in your true self will help you weather the storm.
  • What reflecting on your own inner dialogue can do for you.
  • The best place to put your energy and focus in times of difficulty.
  • Why it’s important to acknowledge the storm even if you don’t react to it.
  • How needing to practice being with the storm only makes you human.
  • The importance of learning to ground in your own human experience.
  • Remembering we do things everyday despite resistance.
  • Homework on what to be curious about this week as you navigate your own storms.


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Why You Can Stop Thinking About Managing Weight

30m · Published 14 Mar 10:00

This episode is the third episode in a series about shame. The mind is programmed to enjoy starting something new—like a new diet or a new regime—which can get in the way of allowing us to just be. Our minds have a tendency to make managing weight more important than it actually is.

When we stop trying to manage our bodies, we make space for new thoughts and beliefs. The best place to start is by simply being curious about the thoughts you have. Allow a little more curiosity into your daily life, and the best you can do each day is good enough.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What inspired this series on shame.
  • What it’s tempting for the mind to do and how it gets in the way.
  • Knowing what’s helpful in the moment and how it can change.
  • How being curious about not managing your body can help.
  • Why you don’t need to hold onto what hasn’t served you.
  • How to make space for new thoughts and beliefs.
  • Why Maria and Sarah are flexible in their approaches.
  • The responsibility we as humans take on that’s not ours to own.
  • Why you don’t need to criticize yourself for having emotions.
  • Why our relationships with food and weight can’t be simplified.
  • How the journey to food freedom is confusing and why that’s okay.
  • When you’ll know what to do and when to do it.
  • How shame is created innocently and how to let it go.
  • Trusting your emotions will settle, even when they’re difficult.


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Why It’s Okay to Accept Shame

31m · Published 07 Mar 05:00

Today we’re continuing our conversation that we began last week about shame. Practicing acceptance around difficult emotions like shame doesn’t mean you have to be okay with it or happy about it. Acceptance is just the experience of being with something without needing it to be different.

When you practice being present and accepting what is, unhelpful thoughts are bound to come up. Rather than fighting against them, just acknowledge where you are gently bringing yourself into the now.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • The recent talk Sarah gave and what it led her to reflect on.
  • How most people are conditioned to react to their emotions.
  • What happens when you accept change rather than resist it.
  • How to accelerate your journey to food freedom.
  • What the “restrict mind” has a tendency to do.
  • Signs you may be losing your connection to being in the now (and what to do about it).
  • The importance of approaching life experiences as if it’s the first time.
  • Why your struggles aren’t your fault.
  • How internal stories act as a distraction for the mind.
  • Why you don’t need to control or manage your weight.
  • What trusting you can get through the messiness looks like.
  • How letting go isn’t linear or pretty, and why that’s perfectly normal.
  • What to expect as part of your journey to food freedom.
  • Strategies for leaning into the learning process and finding what works for you.
  • What you think you need for food freedom and being curious about not needing it.


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How Shame Shows Up and What it Looks Like

38m · Published 28 Feb 10:00

Shame is at the root of a lot of habits, and often shows up alongside one’s struggle with food. Our stories—the ones we believe to be true—dictate how we think about and experience the world. Shame drives a secrecy that can make you feel alone, leaving you to avoid talking openly about what you’re going through.

What underlies shame is fear. Showing love and compassion for yourself is the antidote to shame. You may have uncomfortable feelings come up, but trust that they will pass. The world doesn’t need a different version of you. It needs the version you already are.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • The difference between guilt and shame.
  • How a fear of judgment can impact your habits.
  • The pressure to manage our bodies and why it doesn’t make sense.
  • What our minds are good at and are not good at.
  • The common food rules people struggle with.
  • How control plays into the need to maintain a certain weight.
  • What happens when you learn to sit with discomfort.
  • What it means when people care about your weight.
  • Why the world needs you just as you are.
  • How human bodies are designed to change, especially as we age.
  • What it means to help your body be the best it can.
  • The importance of recognizing our struggles with acceptance and change.
  • Why we need to be less rigid and let things happen on their own timeline.
  • Opening up to the unfiltered you.


