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Eat, Girl, Eat


The Eat, Girl, Eat Podcast is the place where we share the real behind the scenes of what it takes to unlearn everything the diet industry has taught us about being “healthy” and where we share what it means to listen to our bodies. We normalize food as food, ditching the concept of “healthy” vs. “bad” foods, and discuss our personal journeys to reconnecting to our internal wisdom. Founder, Maria Brigantino and her guests share their experiences candidly and authentically. A combination of funny, raw and insightful information, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone seeking Food FREEDOM in their own life.


Why You Don’t Need to Close the Door on Any Food

27m · Published 31 Jan 10:00

Isn’t it interesting how when we say no to something, it suddenly becomes more enticing? That’s the topic explored during this episode. As soon as we create a value of something that we shouldn’t have or shouldn’t do, it’s normal for our brain to become even more focused, or sometimes, even obsessed with it.

This is also true when it comes to food. To make it even worse, we as humans have a tendency to place a judgment on ourselves for it. You don’t need to close the door on any food. Leave the door open. Trust your body to know how much of anything it needs.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • How shutting the door on food can lead to an obsession about it.
  • The way we handle cravings in body and mind.
  • Why you don’t need rules around food to manage it.
  • How food rules actually put us in a position of less control, not more.
  • The importance of trusting your body to know what it needs.
  • Why eating something “forbidden” doesn’t guarantee enjoying the experience.
  • How food rules increase critical thoughts about ourselves.
  • How life has a funny way of just taking care of itself.
  • Why the human part of us wants to have control.
  • What your inner knowing—which is always present—offers you.
  • The role self-acceptance plays in just letting things be.
  • Why it’s okay to be “lazy” if you want to be.
  • Two pieces of homework to take away from this episode.


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Letting Go of Your Values to Experience Freedom

23m · Published 24 Jan 10:00

In this episode, the journey of exploring the myth of what’s “normal” continues. Maria and Sarah had a conversation before hitting the record button, and it brought up a lot of emotion. They open up about their chat and explain how it really came down to how humans experience life.

When your values change, your experiences change. For example, if you go from valuing body thinness to valuing balance, you can experience similar circumstances in new and different ways. Letting go of your values and the way you’re living life can bring grief and fear, but it can also open up a world of freedom to you.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • How all humans have a shared experience in different parts of life.
  • The ways in which we avoid uncomfortable feelings like grief and loss.
  • The idea all people struggle with and why it is perfectly normal.
  • How our values inform our experiences.
  • Why it’s important to be open to allowing your values to change.
  • The idea of choosing food and weight to manage your emotions.
  • Why you don’t always need to try and manage your feelings.
  • The power of being human and being in it together.
  • How the fear of the unknown comes up when you invite change.
  • How to be curious about exploring uncomfortable emotions.
  • The ways in which community support can help you navigate emotions.
  • Why staying in the conversation is important for cultivating ease.


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How to Work Towards Self-Love

30m · Published 17 Jan 10:00

In the previous episode, the topic of focus was the myth of being normal. Today’s episode further explores this myth and how it shows up in daily life. We often strive to be different from who we are at any given moment, but self-love isn’t about attaining our internal idea of “perfection.” Self-love is knowing that no matter what, you can forgive and accept without expectation.

Having high expectations of yourself is okay, but perhaps you can find some room to loosen up. Where you are right now is just fine and normal. In fact, there are as many versions of “normal” as there are people on the planet. It all comes back to trusting that who you are and how you are is enough.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Where feeling like we need to be different comes from.
  • Why the idea of self-love can be frustrating when you’re struggling.
  • How Sarah’s idea of love and self-love has changed.
  • How you can move towards loving yourself at your own pace.
  • Why love requires acceptance first.
  • An example of how our thoughts cannot be who we are.
  • What perfectionist minds have a tendency to do and why.
  • How slowing down allows for the introduction of new ideas.
  • The importance of being curious.
  • Where suffering actually comes from and how it shows up.
  • How innocent research can lead to unhelpful behaviors.
  • How the idea of normal is a fluid concept.
  • A strategy you can try this week to work towards acceptance.


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The Power of Presence and Permission

25m · Published 10 Jan 10:00

Welcome to our first episode of 2023. In this episode, Sarah tells us about her wedding and why it was so special. Later, she and Maria discuss the power of presence and permission, along with how those allow the things that don’t matter to melt away.

