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Holistically Awakened

by Laurence Annez

I’m Laurence, your host of the Holistically Awakened podcast, holistic nutritionist, health coach, life coach, NLP practitioner, hypnotherapist, and women's empowerment queen. This is your show to learn from me and inspiring experts on how to up level in all aspects of your life including health, wealth, relationships, spirituality, and business so you can live your very best life as your highest potential. No BS policy, this podcast is about awakening to the truth and talking about what really needs to happen to make your life what you want it to be, whatever that looks like.

Copyright: Laurence Annez


EPISODE 94 - The power of the womb with Emilie Sickinghe

50m · Published 10 May 18:43

Emilie Sickinghe is a trained therapist/coach who empowers women to overcome perfectionism, lack of confidence, impostor syndrome and other self-sabotage, so they can step into their true potential and bring their (much needed!) talents to the world. 

Besides classical therapeutic and coaching approaches, she includes topics not commonly spoken about - like why witches are not scary - but a highly important history to understand, and why the womb is a crucial place for women to find their confidence. 


  • Riding the wave of your 4 cycle phases
  • Why it’s important for women to connect to their womb at every point in their life
  • What the womb is, beyond the place where babies grow
  • Developing an intimate relationship with your womb space, cycles, and feminine energy
  • How to drop into your womb space for greater intuition, creativity, and groundedness
  • Why women are disconnected from their pleasure and how that is impacting our wellbeing 
  • What disconnecting from the womb has to do with lack of boundaries

Please NOTE: This podcast is for informational purposes, it is not intended as medical advice. Please consult with your medical provider or practitioner.



SHE LEADS program (6 months deep journey, starts in September 2023): www.tinyurl.com/sheleadsprogram

Enneagram coaching: https://www.instagram.com/p/CrIkH-3NrHi/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=









Follow me at @laurence.annez on Instagram for more updates and inspiring content.



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EPISODE 93 - Signs you are suppressing anger

19m · Published 03 May 23:03

The relationship we have with anger, especially as women, and the suppression of it can turn into physical symptoms and ailments, but also unhealthy relationship dynamics and tension, and even addictive habits…

Today’s episode: 

  • How suppressed anger can turn into health and relationship problems
  • Why women may shy away from their own anger
  • A reframe for why anger shows up
  • What anger is trying to tell you
  • If I feel anger, won’t I be out of control?
  • How we can process anger in a way that isn’t hurtful to others
  • Why processing and accepting anger can create a safer world
  • Releasing past and present anger, conscious and unconscious 
  • And more!

Apply to work with me:


Connect with Laurence

Email me at [email protected]

Find me at https://www.laurence-annez.com/

Follow me at https://www.instagram.com/laurence.annez/


26m · Published 26 Apr 19:06

Many of us are taught to follow the rules and bypass what we are feeling… yet this becomes a problem because we completely become disconnected from our desires, our intuition, and OUR WAY. So we look to everything and everyone else for the answers for what we should be doing, how we should be eating, what we should be liking, how we should be living… for me this resulted in emotional eating, binges, burn out, hormonal chaos, missing periods, resentment in my relationship, and wanting to burn my business to the ground 😅

Today I’m talking about how I started to give more authority to my body instead of my mind, and tapping into my guilty pleasures helped me to release so much rigidity in my life, let go of constantly needing to control everything, and connecting with my feminine and my intuition to discover what actually worked for me.

Maybe you don’t need to restrict more, maybe you need to pay attention to your body's needs and what it's not getting.. 

Maybe you don’t need to have more energy every single moment of every day, maybe you need to honour natural lulls and when your body needs rest.. 

Maybe you don’t need a caffeine fix, maybe you need to honour natural lulls and allow your body rest when it needs it instead of pushing through..

Maybe you don’t need another strategy, maybe you need to trust yourself with what you are already doing… 

Maybe there isn’t anything wrong with you, you’re just trying to force a way that is not meant to work for you in the first place… 

“Those rules” that you think you need to follow… you don’t” 

Sometimes what you really need is to take a step away from the noise, tap out, and tune back in 


Connect with Laurence

Email me at [email protected]

Find me at https://www.laurence-annez.com/

Follow me at https://www.instagram.com/laurence.annez/

EPISODE 91 - Do your hormones need some love?

33m · Published 19 Apr 19:07

Unfortunately, hormonal imbalances are on the rise these days, for a lot of different reasons, which we will discuss!

This doesn’t only affect fertility and menstrual cycles, on the contrary, our sex hormones affect our ENTIRE body (including the mind); our mood, focus, memory, digestion, energy, sleep, etc.

And this can impact EVERYTHING in our lives: intimacy, communication, social life, physical health, mental health, emotional health, relationships, career, fulfilment, etc.

So what can you do?

Fortunately, a lot!!


  • Foundations to supporting healthy balanced hormones and reducing unwanted symptoms
  • Lifestyle and dietary factors that can wreak havoc on hormonal health
  • What’s the problem with gluten?
  • How glyphosate is wreaking our gut health + what you can do about it!
  • Whole food versus synthetic isolated supplements, does it matter?
  • And more!


