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Rethink Your Rules

by Jenny Hobbs

Coaching for high achieving moms who are told they are too much, yet feel they are not enough.
Dr Jenny Hobbs is a practicing physician with ADHD, a wife, and a mom to differently wired kids. She combines candid, insightful conversations with practical tools to help you enjoy better relationships at home, at work, and with yourself.

Copyright: © 2024 Rethink Your Rules


How & Why to Allow a Painful Emotion (Lessons From My Kids)

21m · Published 09 Mar 10:00
An experience with my kids that demonstrates so clearly how to "allow" a painful emotion - and why it's not as terrible as it sounds.

Calling all overwhelmed, exhausted working moms! Download the free Replay of my latest Webinar: Cure Your Headless Chicken Syndrome with the CALM Method.

Do you feel like you're just going through the motions? You want to be focused, connected and fully present at home and work, but how? There's SO MUCH to do. It all falls on your shoulders. This is Headless Chicken Syndrome. And I can help.

After this webinar, you'll have practical strategies to feel better in minutes. And I'll share how my CALM method can help you overcome overwhelm and create some inner peace, no matter how busy you are. Access Free Replay HERE.


Everything on this podcast and website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. Views are our own, and do not necessarily represent those of our past or present employers or colleagues.

REPOST: What to do When You’re Angry (Lessons from My Kids)

23m · Published 01 Mar 06:00

How learning to manage my kids’ meltdowns taught me to manage my own anger.

Calling all overwhelmed, exhausted working moms! Join me for a FREE Webinar on Wednesday, March 6, 2024: Cure Your Headless Chicken Syndrome with the CALM Method.

Do you feel like you're just going through the motions? You want to be focused, connected and fully present at home and work, but how? There's SO MUCH to do. It all falls on your shoulders. This is Headless Chicken Syndrome. And I can help.

After this webinar, you'll have practical strategies to feel better in minutes. And I'll share how my CALM method can help you overcome overwhelm and create some inner peace, no matter how busy you are. Register HERE.


Everything on this podcast and website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. Views are our own, and do not necessarily represent those of our past or present employers or colleagues.

REPOST: Talk To Yourself Like You Talk To Others

33m · Published 23 Feb 02:00

The way you speak to yourself is incredibly powerful. It determines your relationship with yourself, how you feel and the results you get (or don’t) in your life. Yet if you’re like most people, you are focusing more energy on communicating with others while not paying much attention to your self talk.

But here’s the great news: the same skills you use for talking to others can be used when you talk to yourself! In this episode, you'll learn strategies to improve your inner dialogue, and several suggested phrases you can start using right away.

Curious to learn more about how this works? Then be sure to join me for my upcoming webinar on Wednesday, March 6. I'll be sharing how to use the CALM method to cure your Headless Chicken Syndrome." And one of the first steps is to treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you show others. Be sure to register at the link below so you don't miss it!

Calling all overwhelmed, exhausted working moms! Join me for a FREE Webinar on Wednesday, March 6, 2024: Cure Your Headless Chicken Syndrome with the CALM Method.

Do you feel like you're just going through the motions? You want to be focused, connected and fully present at home and work, but how? There's SO MUCH to do. It all falls on your shoulders. This is Headless Chicken Syndrome. And I can help.

After this webinar, you'll have practical strategies to feel better in minutes. And I'll share how my CALM method can help you overcome overwhelm and create some inner peace, no matter how busy you are. Register HERE.


Everything on this podcast and website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. Views are our own, and do not necessarily represent those of our past or present employers or colleagues.

Struggling With a Big Decision? Ask Yourself These 6 Questions

26m · Published 16 Feb 01:00

This episode picks up from where we left off last week. We continue the discussion about decision-making and how to handle the emotions and discomfort that come with it.

Calling all overwhelmed, exhausted working moms! Join me for a FREE Webinar on Wednesday, March 6, 2024: Cure Your Headless Chicken Syndrome with the CALM Method.

Do you feel like you're just going through the motions? You want to be focused, connected and fully present at home and work, but how? There's SO MUCH to do. It all falls on your shoulders. This is Headless Chicken Syndrome. And I can help.

After this webinar, you'll have practical strategies to feel better in minutes. And I'll share how my CALM method can help you overcome overwhelm and create some inner peace, no matter how busy you are. Register HERE.


Everything on this podcast and website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. Views are our own, and do not necessarily represent those of our past or present employers or colleagues.

Intentional Decision-Making for Busy Moms: A Step-by-Step Guide

29m · Published 09 Feb 04:00

In this episode, we're exploring the art of decision-making.