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Why It’s Always Okay to Experience Our Own Thoughts

24m · Published 21 Feb 10:00

How does being in your habits less often allow for healing in your own way? As we look to our habits less, we tend to notice our feelings and thoughts more. It’s possible that if something shows up, it’s something that needs to be reflected on and processed.

We’re so quick to judge our own thoughts and emotions. The truth is, it’s okay to experience thoughts about whatever shows up. There is fear in letting go, and there is fear in uncertainty—even when it comes to letting go of unhealthy habits. But it doesn’t last forever, and you can learn how to let life flow.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Themes that arise on the journey to better habits.
  • What happens when you step away from your habits.
  • How familiarity influences habitual thoughts and behaviors.
  • Where grief comes from and why it comes up when it does.
  • What you’re invited to let go of.
  • What happens when you accept what you’re not supposed to control.
  • The experiences you can expect to have when letting go of a habit.
  • How being in the moment doesn’t always feel good.
  • Why you shouldn’t judge yourself for what you didn’t do sooner.
  • The power of going with the flow and just letting what is be.
  • How it’s only human to want to have control and how that may show up.
  • What it means if your experience of loss is different from someone else.
  • Why letting go of comparison is important to the process.
  • What you are congratulated for today.
  • Why it’s enough to simply own the lane you’re in.


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Having Fun Has Nothing to Do with Your Weight

23m · Published 14 Feb 10:00

Do you ever find yourself making changes in your life in preparation for a future event, like a wedding or a birthday? It’s fairly common to do this. However, when we focus too intently on the future, we lose the connection we have with our body and its needs in the here and now.

When it comes to focusing on these future events, it’s easy to become obsessed with how much you will weigh. The truth is that the good conversations you have and the enjoyment of the event actually have nothing to do with your weight. Being as present as possible can help you notice ingrained messages and acknowledge you always have choice.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What we naturally lose when we put our focus on the future.
  • Different examples of why you might change your habits for the future you.
  • How to embrace the excitement life has right now.
  • How we gather internal stories from a snapshot picture.
  • The importance of acknowledging you are human.
  • Why the only reality we really have is the one that’s here now.
  • The tendency to think in black and white and how to open up to other choices.
  • What taking a step back and pausing can help you notice.
  • Why it’s helpful in a moment just to do nothing.
  • How to practice trust and letting your inner wisdom talk to you.
  • The situations we tend to learn the most from.
  • Experiencing life in the moment and how to get curious about that this week.


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How Eating Habits Develop

29m · Published 07 Feb 10:00

In this episode, we’re going back to the basics to look at how eating habits develop and how they present themselves. There is a common myth about unhealthy eating habits that in order to have them, you must be getting something out of them. This is simply untrue.

Ultimately, it comes down to the habits we create with ourselves and our bodies. Innocently enough, some of them tend to be less helpful than others. Change is impacted by fear. Fear can be a barrier, but it’s also a helpful indicator; information to reflect on while you explore the possibility of more helpful habits.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Why there is no right or wrong—just what we decide to do in the moment.
  • How innocently placing blame on habits can be unhelpful.
  • How the feeling of wanting to be alright influences our habits.
  • The way fear presents itself in repeating unhealthy patterns.
  • What habits are actually an indication of.
  • How food itself isn’t evil.
  • An example exploring the power we put into innocent foods.
  • Why humans are often afraid to be themselves in the moment.
  • The importance of knowing what’s best for you doesn’t always feel good.
  • What happens to our innate mind when we explore change.
  • How we hold ourselves to unrealistic standards and what we think we can control.
  • The joy of understanding and being with our humanness.
  • Why it’s nobody else’s job to criticize you.
  • What we assume resilience is versus what it actually is.
  • What you’re invited to be curious about this week.


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Eat, Girl, Eat has 85 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 40:22:44. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 24th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 30th, 2024 05:11.

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