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Healthy Living Scottsdale

by Zach Columbia

We get it! Staying motivated, getting fit, and living a healthy lifestyle is hard. That's why The Coaching Team at Legacy Personal Training brings you a fun and educational podcast for all things Health, Fitness, Nutrition and Self-improvement.

Copyright: 2019-2022 Legacy Personal Training


Magic Mike's Last Dance

28m · Published 03 Sep 13:00

As we mentioned in the last episode, Magic Mike, who’s has been a coach here at Pulse Fitness for two and a half years, will be leaving. He is fulling a lifelong dream to be a firefighter. We are sad that he is leaving as he has been an excellent coach and a valuable team member but excited for him that he gets a chance to fulfill his dream.

In this episode, he shares his experiences here at Pulse Fitness, his relationship with clients, his gym pet peeves, what he’ll miss the most about being a fitness coach, and other valuable insights into the fitness industry.

Zach, the fitness director, shares his final thoughts on Mike’s professionalism and his invaluable contribution to the team. He says Mike has been the perfect employee, always ready to help and showing up consistently for our clients. He opines that his dedication, honesty, and positive demeanor will hold him in good stead for whatever career he chooses to pursue in the future.

Key Takeaways

  • How Mike’s internship at EXOS before he joined Pulse made him a good coach (05:04)
  • The biggest thing that Mike learned about himself while working at Pulse Fitness (09:29)
  • Biggest pet peeve when training and working with clients (11:02)
  • Meeting clients where they are at (13:32)
  • The mental side of fitness and why some clients need to toughen up (14:40)
  • What Mike will miss the most about Pulse fitness (18:58)
  • What the future holds for Mike and what he is most excited about his firefighting position (23:41)
  • Final words from the Director of Fitness, Zach to Mike (25:38)


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Overtraining or Under Recovering?

23m · Published 27 Aug 13:00

When we over-train, our bodies are constantly fatigued, and you can’t stop being sore. You are hurting and feel you don’t want to work out due to fatigue. You may even lose motivation for other things you usually enjoy in life. These are signs of legitimate overtraining.

However, in most cases, it is not a case of overtraining but rather under recovering. What we see with our members is that they are under recovering. Inadequate sleep is one of the reasons for under-recovery. Our bodies heal and recover during sleep. Diet also plays a vital role in recovery.

Our programming here at Pulse Fitness is designed so that we hit different muscle groups on different days. This balanced program approach ensures that our members are not at risk of overtraining. On the under-recovery part, we identify what is causing it and prioritize it. It can be sleep, diet, myofascial release, or mobility exercise.

Key Takeaways

  • Coach Magic Mike is leaving Pulse to join the fire department (00:59)
  • Signs of over training (07:41)
  • Difference between over training and under recovering (09:32)
  • Why sleep is very important for recovery (10:22)
  • Alcohol inhibits our recovery from workouts (17:39)
  • How we ensure our members do not over train and recover adequately (19:40)


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Overtraining or Under Recovering?

23m · Published 27 Aug 13:00

When we over-train, our bodies are constantly fatigued, and you can’t stop being sore. You are hurting and feel you don’t want to work out due to fatigue. You may even lose motivation for other things you usually enjoy in life. These are signs of legitimate overtraining.

However, in most cases, it is not a case of overtraining but rather under recovering. What we see with our members is that they are under recovering. Inadequate sleep is one of the reasons for under-recovery. Our bodies heal and recover during sleep. Diet also plays a vital role in recovery.

Our programming here at Pulse Fitness is designed so that we hit different muscle groups on different days. This balanced program approach ensures that our members are not at risk of overtraining. On the under-recovery part, we identify what is causing it and prioritize it. It can be sleep, diet, myofascial release, or mobility exercise.

Key Takeaways

  • Coach Magic Mike is leaving Pulse to join the fire department (00:59)
  • Signs of over training (07:41)
  • Difference between over training and under recovering (09:32)
  • Why sleep is very important for recovery (10:22)
  • Alcohol inhibits our recovery from workouts (17:39)
  • How we ensure our members do not over train and recover adequately (19:40)


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Meal Prep

18m · Published 20 Aug 13:00

Meal prep is crucial to getting results. However, despite being a necessity to achieve results, almost everyone struggles with it. Our coaching team here at Pulse takes us through how they do their meal prep.