An unexpected bout of illness threw a wrench into my plans this week, and I had to make a difficult choice. I share why this choice was challenging for me, and how I came to a decision that felt right. Listen as I use this example to demonstrate how the CALM method is a step-by-step approach to navigating difficult decisions. From connecting with ourselves to evaluating our choices, this tool helps us make decisions confidently and without regret.

Join me as we uncover how to make decisions easier and with more clarity, no matter the size or significance.

Calling all overwhelmed, exhausted working moms! Join me for a FREE Webinar on Wednesday, March 6, 2024: Cure Your Headless Chicken Syndrome with the CALM Method.

Do you feel like you're just going through the motions? You want to be focused, connected and fully present at home and work, but how? There's SO MUCH to do. It all falls on your shoulders. This is Headless Chicken Syndrome. And I can help.

After this webinar, you'll have practical strategies to feel better in minutes. And I'll share how my CALM method can help you overcome overwhelm and create some inner peace, no matter how busy you are. Register HERE.


Everything on this podcast and website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. Views are our own, and do not necessarily represent those of our past or present employers or colleagues.

Headless Chicken Syndrome: What It Is and What You Can Do About It

24m · Published 02 Feb 08:00

If you've ever felt like you're running on autopilot, overwhelmed with an endless to-do list and struggling to be present, you're not alone. In today's episode, I’m sharing all about Headless Chicken Syndrome: what it is, the root causes, and what you can do about it.

I’ll explain how the 5 Unspoken Rules (control enthusiasm, perfectionism, people-pleasing, hustle, and hyper-rationality) make it particularly difficult to set ourselves free from Headless Chicken Syndrome.

Then, I’ll reveal the missing piece of the puzzle: the essential skill of allowing your emotions. And I mean all of them - both good AND bad.

Most of us have never been taught this incredibly powerful skill. But once you learn it, you’ll be able to create your own CALM amidst the chaos and cure Headless Chicken Syndrome once and for all.

And don't miss out on the upcoming webinar where we'll explore these concepts further. Let's dive in and reclaim a calmer, more connected life together.

Calling all overwhelmed, exhausted working moms! Join me for a FREE Webinar on Thursday, Feb 8th: Cure Your Headless Chicken Syndrome with the CALM Method.

Do you feel like you're just going through the motions? You want to be focused, connected and fully present at home and work, but how? There's SO MUCH to do. It all falls on your shoulders. This is Headless Chicken Syndrome. And I can help.

After this webinar, you'll have practical strategies to feel better in minutes. And I'll share how my CALM method can help you overcome overwhelm and create some inner peace, no matter how busy you are. Register HERE.


Everything on this podcast and website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. Views are our own, and do not necessarily represent those of our past or present employers or colleagues.

Why We Do What We Do: How Feelings Shape Our Lives & How to Master Them

12m · Published 27 Jan 00:00

Ever find yourself puzzled by the choices you make? This week, I'm sharing the answer to one of life's biggest mysteries: why do we do the things we do? (and why DON'T we do things even when it seems we should?)

I'll explore the complex relationship between our emotions and behaviors. Gain insights into how your feelings can both fuel and foil your professional and personal growth. We'll unpack strategies to cultivate emotions that serve your goals and manage the negative emotions that hold you back, like avoidance or misplaced anger.

Ready to step into the best version of yourself? Let's confront the discomfort together. I'll guide you through acknowledging the societal pressures that make it difficult to face challenging emotions head-on, and learning to recognize and address your feelings.

Facing your feelings - both good and bad - may sound scary, but I promise it's not as bad as you think. And it's worth it! Once you learn this skill, you'll be able to stop shying away from necessary confrontations, or drowning your sorrows in the next Netflix binge. You'll stop letting your emotions hold you back from being the mom and wife you want to be, and you'll be able to accomplish your goals more quickly.

Calling all overwhelmed, exhausted working moms! Join me for a FREE Webinar on Thursday, Feb 8th: Cure Your Headless Chicken Syndrome with the CALM Method.

Do you feel like you're just going through the motions? You want to be focused, connected and fully present at home and work, but how? There's SO MUCH to do. It all falls on your shoulders. This is Headless Chicken Syndrome. And I can help.

After this webinar, you'll have practical strategies to feel better in minutes. And I'll share how my CALM method can help you overcome overwhelm and create some inner peace, no matter how busy you are. Register HERE.


Everything on this podcast and website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. Views are our own, and do not necessarily represent those of our past or present employers or colleagues.

