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Vitamin D with Dawn Dai

by iHeartPodcasts

Vitamin D with Dawn Dai is a podcast designed to get you excited about your life. This show will serve as a multivitamin for your mind as Dawn Dai infuses the lyrics from popular music, trending topics, conversations with everyday people and some of your favorite celebrities to bring forth an inspirational message. Be sure to get your dose of Vitamin D with Dawn Dai.

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I'm Not Afraid

1m · Published 23 Nov 08:00

Fear is false evidence appearing real. It is the very state that paralyzes us. It strips us from our ability to move. It causes us to get "stuck." Stuck in the sense that it inhibits us from reaching our true potential.

Learn to appreciate fear. Fear will guide you in the direction in where you need to grow. We’ve been conditioned to rebuke fear, however, I encourage you to run through fear and surpass it. In the song “Not Afraid” by Eminem he belts, “…I just can't keep living this way. So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage. I'm standing up, I'ma face my demons.”

So what do you say? Are you ready to conquer your fears? It all starts with one step. Let’s do this together because, “I'ma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly.”

It’s time for you to take that leap of faith and say “Fear, you ain’t got nothing on me!”

That's it for your dose of Vitamin D. Be sure to follow us on all social media @VitaminDDawnDai and until next time, always remember, "you are your greatest asset!"

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Make The Choice, You Deserve Good Things

15m · Published 21 Nov 08:00

Are you living the life you deserve? If not, why? You do understand that every day you wake up you either make the choice to live life on purpose and for a purpose or you don’t. Either you can happen to life or allow life to happen to you. So, what say you? Dive in as Dawn talks how doubt can creep up on us and why we have to make the choice to live our best life. It’s time to focus on the things we can change so we can live the life we deserve.

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Can You See The Change?

3m · Published 18 Nov 08:00

Change. The modification, the altercation, the altering. Basically something different. Change that you see in yourself and embracing that change. Change is uncomfortable. I like to think change is synonymous with growth. Because growth, it's an evolution. But more importantly, it's a process. And it makes me think of this track, "I Can See The Change" by Celeste. And in it she says, "I can see the change. Come what may, I won't regret today. I can see the change. Feel the pace of everything. Who am I? Teary-eyed? Who are you in your life?" See, we talk about change. We talk about wanting more, but we forget about the process.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, "We ask God to grow, and then it starts raining." At what point do you say you want to change and you allow yourself to change? See, we overextend ourselves in different circumstances and different things saying we want to change, basically overselling ourselves and telling these lies over and over again. But what happens when they run out? What happens when you're all cried out? Do you stay the same? Or do you change? She says, "I can see the change better than I ever could before. I am what remains different in the same frame that I was."

We have to remember that change starts on the inside and we have to remind ourselves to not get caught up on what's around us. "Don't let what you see make you forget what God said." Just because things haven't esthetically changed immediately that you want it, understand that it has to start with your mind process. So what's going on in the inside? Oftentimes, I feel what stops us from changing is that whole notion of standing out. She goes on to say, "Standing out. Like I need it now. Like a fool does. It doesn't mean I'll adjust..." that's my ellipses. Let the world adjust. A.k.a. be who you are. “What allows a diamond to shine are the multitudes of cuts that have been placed within it.”

Cuts of shame. Cuts of mistakes. Cuts of disgrace. Cuts of things that may not show the "perfection" or so we think. But realizing that when we step in the light you are "perfectly imperfect." It also says that you're not afraid to be who you are. Half the time life passes us by because we don't want to be the fool. We don't want to be the one that stands out. But just like I've said before, "a star in the sky, twinkles in the sky at night and amidst all the blackness, it still stands out." So I'm asking you, "Can you see the change?" Better yet, do you want the change? The time is now. To be everything that you've ever wanted to be. Standing out in spite of everything.

Just knowing that you can be free. I'ma be the change that I want to see. And I hope you will, too.

Alright. That's it for your dose of "Vitamin D." Be sure to follow us on all social media at @VitaminDDawnDai and until next time, always remember, "you are your greatest asset."

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Live Your Life For You

2m · Published 16 Nov 08:00

You know, we get so caught up in caring what other people think of us, that we rob ourselves of our own joy. We will adjust the way we walk, talk, dress, how we wear our hair, who we date, what we do for a living based on someone else’s opinion of us. Ain’t that crazy? Now, I’m not saying that it’s uncommon but that’s crazy as hell when you think about it. To actually allow someone who cannot eat for you, who cannot sleep for you nor use the bathroom for you, to dictate how you live your life. You know, I think it’s because of shame or some sort of lack of confidence of being who we are meant to be and the thing is is that being who we are is what makes us shine. 