Doing your meal prep in bulk to cover several days is the best option for people who are busy. Looking at your schedule and anticipating where you are going to struggle with meal prep will help you plan in advance. For instance, someone who goes to work very early in the morning should meal prep for their breakfast in advance.

Meal prep doesn’t mean spending a lot of time doing it. It just means planning your meals for the next day or the next week ahead. You could also order meal prep which is way cheaper than eating out.

Key Takeaways

  • How the team at pulse fitness meal prep (04:19)
  • Making quality choices even when you haven’t done your meal prep (05:33)
  • Planning your meal prep around your schedule (09:18)
  • Teaching your family to eat healthy along with you (10:04)
  • Starting with one meal and getting consistent with it (11:02)
  • Using meal prep services which are cheaper than eating out (13:42)
  • How to make smart meal choices for the next day before going to bed (17:34)


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Weathering The Outdoors

18m · Published 13 Aug 13:00

With the recent shutdown and gyms being closed, more people are training outdoors. They are many ways we can still remain active even without going to the gym. Hiking on the mountain trails, cycling, lifting weights in the garage, playing golf are some of the ways our clients here in Arizona do to keep on track

However, there are pros and cons of training outside. On the pros side, you get to remain physically active which is a good thing. However, the temperatures especially here in Arizona can get really high during this time.

In addition, training outdoors is not a workout. A workout has defined goals you are working to achieve through a plan. Training outdoors helps you keep on track if you can’t get to the gym, but a workout in the gym with a trainer is still crucial to help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goals. 

Key Takeaways

  • How to train outdoors to remain physically active (02:42)
  • Challenges of training outside here in Arizona (04:08)
  • Difference between a workout and being physically active outdoors (05:07)
  • Aligning your goals with your workout and physical activity (07:45)
  • Whatever it takes to remain active and move in the right direction (14:12)
  • How to increase your physical activity when the weather is not favorable (14:46)


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What's Our X Factor

13m · Published 06 Aug 13:00

The fitness industry today is full of buzz words. Every gym and fitness franchise throws around some nice fancy words to describe their approach and concepts to fitness. People tend to get attracted to these flashy words and the X factor that the gym portrays as their differentiator.

For us here at Pulse fitness, our X-factor or what differentiates us from other gyms is the sense of community. Our members have that strong sense of community provides a support system and fosters accountability. They push each other and help each other progress. This helps them achieve their fitness goals.

In addition, our programming allows all coaches to offer standardized coaching. All our members can train with any coach. This is not something you find in many gyms.

Tune in to hear what differentiates Pulse Fitness from other fitness facilities. 

Key Takeaways

  • Why our community being our X-Factor here at Pulse fitness (04:11)
  • Our community supports one another and helps each other progress (05:00)
  • How our universal programming helps with standardized coaching (05:45)
  • Our hybrid training helps our clients lose weight, tone up and move better (07:02)
  • Training in a gym gives you the chance to be among like-minded people (08:32)
  • Semi-private training creates a group fitness atmosphere and a support system (09:14)


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Covid Gym Safety: What To Look Out For

15m · Published 30 Jul 13:00

The whole COVID situation has meant that people are more careful about cleanliness. Gyms, in particular, have borne the brunt with some people not being comfortable being there. However, you still go to the gym to reach your fitness goals and remain safe. We look at some of the things to look out for to determine whether it’s safe or not.

The gym must adhere to social distancing guidelines and have cleaning protocols in place. Equipment must be cleaned before and after use for every client. Perception is everything when it comes to cleanliness.

Pulse fitness has been an exception when it comes to cleanliness. Even before COVID, our clients told us that the gym was so clean, unlike other gyms. With COVID, we have gone above and beyond to make sure that our gym remains safe. We ensure that all equipment is cleaned before and after use for every client. We got an air purifier and special disinfectant to kill germs and viruses on surfaces, among many other protocols we have to make the gym as safe as possible.

Key Takeaways

  • How to ensure you are safe in a training facility (02:29)
  • Social distancing guidelines and cleanliness protocols in the gym (04:26)
  • Wearing a mask in the gym as a sign of respect to other people (06:01)
  • Creating the perception of additional cleanliness (06:49)
  • Measures we have taken at Pulse Fitness to ensure the gym is safe (08:31)
  • Training in a big box gym vs. a small boutique gym in the COVID situation (10:11)


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Fat Secrets

19m · Published 23 Jul 13:00

Your body creates fat when you consume more calories than those you expend. Storing fat is a survival mechanism that we evolved this to ensure that you could eat more food when it was available for those times when there was no food.