What we’re looking for is so often right there in front of us. Feeling good isn’t about our hair, clothes, makeup, or what anyone else thinks. It’s an internal journey of being present and connecting with our own body’s message. Allow life to settle and for your life to be just as you want it to be.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What made Sarah’s wedding feel so special.
  • How she felt when she looked in the mirror on her wedding day.
  • What a special event like a wedding is truly about.
  • A book called “The Myth of Normal” and why it’s worth reading.
  • What we think health looks like versus what it actually looks like.
  • How we may be missing out on the beauty of our wellbeing.
  • What we as humans tend to get caught up in day-to-day.
  • One way in which language can shape our reality.
  • What it means to have a life-limiting disease.
  • The importance of giving yourself permission to accept your life as you want it to look.
  • Why solutions don’t come from thought (and where they do come from).
  • One way you can create space for new thoughts and insight to arise.
  • A homework assignment for the week.


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Surviving the Holidays in 2022 – Part 4 – December 30

14m · Published 30 Dec 10:00

Today’s episode ends this year’s series about how to survive the holiday season, hosted by Maria while Sarah is off celebrating her wedding. Last episode, the conversation revolved around where you spend your energy and where you channel your focus. This time around, the discussion expands to explore thought-created failures.

The truth about failure is that there’s no such thing. You’re human. You’re living, you’re breathing, and you’re doing the best you can. That’s more than enough. Once you really start questioning your own false narratives, your thoughts start to change. Then, they pass through you without meaning or stress.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What you’re encouraged to do today.
  • What Maria’s clients usually focus on and why it’s completely normal.
  • Signs you might be experiencing thought-created failures.
  • The impact of thought-created failures and why they occur in the first place.
  • What happens when you embrace life as a learning experience.
  • Why it’s important to trust your body’s inner wisdom.
  • How to break free from thought-created failures and why it matters.
  • How we’re meant to experience and go through life.
  • “What if” questions you can start asking yourself and exploring.
  • How you can go from hopeless to hopeful.
  • How to let false narratives pass through you without causing stress.
  • The importance of being curious and remaining present in the moment.
  • What to expect coming up next on the podcast in 2023.


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Surviving the Holidays in 2022 – Part 3 – December 27

11m · Published 27 Dec 10:00

Maria is continuing on from the last episode to talk more about surviving the holidays while Sarah is off celebrating her wedding. The tips shared throughout this series build off one another to help you navigate the holidays. You don’t need to explore them in a linear fashion, but it would be helpful to listen to part 1 and part 2 for the other tips.

After receiving many years of well-intentioned but misguided advice—from people you care about and the medical community—it can be difficult to see how your body’s inner wisdom is the best choice. But it is. Full stop. It’s time to shift your focus. Doing so has the power to change everything.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • How to integrate the tips from this series.
  • Why it’s important to be accepting of what you see and don’t see.
  • Where your inner willpower and discipline have been built from.
  • Why trusting your body’s wisdom is, hands down, the healthiest choice.
  • How where you focus influences what you manifest.
  • The thing that’s guiding you right now in your struggle.
  • Examples of how your focus might shift and what happens as a result.
  • How questioning and being in the now facilitates change.
  • What our habits are the outcome of.
  • Exploring the idea of not needing things to be different.
  • How our struggles are actually our permission.
  • What life would be like if you never had to experience struggle.
  • Something specific to reflect upon this week.


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Surviving the Holidays in 2022 – Part 3 – December 27

11m · Published 27 Dec 10:00

Maria is continuing on from the last episode to talk more about surviving the holidays while Sarah is off celebrating her wedding. The tips shared throughout this series build off one another to help you navigate the holidays. You don’t need to explore them in a linear fashion, but it would be helpful to listen to part 1 and part 2 for the other tips.

After receiving many years of well-intentioned but misguided advice—from people you care about and the medical community—it can be difficult to see how your body’s inner wisdom is the best choice. But it is. Full stop. It’s time to shift your focus. Doing so has the power to change everything.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • How to integrate the tips from this series.
  • Why it’s important to be accepting of what you see and don’t see.
  • Where your inner willpower and discipline have been built from.
  • Why trusting your body’s wisdom is, hands down, the healthiest choice.
  • How where you focus influences what you manifest.
  • The thing that’s guiding you right now in your struggle.
  • Examples of how your focus might shift and what happens as a result.
  • How questioning and being in the now facilitates change.
  • What our habits are the outcome of.
  • Exploring the idea of not needing things to be different.
  • How our struggles are actually our permission.
  • What life would be like if you never had to experience struggle.
  • Something specific to reflect upon this week.