You know, I was on my morning jog and I came across this remix or you can say “2.0 version” of Cece Peniston's legendary hit single, “Finally” and this is with Amorphous & Kelly Rowland and in the track Kelly belts, “Waited for this moment, it’s so golden. You can see it in the way we shine, oh yes I do believe we’re chosen.” Yes, we have been chosen to live our best life on purpose and for a purpose and you can only do that by being authentically who you are. Now, that may look like you declaring, “the words you used to try to hurt me, don’t mean a thing anymore….ain’t no stressin, ain’t no worries, it’s me I’m living for.”

Are you ready to live your life for you? I hope you too can say, “Finally it has happened to me, right in front of my face, my feelings can’t describe it.” Cause that’s joy and you deserve that! 

Alright. That’s it for your dose of "Vitamin D." Be sure to follow us on all social media @VitaminDDawnDai and until next time, always remember, “you are your greatest asset.”

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"Tell Me What You Want"

3m · Published 14 Nov 08:00

What do you want out of life? They say our choices dictate our desires and wants. So if you are not receiving what it is that you desire out of life and what you want, then perhaps there needs to be some look on the choices that you have decided to make in your life. I mean, heck, if we look at it just alphabetically wise, if we look at from the time that we are born to the time that we are dying. You have a "B" for birth. A "D" death. The only letter in between is a "C" for choice. What are you choosing or how are you choosing to live your life?

See, I can say all day or you can say all day how you want to lose weight. Are you working out? Are you eating properly? Now you say you ready for a relationship. Have you gotten down to getting to know and have a relationship with yourself? Have you made room for yourself to exist? Are you in a space where you're vulnerable enough or even have made room for somebody to coexist in your life? You said you want that car. You want a new home, but what's your credit looking like? Did you save enough money? Do you have enough for the down payment? Again, what are the choices you're making in your life? It made me think about the Spice Girls. Remember that track, "Tell Me What You Want" and they were like, "So tell me what you want what you really really want. I'll tell you what I want. What I really really I want to. I want to."

What do you want? That's the time-old question. Half the time maybe that's the hardest part about it. Getting our desires and our wants because we aren't able to identify. I think half the time we think that we want something. But based on the choices that we're making, is that something completely different? So I have to ask you, "what do you want?" Better yet, tell me what you want. Better yet, show me what you want. Better yet, show yourself what you want. That's the challenge. Put it up to the test of yourself because at the end of the day it's always me versus me or you versus you. It's whoever you see when you look back in the mirror and then looking back at the choices that you make because it's already written that you can have whatever it is that you want out of life.

But just like anything of bearing fruit, a seed has to be planted. But we have to be cognizant of the soil that we're planting the seed in. Where is your seed growing? Hmm? Do you have your desires and your wants out of life? "So tell me what you want, what you really, really want." You know what I want? I want to be great. I want to be powerful beyond measure. I want the world to know my name. I want somebody to say, "Because Dawn can, I knew that I could." I want somebody to see me and say that “I’m possible.” I want my yacht. I want to be on all the TV screens and on the radio, and you just hear me. I want love.

So, I myself have to look back on my choices because our choices dictate our desires and our wants. So here I go again. "Tell me what you want, what you really, really want." 

All right. That's it. For your dose of "Vitamin D." Be sure to follow us on all social media @VitaminDDawnDai and until next time, always remember, "you are your greatest asset."

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Keep On Movin'

2m · Published 11 Nov 08:00

Hear me when I say this. You can't fail if you don't quit. If you fall down seven times, get up eight. If you can look up, you can get up. Your location is not your destination. Did you know that you have survived 100% of the worst days of your life? So why are you tripping?

Look, no one said life was going to be easy. But if you decide to live it on purpose and for a purpose, I guarantee you it will be worth it. But you have to make the decision to happen to life rather than allow life to happen to you. And that means not allowing your fear to paralyze you. Not allowing yourself to be stuck. Embracing change, seeking more, having a vision. Affirming the promises on your life and expecting abundance exceedingly and beyond.

I was taking a listen to the track "Keep On Movin'" by Soul II Soul. And in the chorus they say, "Keep on moving. Don't stop, like the hands of time. Click-clock, find your own way to stay. The time will come one day." Greater is coming. Expect it. But just don't stop. Keep going at whatever it is that you want.

