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Point of Life

by Archive

Michael Levy is the author of 10 inspirational books. Michael's poetry and essays now grace many web sites, newspapers, journals and magazines throughout the world. He is a prominent speaker on health maintenance, stress eradication, wealth development, authentic happiness and inspirational poetry. His newest meaningful, inspirational book - The Joys of Live Alchemy - is available at all good book stores and Michael's web site:

Copyright: Copyright Archive


Enjoy The Enchanting, Delightful Voice of Singer, Songwriter, MissJenem

30m · Published 14 Aug 18:30
Miss Jenem is a 15 year old girl with a unique voice and creative song writing talent that far surpasses her young age. She has recently won the Star of Salford, UK singing contest & has been runner up in previous talent contests. As her natural skills progress, she will achieve her hearts desires to entertain people for the Joy it brings them. Few artist can connect soul to soul in the same way as MissJenem can do, magnetizing an audience by her golden voice and exquisite lyrics.... Enjoy the show 

The Joys of Live Alchemy

29m · Published 27 Nov 16:00

In a series of essays and short stories, you will discover alternatives to the way you now perhaps perceive your world to be. Each essay highlights the cause of … depressive worry, debilitating anxiety, wealth deficiency, illness manifestation, emotional negativity and intellectual despondency. 

The identity you carry could be the cause of much sorrow and grief if you are not aware of the damage it can do to your health and wealth. A live alchemist can change negative situations into enlightening experiences… misrepresentations into facts….slants into equilibrium….intellectual blindness into intelligent wisdom. With the aid of live alchemy, every person can live a more genuine life on earth once the realization of the true self becomes a reality.

You Can Beat Lung Cancer with Dr. Carl O Helvie

30m · Published 20 Nov 16:00
 Living Proof That By Taking Responsibility For His Own Life One Man Was Able To Beat The Odds

Taking into account the recent findings by a team of researchers in Washington State who accidentally discovered that chemotherapy fuels the growth of cancer cells and makes it much more difficult to destroy the second time around, it behooves us to keep an open mind about alternative treatment. Dr. Carl O. Helvie chose the latter 38 years ago after being told his lung cancer was terminal; today he is a thriving 80-year old who takes absolutely no prescribed medication and is the longest living cancer survivor!

Packed with information based on his 60-year career in medicine and research, Dr. Helvie's latest book You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions (Ayni Books), includes valuable input from leading medical and health practitioners in the field today and shares how he used holistic natural interventions of supplements, herbs, enzymes, diet, prayer and meditation to beat this dreaded disease and prevent a recurrence - with absolutely no negative side effects whatsoever.

Free of cancer for nearly four decades and living without any prescription medication, Dr. Helvie still hosts his own radio health show With nearly 90% of Americans over 65 currently suffering some kind of chronic illness and expecting three times that by age 75, his holistic lifestyle seems to be "the gift that keeps on giving.


The Uniquely American Experience Of Zen with Erik Storlie

30m · Published 13 Nov 16:00
 In many ways, the practice of Eastern meditation meets its antithesis in traditional American culture. That's why early readers find Go Deep and Take Plenty of Root:  A Prairie-Norwegian Father, Rebellion in Minneapolis, Basement Zen, Growing Old, Growing Tender by Erik Storlie such a gripping experience.
Storlie tells his story of the rebellion in the sixties that led to widespread meditation practice in America. Here we experience the underground Beat scene in Minneapolis that inspired the early Bob Dylan. We meet the poets Robert Bly and James Wright. Finally, we share the author's struggle to transmute psychedelic explorations into Zen and mindfulness – and to become a loving son, father, and husband.  

"Cultivation of the human mind and body in the quiet, open awareness of meditation is deeply satisfying,” says author Erik Storlie. "We touch the strange wonder of this existing universe and the moment by moment arising of our human consciousness. We can practice this whether we are famous or obscure or something in between. And we can bring that satisfaction into our everyday lives of work, friends, and family.”


Imagination rules the world....Interview with Bill Heid

29m · Published 06 Nov 16:00
Bill Heid, founder of Henty Alive, introduces the first audio dramatization of Under Drake's Flag: The Extraordinary Adventures of G. A. Henty.

Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." And Napoleon said, "Imagination rules the world."

These were men of enormous accomplishment and lauded by many as geniuses. So, if they thought so much of the power of imagination, it must have some merit. And if that's the case, we as parents (and grandparents) have a real dilemma on our hands when it comes to our children's future.

Our children are living in a world that is increasingly bombarding them with visual imagery. And the effect of all this visual imagery (television, video games, online videos, et cetera) and all other kinds of image-based "education" and entertainment is that it creates a world that's highly artificial.

And this highly artificial world, quite literally… shuts down their imagination! Give the children in your life timeless stories of character, courage and commitment that will ignite a lifetime of passion for living boldly in God's world.

Point of Life has 5 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 2:30:24. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on September 11th, 2023 15:49.

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