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Surviving the Holidays in 2022 – Part 2 – December 20

13m · Published 20 Dec 10:00

While Sarah is away celebrating her wedding, Maria is continuing to pass on her experience about handling stress during the holidays. Remember, the rules you have around how it’s “supposed to be” are thought created. You are not inferior, unhealthy, or lacking in any way.

People tend to wear their discipline or willpower as a badge of honor, when in reality, holding to our rules isn’t always the best choice in the moment. Be curious about how your rules are serving you. Once you can release judgement by slowing down and noticing, you can open up to the possibility of new experiences.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • An idea for approaching your self-imposed rules.
  • Why change might not look how you expect it to.
  • How to open up to the possibility of new experiences this holiday season.
  • How willpower and discipline become a batch of honor.
  • What happens when you question your food rules.
  • Why it’s important to take a deeper look at the actions you’re taking.
  • The ways our minds tend to lead to an all-or-nothing outcome.
  • What you have full allowance to do during the holidays.
  • What intuitive eating actually means and why it’s an important practice.
  • How our brains can lead us to self-fulfilling prophecies.
  • The ways in which our body is always serving us.
  • What to do if you need something to help your body.
  • What to consider if your rules have become self-sabotaging.


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Surviving the Holidays in 2022 - Part 1 - December 13

17m · Published 13 Dec 10:00

Today, Maria is flying solo while Sarah takes a break to celebrate her wedding. Maria is taking this time to talk about something especially significant to her clients right now: surviving the holidays. This can be a difficult time for so many people, whether that has to do with food-related struggles or other challenging habits.

How would your holiday season be different if you stopped worrying about benchmarks and allowed your life to be different from moment to moment? Explore the idea of taking pressure off of yourself by releasing the need to control anything over the next month. You can plan and go into the day with good intentions, but you don’t need to worry about what hasn’t happened yet.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • The different holiday traditions that can cause stress.
  • How labels, however innocent, can contribute to increased emotional struggles.
  • How Maria’s experience over the holiday has changed with time.
  • What tends to happen once you open an invite.
  • How our personal stories influence our perceived rules of what we can eat.
  • The importance of recognizing our lack of control of what we might need.
  • Who is actually in control of your life.
  • Why scientific evidence isn’t always the infallible answer to your needs.
  • Exploring the idea of accepting being in the moment.
  • The concept of accepting the flow of life rather than resisting it.
  • Why nobody can tell you what your life is going to look like—not even you.
  • How habits can be deconstructed on their own by showing yourself compassion.
  • The idea that there might be newness this holiday season.


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Choosing Acceptance During the Holiday Season

30m · Published 06 Dec 10:00

The holidays are just around the corner, and while they are a time of joy, they can also bring on anxiety and distress—especially if you are struggling in your relationship with food. In this episode, Sarah and Maria share their personal experiences in handling Christmas stress previously and how it’s different now.

As we enter the holiday season, the theme to move forward with is acceptance; acceptance of what happens and acceptance of how you react to it. Life will flow however it’s meant to be, and there is no right or wrong. You have permission to expend less energy trying to change, and instead embrace change as it naturally comes.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Why the holidays can feel draining and stressful.
  • The conflicting, tormenting feelings Sarah once dealt with during Christmas.
  • What happens when we feel like we need to control everything.
  • Why goals are good, but attachment to the outcome can be harmful.
  • How our minds create an image of what’s going to happen based on our beliefs.
  • The human tendency to lean towards whatever our mind thinks will bring us joy.
  • The nonsense of feeling like you need to be a perfect person.
  • How whole-hearted acceptance can help you navigate the holidays (and beyond).
  • The worry experiences will repeat themselves and being open to something different.
  • The difference between liking something and accepting something.
  • Where you shouldn’t be expending your energy.
  • The unexpected ways change can show up in your life.
  • What happens when you spend all your energy trying to change a habit.


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Eat, Girl, Eat has 85 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 40:22:44. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 24th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 30th, 2024 05:11.

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