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Hollis Colquhoun

by Archive

Financial survival counselor Hollis Colquhoun is an expert in "financial self-defense" for women and co-author of the new book, "Women Empowering Themselves: A Financial Survival Guide". Hollis wrote the concise, pocket-book manual to help women take charge of their finances and overcome money anxiety disorder (M.A.D.). Hollis, who holds black belts in Karate and Taekwondo, combines martial arts principles with over 20 years experience on Wall Street and her work as a financial counselor to help women of all ages and situations achieve financial security and independence. Contact Hollis at
[email protected] .

Copyright: Copyright Archive


Wednesday Afternoon F.E.S.T.

29m · Published 21 Dec 19:00
Hollis Colquhoun, financial expert, author of "Women Empowering Themselves: A Financial Survival Guide" and martial artist talks about personal finance topics, new, savings tips, scams, with a little martial arts thrown in.

Wednesday Afternoon F.E.S.T.

30m · Published 14 Dec 19:00
Hollis Colquhoun, financial expert, author of "Women Empowering Themselves: A Financial Survival Guide" and martial artist talks about personal finance topics, new, savings tips, scams, with a little martial arts thrown in.

Wednesday Afternoon F.E.S.T.

31m · Published 07 Dec 19:00
Hollis Colquhoun, financial expert, author of "Women Empowering Themselves: A Financial Survival Guide" and martial artist talks about personal finance topics, new, savings tips, scams, with a little martial arts thrown in.

Wednesday Afternoon F.E.S.T.

30m · Published 30 Nov 19:00
Hollis Colquhoun, financial expert, author of "Women Empowering Themselves: A Financial Survival Guide" and martial artist talks about personal finance topics, new, savings tips, scams, with a little martial arts thrown in.

Wednesday Afternoon F.E.S.T.

31m · Published 16 Nov 19:00
Hollis Colquhoun, financial expert, author of "Women Empowering Themselves: A Financial Survival Guide" and martial artist talks about personal finance topics, new, savings tips, scams, with a little martial arts thrown in.

Hollis Colquhoun has 5 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 2:32:27. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on February 15th, 2023 16:06.

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