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Align Shine Prosper

by Archive

To smooth transition out of a dark age into the light of a new era, foretold long ago by many indigenous cultures, Align Shine Prosper radio unmasks reality as it is not how people would like it to be. Tune in for unvarnished truth and resources to right the wrongs that keep humans playing small. Tune in and tune up your ‘innernet’ the most sophisticated technology ever to grace this Earth.

Copyright: Copyright Archive


SOS: Open Letter To The American People

15m · Published 18 Jul 14:30
Monkey is clever. Monkey is a trickster. Remember that because 2016 is the year of the RED Fire Monkey, as well as Super Shemitah ending Oct 02, US Presidential election Nov 08, Jubilee Year ending Nov 20, and very likely we will see a move by the ruling 1%, to come out from behind the veil and take their overt position as our oppressors. In other words, there will be a SHIFT from the appearance that humans are free, to KNOWING that we are 'not' free. They have to come out from behind the veil to do this, and before they come out from behind the veil, before we are locked down*, they are in a very vulnerable position.

This program invites you to acquire new knowledge to safeguard you and family. Listen, learn, and see reality as it is now how you'd like it to be, so that together we right the wrongs. It's time to find out how the cabal maintains power over us, and how to stop it!

Do not allow the Republican and Democratic National Conventions to become a tinder box of 'manufactured' racial tension. #BlackLivesMatter is about political status not race, to lock everyone down under martial law*.

If ever there was a time to pull together it is now. Please share widely!

Doreen Agostino unveils reality as it is, to empower peace, competence, and freedom.

March 2016 Astro Game Changer Alert

8m · Published 08 Mar 17:30
March 2016: This will be a time seeding incredible change, seeds will be planted to provoke a close review of life purpose.

The solar eclipse in Pisces occurs in the energy of the Super ‘New Moon’ of March 8th and the eclipse will achieve  ‘Total Eclipse’ at 1:58 a.m. UT on 9th March, and at 8:58 pm on March 8thon the eastern coast of America. 

This has far reaching effects, and will provide the energy burst of flooding the planet with ‘life force’ energy units in peak during the 4+ minutes of totality. For your time zone click here

Gain mastery of self in order to forge a greater Truth !

Resolution Guide, Author, Radio Host, Emissary of Well-being and Natural Law, Doreen Agostino specializes in the deeper meaning of reality to empower best solutions.


CHEMTRAILS: An INHUMANE Act on a Population

1h 42m · Published 12 Jun 00:00
Listen now and 'prove' to yourself that chemtrails are not contrails. CHEMTRAILS are toxic chemicals sprayed by aircraft over crops, nature, water, and human beings, which is an INHUMANE act on a population, a CRIME against humanity, ASSAULT on Earth, and all life.

The chemtrail debate ends the moment you look at the sky over your head. Something each of us can do right now is ask for police protection from chemtrails. Do it anonymously if you like for the love of yourself, your family, and natural systems required for survival.

Learn more at

Links in COMMENT section below.

Our guest Yacob Yoseh is a technical specialist with a proven track record in higher mind problem solving techniques. Yacob's Mother after 20 years on medication, and with doctor’s approval, no longer required medication thanks to Yacob's research into endocrinology. His study and application of math, physics, chemistry, electronics, and computer programming, resulted in handling large capital projects in the range of $400 million.

LEARN MORE about Doreen Agostino, and download free self empowerment resources at Please forward our programs to raise awareness that liberates our species and home planet.


De-colonize Politically To Preserve Life and Community

1h 29m · Published 24 Nov 19:00
Nicole Lebrasseur is a woman of vision and action. Nicole's in depth research into colonization of America, and no nonsense common sense solutions, compel each of us to prevent extermination of sovereignty in our lives and communities. This requires all citizens regardless of race, color, creed to wise up, peacefully link up, speak up, and stand together, to dissolve one world government attempts to legislate out of physical reality, unalienable rights of human beings to live free, sane, responsibly, in abundance, dignity, and security.

The Truth About AMERICA Incorporated

Nicole Lebrasseur established a state of the art system in Infection Control Health Care, combining private and not for profit, with a focus on pay it forward communities. Nicole is a strong proponent of honouring and implementing the Kahswentha/Two Row Wampum and the Great law, connecting Canadians and the Original people of Turtle Island in unity, in spite of the preferred Globalization direction the present government is implementing, to remove Canadians and Indigenous Sovereignty in exchange for world governance.

Learn about your host Doreen Agostino, free resources, and the New World Agreement at To transition between worlds with most ease click social icons to share our programs.

Outer Space Security+Development Treaty | Dr. Carol Rosin

1h 27m · Published 09 Aug 00:00
Former Missile Defense Consultant Dr. Carol Rosin co-authored the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty with distinguished others identified during our program, reveals a plan to weaponize space for the purpose of world domination. We urge you to listen and forward this program to end all harm! 
Crises in energy, food, water, environment, economics, weather; war; exploitation of people and natural resources for profit are part of reality because we allow it. Listen now to the critical nature of expanding our awareness, cooperation, taking a stand to preserve natural systems and all life. The next step: either we 'allow' total breakdown, or decide our species is worth saving, and together start talking about the bad news, in order to have meaningful conversations that 'allow' us to break through into a new sustainable world. New space age possibilities are astounding! 
Dr. Carol Rosin, Founder, Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, World Peace Ambassador Interntl Assn of Educators for World Peace; Consultant to P.E.A.C.E. Inc., Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth. Dr. Rosin shares firsthand experience with Cosmic Cultures and their imparted wisdom.

Author, Self-realize Specialist, Earth Steward, Radio Host, New World Bringer, Doreen expands awareness to transform the human dilemma into a coherent new world. Free resource ‘New Human 2013 New Earth’ at   Use social icons to forward our prog

Align Shine Prosper has 5 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 5:03:25. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on September 11th, 2023 15:47.

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