The problem with glyphosate


There are 3 ways you can receive more support or try the products:

1. You can use my gift code "Laurence"for $50 off your first order: 


2. If you are wanting a deeper cleanse and synergistic program, you can join the Spring Cleaning Mind Body Reset.

*This is NOT a diet, this is a lifestyle transformation*

You will also gain access to a group chat where I will be sharing additional resources, tips, and supportive tools during your reset and where we can support and cheer each other on.

*Additional coaching and support also available* 

Learn more: https://www.superfood.social/ult

Apply : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyJP6kqcn369f1JkjLZY73ol39cL--PcBmXQqDocwbD9p4gA/viewform

3. If you are looking for more personalized support and accountability with your hormonal health, you can join Fem Harmony:


Connect with Laurence

Email me at [email protected]

Find me at https://www.laurence-annez.com/

Follow me at https://www.instagram.com/laurence.annez/

EPISODE 90 - Falling off the wagon and breaking patterns

20m · Published 12 Apr 20:26


  • Breaking thought and habitual patterns that are keeping you small, unfulfilled, and unhappy
  • Are you embodying the kind of life you want to live NOW?
  • Stop shaming yourself for falling off the wagon… and use this reframe instead
  • Bringing unconscious drivers, values and needs to your awareness so you can actually shift your habits that do not serve you anymore
  • When we stay in the cycle of shaming ourselves for not sticking to our original plans or intentions, we just perpetuate the same cycles and behaviors…

The subconscious recoding and mind body alignment masterclass:






Connect with Laurence

Email me at [email protected]

Find me at https://www.laurence-annez.com/

Follow me at https://www.instagram.com/laurence.annez/

EPISODE 89 - Oral Health Secrets your dentist won’t tell you with Trina Felber

41m · Published 05 Apr 12:00

Trina Felber is the Founder and CEO of Primal Life Organics. As a registered nurse with a master’s degree in anesthesia, Trina disrupted the beauty industry and exposed the hyper-toxic personal care products poisoning us by Big Cosmo. She started her natural dental and skincare company in 2008 and puts her “nurse’s care” into every product she makes.Trina is a multi-million dollar entrepreneur and the best-selling author of Beauty’s Dirty Secret.She has made the Inc. 5000 list 5 years in a row and has been featured in Dr. Oz, Paleo Magazine, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox Affiliates and on hundreds of podcasts worldwide.




Due to the false information perpetrated by the $18.5 billion dollar toothpaste industry, most people end up with poor oral health.




  • Why does oral health even matter?
  • How your oral health impacts your risk of chronic disease 
  • How the oral microbiome affects the gut microbiome
  • How conventional dental products are causing poor dental health and aging them
  • 3 things to look for and avoid in your dental products
  • Is fluoride toxic? 
  • Is natural toothpaste effective?
  • How + why to alkalize your mouth
  • Naturally preventing + healing cavities
  • The benefits of red and blue light therapy


Primal Life Organics Website


Connect with Trina:


Oral Detox Package:


Teeth Whitening: 


Free Guide Downloads:

What your Dentist won't tell you


How to Heal a Cavity 


LED Teeth Whitening System


Dental Detox



Connect with Laurence

Email me at [email protected]

Find me at https://www.laurence-annez.com/

Follow me at https://www.instagram.com/laurence.annez/

EPISODE 88 - There is nothing to fix

13m · Published 22 Mar 17:39

We’ll spend our entire lives chasing ways to fix ourselves and be good enough, when really we are living from an illusion that there is a gaping hole within us.

It’s not that there is something to fix about you, it’s the BELIEF that there is - that’s what is holding you back, that’s what is pushing away what you want, that’s what is creating suffering. 

So what’s the alternative? What if there was nothing to fix?

Listen to the episode for the full conversation!


Join The subconscious recoding and mind body alignment masterclass:



Connect with Laurence:

Email me at [email protected]

Find me at https://www.laurence-annez.com/

Follow me at https://www.instagram.com/laurence.annez/

EPISODE 87 - Stop moving from a trigger

15m · Published 17 Mar 12:00


  • What stops people isn’t motivation it’s unexpressed emotions and limiting beliefs
  • Mistaking emotions for your identity
  • What happens when we suppress emotions over time
  • When you move from a trigger, aka a reactive state or a wound, you are acting from the small self
  • You don’t get rid of the trigger by controlling it or shaming it.
  • What to do instead when you’re triggered

As an NLP practitioner, hypnotherapist, and life coach I want to bring you a taste of what I do inside of my signature program and 1:1 coaching to help you to experience a shift and play within the realm of quantum physics and manifestation to open you up to possibilities beyond your current 3D reality and the character you are currently playing in your life, so…

I’m hosting a brand new masterclass and live experience to help you tap into exactly this: letting go of the mind drama and self doubt so you can tap into what it actually means to be in alignment with your authentic self, move with your intuition, and make powerful moves that empower your life.