From Overwhelm to CALM in Minutes: The Simple Question You're Not Asking Yourself

18m · Published 19 Jan 21:00

When was the last time you asked yourself: "What do I need here?" Or if you did, when was the last time you answered honestly, from the heart, noticing what emotional needs you have in that given moment?

In this episode, I'm sharing why this deceptively simple question is so powerful.

If you're like most of the high-achieving working moms I know, you can't remember the last time you asked yourself what YOU need...because you're too busy worrying about meeting everyone else's needs! Or perhaps you thought about it, but the answer was really just more of what you "should" do or what you "have to" do.

It takes courage to ask this question, answer honestly, and do what it takes to meet our emotional needs. Especially when that means we have to disappoint someone else or be a little less perfect.

We are taught to believe that acknowledging our emotions is self-indulgent and a waste of time. But it's not. It's essential. It's the key to feeling less overwhelmed and showing up as the calm, connected moms we want to be. And this simple question is the first step.

So take a listen and give it a try this week. You might be surprised at what a difference it makes!

PS I'll be digging even deeper into this topic in my upcoming Webinar on Thursday, Feb 8th: Cure Your Headless Chicken Syndrome with the CALM Method.
I'll show you how simple strategies like this can make a huge difference in your life. Register HERE.

Ready to apply this to your own life? Set up your free consult today:

If you like this podcast, you'll love my newsletter. Subscribe here:


Everything on this podcast and website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. Views are our own, and do not necessarily represent those of our past or present employers or colleagues.

Rethinking New Year's Resolutions: A Practical Approach for Working Moms

20m · Published 05 Jan 03:00

Happy New Year! As we kick off 2024, it's a great time to think about our goals for the New Year. In today's episode, I'm sharing a simple, straightforward system that will help you evaluate where you are and where you want to go.

As you go through this process, you'll learn to manage your mind to stay focused and positive. This will make your goal-setting more effective and more enjoyable, and you'll find you are less likely to get stuck in overwhelm or self-criticism.

Here's an overview of how it works:
1 List out the main areas of your life
2 Review each area & give it a rating from 1-10
3 Define what a "10" would look like for each area
4 Choose one main area of focus
5 Write down:
- What's working in this area?
- What's not working in this area?
- What will I do differently to get closer to a "10" in this area?

The list you make at the end of Step 5 will comprise your goals or "Resolutions' for the New Year. As you look at the list, you'll notice that these questions have naturally guided you to create a list of goals and plans that are prioritized, pragmatic, and actionable.

So grab a pen and piece of paper and follow along with me as we set ourselves up for success this year!

Ready to apply this to your own life? Set up your free consult today:

If you like this podcast, you'll love my newsletter. Subscribe here:


Everything on this podcast and website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. Views are our own, and do not necessarily represent those of our past or present employers or colleagues.

Unspoken Rules at Family Gatherings: Working Mom Edition

33m · Published 22 Dec 05:00

This week, I’m walking you through my favorite tools to prepare your mind for the upcoming family holiday gatherings. We often get so busy rushing to do all the physical preparations for the holidays that we neglect the mental prep. But if you want to cultivate a calmer and more centered experience around your family this year, you must prioritize your mindset. Of course we’re all busy, but fortunately this doesn’t have to take any extra time. All it takes is a few minutes thinking about these topics while you’re sitting in traffic or wrapping gifts.

Topics covered include:

  • How to apply the CALMER method to prepare your mind before upcoming family holiday celebrations: Connect with compassion, Assess your thoughts, Loosen your grip, Make decisions consciously, Evaluate the outcomes, and Repeat the process.
  • The Five Unspoken Rules for working moms (Arguing with reality/control enthusiasm, Perfectionism, People-pleasing, Hustling for worthiness, and Hyper-rationality) and how they tend to show up during family holiday gatherings.
  • Fostering cognitive flexibility & considering alternate perspectives
  • My clients’ favorite tried-and-true mindset shifts to handle common holiday stressors.
  • Making decisions that are aligned with your personal values
  • Creating a realistic plan to handle potential stressors, including setting expectations and boundaries.
  • Evaluating your experience after the fact, while having your own back no matter what. Even if it doesn’t go well!

Tune in for these and other valuable insights to help you set the stage for a more mindful and peaceful holiday celebration.

Ready to apply this to your own life? Set up your free consult today:

If you like this podcast, you'll love my newsletter. Subscribe here:


Everything on this podcast and website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. Views are our own, and do not necessarily represent those of our past or present employers or colleagues.

Rethink Your Rules has 110 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 46:36:24. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 25th, 2024 12:40.

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