Remind yourself, you're worthy of it. Okay? Now keep on moving.

That's it for your dose of "Vitamin D." Be sure to follow us on all social media @VitaminDDawnDai and until next time, always remember, "you are your greatest asset."

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Been "Grinding All My Life"

1m · Published 09 Nov 08:00

Dreams don't work unless you do. You know, there's this thing called "sweat equity." Perhaps you even heard it in the scripture, “faith without works is dead" and that applies to every aspect of your life. You have to work for the things that you want. It doesn't just fall on your lap. Because remember, dreams don't work unless you do. So what say you?

Do you feel that you are worth the life that you've always desired? The peace? Perhaps that relationship? That ideal physique? Are you worth it? Now you do understand that in order to transcend from where you are, to get to where you want to be, that it's going to take work.

It makes me think of this track by Nipsey Hussle, "Grinding All My Life." In it he says, "All my life, I've been grinding all my life. Sacrificed, hustled, paid the price. Want a slice, got to roll the dice. That's why, all my life, been grinding all my life." You ready to put in that work? Look, I'm here to tell you that you're worth it and you deserve it. So, say it with me, "been grinding all my life."

All right, that's it for your dose of "Vitamin D." Be sure to follow us on all social media @VitaminDDawnDai and until next time, always remember, “you are your greatest asset.”

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Know Yourself, Know Your Worth

28m · Published 07 Nov 08:00

On this episode, Dawn speaks on how you are the only blueprint for your life and the importance of trusting the timeline you’re on. Dawn reflects on how she started her “Vitamin D with Dawn Dai” podcast underneath a comforter in New York to recording in a professional studio in Sherman Oaks, CA. Dreams don’t work unless you do and Dawn is putting in that work. Take a listen as Dawn shares her aspirations of becoming bigger than Oprah.

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"Ready Or Not," Here Life Comes

1m · Published 04 Nov 07:00

Either you happen to life or you allow life to happen to you. I think sometimes we have this notion that we have a "pause," "rewind" and "delete" button when it comes to life. That's not how it works. That's why I always say it's so important to “live life on purpose and for a purpose.” I always tell you how “you are your greatest asset.”

Well I need to add something on to that. And it's “time.” Time is one of the most precious assets, I should say. Because once it's gone, it's gone forever. Once it's spent, you can't get it back. It makes me think of the track by The Fugees, "Ready or Not." In it you hear the chorus, "Ready or not, here I come. You can't hide, going to find you and take it slowly. Ready or not, here I come. You can't hide. Going to find you and make you want me."

I don't care how fast and how far you go. You can't run from your life. You have to choose to live your life on purpose and for a purpose. So what say you? Ready or not, here life comes.

All right. That's it for your dose of "Vitamin D." Be sure to follow us on all social media @VitaminDDawnDai and until next time, always remember, "you are your greatest asset."

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Ain't That "Just Like God"

2m · Published 02 Nov 07:00

God is good. And the way you can really understand and appreciate how good God is, is to have a relationship with God. And in order for that relationship to take place, that means you've had to go through some things. Because you probably had to call on God for a few things. Not understanding why you had to go through what you're going through, but understanding, you know you got to get through it.

I was taking a listen to this track by Evvie McKinney. It's entitled, "Just Like God" and in it, she says, "I see blessings falling out of nowhere. And I'm thinking, ain't that just like God." Hey! When you know, you know. You're sometimes in situations when you cannot see, but somehow a way is made. And oftentimes we refer to that as "grace" or as some may say "favor."

And we understand how blessed we are because God's word is constant. Evvie continues, "The world is changing, but your love holds me steady. And I'm thinking, ain't that just like God?" Ain't that just like God to show up and show out? Where the ground you may be standing on may be unsteady. When the winds seem to want to blow you over or perhaps the shadow seems too dark.

It's a "but God" kind of moment. It's a "but God" kind of day. We live in a "but God" kind of lifestyle. So the next time you're looking at something that face your way, remind yourself there's goodness on the other side of the rainbow and say, "Ain't that just like God?"

That’s it for your dose of "Vitamin D." Be sure to follow us on all social media @VitaminDDawnDai and until next time, always remember, "you are your greatest asset."

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Vitamin D with Dawn Dai has 381 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 112:07:10. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 23rd, 2024 17:41.

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