However, fat is more than just stored energy. Fat is like a sponge. It absorbs many different things, good and bad. It absorbs toxins and pollutants and holds onto them. The more fat you have the more of these bad things you have. However, it also hoards the good things from the body. These are minerals, vitamins, and certain hormones. It, therefore, denies the body these vital nutrients.

With this in mind, losing weight fast can be a problem for the body. All the toxins that are absorbed by the fat will be released into the blood quicker than the body can get rid of them. this overwhelms the system and creates problems that you have to deal with. Some people get discouraged by these problems and may even stop trying to lose weight.

Tune in to this episode to learn of how to lose weight safely and dealing with the problems that may affect you in the journey. 

Key Takeaways

  • What is fat and why does our body keep it (03:46)
  • How fat acts as a sponge and absorbs and keeps toxins (05:01)
  • Fat steals and hoards vital minerals, vitamin, and hormones from the body (05:35)
  • Why losing weight fast may create problems (07:22)
  • The right amount of weight to lose to avoid creating many problems (11:10)
  • The right strategy for a heavy person starting a weight loss plan (13:23)


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Body Sculpting

23m · Published 16 Jul 13:00

There is a lot of misinformation about body sculpting. People always want to get rid of fats in some areas and get other parts of their body bigger. The reality of body sculpting is that you can accomplish it. However, you need to have a strong foundation first.  You do this by dropping your body fat percentage, then build your muscles. This will then help you target a specific muscle group.

You have to chisel away the big block first to reveal the masterpiece underneath. The big problem here is that you cannot control where the fat will decide to come off first. The areas where you really want the fat to come off first may be the last. However, you need to keep doing the right things with exercise and diet.

Once you have a really good foundation and your body fat has gone way done, you can then start targeting certain body parts and hitting them hard. When targeting specific body parts like the arms, you have to train the surrounding areas as well.

So in a nutshell, for body sculpting to work, you have to drop your body fat percentage, build your muscles, and get a strong foundation. Once you have this base, you can then isolate specific muscle groups and train them hard.

 Key Takeaways

  • You can’t get bigger or perkier boobs from working out (03:27)
  • Creating a strong foundation by dropping your body fat and building muscles (04:51)
  • Lowering body fat through weight training (06:33)
  • You can’t lose fats in just the specific areas you want (07:33)
  • Body sculpting is real and you can accomplish it by doing the right things (12:12)
  • Isolating muscle groups and hitting them hard to grow them once you have a strong base (13:17)
  • Functional training for overall health and happiness (17:06)
  • Creating a mind-muscle connection and learning what your body responds well to (20:29)


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Why Women Need To Lift Weights

26m · Published 09 Jul 13:00

Why is there a difference between how women are expected to train and how men train? This is the question we address today. In most gyms, there are women fitness sections where there are some machines only that women should train with. You’ll rarely find a lot of weights in this section. This is totally wrong as weight training is not for men only. Women too should be strength training.

The major reason women avoid strength training is because they wrongly believe it will make them bulky or look like a man. This is simply not true. Tatiana is an example of this. She lifts hardcore weights, yet she is not bulky nor does she look like a man. Women don’t have the testosterone needed to bulk up.

To achieve a lean and toned look, you have to lift weights. This helps you lose fats and build muscle. You have to do strength training. You have to overload your muscles. Initially, you may not see results on the scale but this should not worry you. Muscles way far more than fats. You may have weighed the same or more but have shrunk in size.

Strength training has many physiological benefits for women besides fat loss and achieving a lean look. It helps with improving bone density and hormonal health as well. Women who have been doing cardio their whole life should research and learn more about these benefits. 

Key Takeaways

  • Why is there a difference between how men and women are expected to rain in the gym? (05:50)
  • Why women wrongly avoid strength training (07:02)
  • Strength training helps you drop fats and build muscle (08:29)
  • Muscle weighs more than fat, so quit getting obsessed with the scale (10:32)
  • Where women who have done cardio all their life should start with strength training (19:47)
  • Physiological benefits of resistance training for women (21:33)


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Healthy Living Scottsdale has 178 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 69:31:40. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 29th, 2024 12:10.

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