In this FREE live training you will discover:

  • The most powerful manifestation tool you have, your subconscious mind
  • What are your internal programs and filters projecting onto your 3D reality?
  • How trauma and your subconscious programs show up in your relationships, health, business, and with money
  • The mind’s influence on healing in the body
  • Experience what it actually means; change your inner reality to change your external reality
  • Fear of success and fear of failure; what’s holding you back?
  • Some of my favourite tools, concepts, and techniques to work with the subconscious mind
  • Uncovering the resistance, stories and beliefs running the program of your life under the surface that may be blocking you from what you say you desire
  • How to create affirmations that actually WORK and replace negative thought patterns that keep you going round n’ round in circles
  • A powerful visualization experience combining the breathe in order to fully integrate, step into, and embody on a somatic level the highest version of you and your life
  • What does it mean to raise your vibration? Your energetic set point, how it is influencing what you attract into your life, and how to shift it to a higher frequency that is a match to the reality you want to experience



Register below for subconscious recoding and mind body alignment masterclass 👇



Connect with Laurence

Email me at [email protected]

Find me at https://www.laurence-annez.com/

Follow me at https://www.instagram.com/laurence.annez/

EPISODE 87 - Stop moving from a trigger

15m · Published 17 Mar 12:00


  • What stops people isn’t motivation it’s unexpressed emotions and limiting beliefs
  • Mistaking emotions for your identity
  • What happens when we suppress emotions over time
  • When you move from a trigger, aka a reactive state or a wound, you are acting from the small self
  • You don’t get rid of the trigger by controlling it or shaming it.
  • What to do instead when you’re triggered

As an NLP practitioner, hypnotherapist, and life coach I want to bring you a taste of what I do inside of my signature program and 1:1 coaching to help you to experience a shift and play within the realm of quantum physics and manifestation to open you up to possibilities beyond your current 3D reality and the character you are currently playing in your life, so…

I’m hosting a brand new masterclass and live experience to help you tap into exactly this: letting go of the mind drama and self doubt so you can tap into what it actually means to be in alignment with your authentic self, move with your intuition, and make powerful moves that empower your life.

In this FREE live training you will discover:

  • The most powerful manifestation tool you have, your subconscious mind
  • What are your internal programs and filters projecting onto your 3D reality?
  • How trauma and your subconscious programs show up in your relationships, health, business, and with money
  • The mind’s influence on healing in the body
  • Experience what it actually means; change your inner reality to change your external reality
  • Fear of success and fear of failure; what’s holding you back?
  • Some of my favourite tools, concepts, and techniques to work with the subconscious mind
  • Uncovering the resistance, stories and beliefs running the program of your life under the surface that may be blocking you from what you say you desire
  • How to create affirmations that actually WORK and replace negative thought patterns that keep you going round n’ round in circles
  • A powerful visualization experience combining the breathe in order to fully integrate, step into, and embody on a somatic level the highest version of you and your life
  • What does it mean to raise your vibration? Your energetic set point, how it is influencing what you attract into your life, and how to shift it to a higher frequency that is a match to the reality you want to experience



Register below for subconscious recoding and mind body alignment masterclass 👇



Connect with Laurence

Email me at [email protected]

Find me at https://www.laurence-annez.com/

Follow me at https://www.instagram.com/laurence.annez/

EPISODE 86 - What is actually messing up women’s health with Laurence Annez

20m · Published 15 Mar 18:26

The average woman in North America today is:

  • Exposed to 100s of endocrine-disrupting chemicals daily
  • Taught to work, function & live based on the 24H clock of the male biology
  • Prescribed birth control for every hormonal symptom & before their reproductive system has even matured
  • Eating foods that are unrecognizable to our ancestors
  • Restricting & depriving which only down-regulates her metabolism & inhibits optimal hormonal production

We were never actually taught how to take care of or connect to our bodies, to our cycle, or our feminine.

We’ve been taught to reject it all.

While being led to believe that something was wrong with US.

It’s not working… it was never meant to.

We’re disconnected from the feminine, prioritizing the masculine, bypassing our cyclical nature with synthetic pills, and suppressing our bodies’ messages and intuition.

I’ve been hearing from women that they're overwhelmed, they're overloaded, burnt out, exhausted, confused, frustrated wth all of the information out there, trying all the things, quick fix after quick fix but they're not not feeling any better or they're despising every moment of this journey trying to figure out how to get their bodies to cooperate while shaming themselves and resenting their bodies in the process..

This is why I created Fem Harmony, a 12-week program for the woman who wants to ditch the conventional approach that is not working, adopt a natural approach to hormone balancing and PCOS, live in harmony with her female cycles, and heal her relationship with food & her body.


Join Fem Harmony Today 👇



Please NOTE: This podcast is for informational purposes, it is not intended as medical advice. Please consult with your medical provider or practitioner.


Connect with Laurence

Email me at [email protected]

Find me at https://www.laurence-annez.com/

Follow me at https://www.instagram.com/laurence.annez/

Holistically Awakened has 148 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 70:43:04. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 23rd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 16th, 2024 01:10.

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